
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Frontline -- Black Money

Heh, we'll see how it goes. I wrote a report in a business class ten years ago. Since there are people here from all over the world, I had to interview as many people as I could about "black money." I learned a new Spanish word- Mordida. Let's see if they cover bribery inside the US?...

(Update 12:17 AM 4/15/2009 It's viewable online, and it's all about the US discontinuing official bribery and then other countries following suit. And then all of the mulitnational corporations going underground and continuing to find a way to bribe, which is way the world does business.

Who the fuck is working the PBS station this month as SDSU? The brat ought to be flunked. This is what's actually ON right now, instead of Black Money, which was advertised.

Pakistan: Children of the Taliban

Great. Just what I want to see, a bunch of morons determined to move people back into the 7th century. Hey, first priority, destroy girls schools, and make women wear fucking pup tents.

Minnesota Judges: Franken Received Highest Number of Votes

posted by John Nichols on 04/13/2009 @ 9:40pm


Monday, April 13, 2009

Chomsky 'splains it

What the Paulites Have Right
posted by Zephyr Teachout on 04/13/2009 @ 08:25am

Of course, we citizens have to compete with these fuckers for some attention from our Congressional "Representatives."

The Power of Lobbying
— By Kevin Drum | Mon April 13, 2009 10:19 AM PST

Mother fuckers, wouldja look at that! Half of the top ten companies gaining tax breaks through lobbying are drug companies. Maybe they should be paying for the "War on (illegal) Drugs" since some of the people without Rx insurance to pay for anti-depressants, or chronic pain medication turn to the evil marijuana for some relief.

Unrelated, but following up on the Obama continues the government spying on us

Predictably, the MSM ignores it and it looks like more wait and see if Pelosi gets pushed enough by those of us who are pissed off about it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

¿Qué onda güero?

Because I just love this song. I have no idea why, except it's so LA, plus, depending on the circumstances, I have been called güera, AND gringa.

From the Urban dictionary:

A term used for Latinas who have a fairer complexion and lighter hair/eyes than their more darker Latina counterparts. It is not the same as a "gringa." It is important to note that in the spelling there is an umlaut above the letter "u" giving it a "w" sound, pronounced like "weda". Can be either derogatory or complimentary given the circumstances. The masculine form would be guero.

h1. que onda guero Spanish for "What's up, whitey?!"

1. Guero
a spanish slang term for a fair skinned or light haired person. once again it is not derogatory but can be used that way

So, now you know why it says ¿Qué onda güera? right under politickybitch.

I'm almost finished reading Mike Davis' "City of Quartz" (C)1990. Thank God because it is one depressing book. The black and Latino gang problem hasn't gotten any better since he wrote the book 20 years ago. This documentary, La Vida Loca (my crazy life) that I spotted in the LA Times today highlights it, and the US' part in the proliferation of Latino gangs.

I'll bet it doesn't go into how the little fuckers kill people who are not Latino, just because they can and they want them out of the neighborhoods they take over. I know what of I speak. My friend had to send her kid out of the state so he wouldn't get killed by the nasty little fuckers who killed his friend.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Update 1:55 PM 4/12/2009 Heh, fuckers shouln't have messed with a US ship, 3 out of 4 of them are dead now.

Pirates Seize Tug With Crew of 16 as U.S. Captain Is Still Hostage
Published: April 11, 2009

Look, here's the deal people. Until multinational corporate interests invest in the people of Africa instead of extracting raw materials and cheap labor, the violence spilling out of there will only get worse. Being that piracy is interfering with global trade, now might be a good time to do that.

The top nine out of ten birth rates are in Africa. A couple of those high birth rates are negated by the high death rates. It's all very complicated, this counting of people, even my eyes glaze over at times. What it boils down to, though, and correct me if I'm wrong, are total fertility rates. Africa's, overall, are high.

This is something that happens in "undeveloped" countries.

Declining total fertility rates in the Middle Eastern countries can be linked to female education, female empowerment, a shift to urban, rather than rural environments, and increasing availability of medical care.







And they had some help getting there. It's no wonder they are
listening to Osama bin Laden, but he's a damn hypocrite also. How many of his 51 siblings would have lived if westerners had never had anything to do with Saudi Arabia, and how would his father gotten out of Yemen and then rich in construction in SA?

These American jihadi morons aren't helping anyone.

Somehow I missed Jersey Cynic's post over at Blondesense . Yeesh, as if I needed another reason to hate Lawrence Summers.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Way to icrease the digital divide even more ya fucktards

Time Warner Tests $150-Per-Month Unlimited Internet

A pay-what-you-use model is the fairest option for customers while generating the revenue needed, Time Warner Cable COO Landel Hobbs says.

By Antone Gonsalves
April 10, 2009 06:05 PM

Time Warner (NYSE: TWX) Cable has released new pricing for consumption-based Internet billing the company is testing in some areas of the United States. The tiered pricing, which the company plans to roll out in other regions this year, includes unlimited service for $150 a month...

...Time Warner Cable plans to being trials in Rochester, N.Y., and Greensboro, N.C., in August, expanding to San Antonio and Austin, Texas, in October...

yeah, yeah, keep those brown people offa the net

Tonight on PBS NOW

Can Coal be Earth-Friendly?

Can America's cheapest and most plentiful energy resource be produced without burning the environment?

Americans are addicted to coal—it powers half of all our electricity, and is both plentiful and cheap. In fact, some call America the "Saudi Arabia of Coal." But are we paying too high an environmental price for all this cheap energy?

With carbon emissions caps high on the Obama Administration's agenda, coal is in the crosshairs of the energy debate. This week, NOW Senior Correspondent Maria Hinojosa travels to Wyoming to take a hard look at the coal industry there and its case that it can produce "clean coal"—coal that can be burned without releasing carbon into the atmosphere. President Obama has been outspoken in his support for "clean coal" technology, but some say the whole concept is more of a public relations campaign....

Exactly. One Third of greenhouse gases are from coal fired power plants. There are 600 of them nationwide

Fiber Optic Cable Cut intentionally

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Obama continues the government spying on us

Keith Olbermann's scathing criticism of Obama's secrecy/immunity claims
Glenn Greenwald at Salon
Wednesday April 8, 2009 10:26 EDT

...Last night, Keith Olbermann -- who has undoubtedly been one of the most swooning and often-uncritical admirers of Barack Obama of anyone in the country (behavior for which I rather harshly criticized him in the past) -- devoted the first two segments of his show to emphatically lambasting Obama and Eric Holder's DOJ for the story I wrote about on Monday: namely, the Obama administration's use of the radical Bush/Cheney state secrets doctrine and -- worse still -- a brand new claim of "sovereign immunity" to insist that courts lack the authority to decide whether the Bush administration broke the law in illegally spying on Americans...

Great. So I guess I'll never know if the NSA enjoys my friends and I jokingly telling them "Hi and fuck you, you fucking fucks!" when we are discussing current events. D'ya think they'll report me to Mossad if I'm critical of the rabid right Israeli warhawks running US foreign policy in the Middle East? Hope they like PMS and period discussions because we talk about that too, bwaaaa haha ha ha ha ha!

Mark Klein - AT&T WhistleBlower

Sickness bubbling up

from PBS's Sick Around America.

I'm still digging around, but I tend to believe the CORPORATE CRIME REPORTER when they say that

PBS Lashes Back
23 Corporate Crime Reporter 15, April 7, 2009

Last week, I wrote an article – “Something is Rotten at PBS” – about a slanted PBS Frontline documentary – “Sick Around America.”

Frontline hired former Washington Post reporter T.R. Reid to put together the documentary.

Reid did the reporting.

He turned over his interviews to the Frontline producers.

And they came back with a documentary Reid couldn’t agree with.

Frontline tried to get Reid to narrate the film anyway – whether he agreed with it or not.

Reid refused.

Reid and Frontline parted ways.

After “Something is Rotten at PBS” ran last week, I got a ton of e-mail.

So did Frontline.

“Something is Rotten at PBS” struck a nerve.

This week, Frontline lashed back.... (if you haven't already, please read the whole thing )

And viewers of the PBS show have questions and concerns about the show here .

One of the sponsors was The Colorado Health Foundation
nonprofit, yet:

Our assets total $800 million, including an investment portfolio as well as our ownership interest in Denver's Health ONE hospital system.

Somehow in the midst of following the Google links, starting with the names of the organizations who sponsored the PBS show I ended up with this woman's name
( Comcast and Do Gooder TV put together makes me laugh)

Who? "spent 12 years with the group whose mission is to burnish downtown Denver's image to spur business,..."

Lauer interviews Spitzer

I still wanna know if that ho was double dippin'?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Jean-Michel Cousteau

Sea Ghosts.

I loved watching the Jacques Cousteau specials when I was a kid. I've always loved the water and watching fish and marine mammals' graceful movements. This show was disturbing to me because once again, humans leave a trail of death and destruction in their wake. No irony of course, that the show was brought to us by Dow Chemical. One item that the narrator mentioned stood out in my mind and that was that she said something about the noise from searching for oil and gas might possibly be harming the Belugas.

No, really?

In the reading queue

(click on book cover to purchase, it took so damn long to get the copy from the library I almost forgot why I wanted to read The Ayatollah Begs to Differ by Hooman Majd, yeesh)

I'm still only 1/2 way through this, and so far it's only confirming my long-standing suspicions that the land developers and defense contractors have a nasty stranglehold on Southern California politics. Click on the book cover for a very brief blurb on City of Quartz by Mike Davis.
I haven't read about street gangs yet, but according to the blurb its covered.

Krugman on Maddow last night and Chris Hedges

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Resist or Become Serfs

America is devolving into a third-world nation. And if we do not immediately halt our elite’s rapacious looting of the public treasury we will be left with trillions in debts, which can never be repaid, and widespread human misery which we will be helpless to ameliorate. Our anemic democracy will be replaced with a robust national police state. The elite will withdraw into heavily guarded gated communities where they will have access to security, goods and services that cannot be afforded by the rest of us. Tens of millions of people, brutally controlled, will live in perpetual poverty. This is the inevitable result of unchecked corporate capitalism. The stimulus and bailout plans are not about saving us. They are about saving them. We can resist, which means street protests, disruptions of the system and demonstrations, or become serfs...

Yeesh, this guy Hedges thinks like I do. Aren't you glad you don't live in my head?
And what's this here? The Russians and the Chinese want to mess with our electricity system? WTF?

US electricity grid hit by cyber attacks: report
Agence France-Presse
Published: Wednesday April 8, 2009
Chinese and Russian cyber-spies have hacked into the US electricity grid and inserted programs that could be used to disrupt the system, a report said Wednesday

...In March 2008, Canadian investigators achieved a cyber-security triumph: the exposure of a malicious data-gathering botnet...

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I've heard that sucide by cop was growing,

but suicide by fighter plane?

Stolen plane from Canada escorted by US fighters
By ROBERT IMRIE – 36 minutes ago

WAUSAU, Wis. (AP) — A man suspected of stealing a plane in Canada and flying erratically across three states was trying to commit suicide, hoping he would be shot down by military fighter planes, a state trooper said Tuesday.

Adam Dylan Leon, 31, was arrested at a convenience store in Ellsinore, Mo., shortly after landing the single-engine, four-seat Cessna on a rural Missouri road Monday night, ending a six-hour flight, police said...

Monday, April 06, 2009

Italy in desperate race to save the buried after the earthquake

From The Times
April 7, 2009

...The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck shortly after 3.30am local time,..

...L’Aquila, a 13th-century walled city 60km (about 40 miles) from Rome, bore the brunt of the devastation, although tremors awoke Italians as far away as Emilia Romagna, near Bologna, in the north, to Naples in the south. Emergency workers scrambled over the debris of collapsed churches and historic buildings in a desperate effort to pluck survivors from the rubble. The death toll was expected to rise...

Italy earthquake leaves 130 dead and scores more trapped under rubble

• Rescue effort hampered by debris blocking roads
• Up to 15,000 buildings destroyed by quake

...and at least 50,000 people are homeless.

That is a lot of damage and a lot of dead for a 6.3.

Italy quake death toll rises, aftershocks continue
Wed Apr 8, 2009 3:14am EDT
* Italian quake death toll rises to 250, over 1,000 injured

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Film Of Police Attack On G20 Climate Camp

(click on title link)

I'm reserving judgment till there is more information.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Anatomy of a Murder

How journalists dropped the ball on the Columbine massacre
Page Views — April 01, 2009 07:30 AM
By Steve Weinberg

Banksters explained on Moyers last night

By the regulator who figured out what happened to take down the savings and loan fraudsters in the 80's. I wish PBS would quit fucking around with the schedule here in San Diego. I missed Amy Goodman and Glenn Greenwald on Moyers last night also.

Yes Virginia there is such a thing as real journalists in the United States.

So instead of going outside and enjoying the lovely day, my ass is parked in front of the 'puter to watch something it was parked on the couch too late to watch last night.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Rocket Fuel Chemical Found in Baby Formula

EPA Deems Perchlorate Levels Safe, But Advocacy Group Says Public Is at Risk

...Perchlorate has been found in the water supplies of 35 states and has been detected in everything from vegetables to milk. In the case of dairy, the rocket fuel in the water flows into grass, which is eaten by cows, and is then passed along into milk.

The perchlorate was found in levels within a range that's been deemed safe by the Environmental Protection Agency....

Who's EPA says it's safe? The Bush appointees lying sack of shit, let business do whatever it wants to increase profits EPA?

...After years of debate, EPA made a preliminary announcement in October that it wouldn’t limit the amount of perchlorate, a component of rocket fuel, allowed in drinking water. This decision hands a victory to the Pentagon and the National Aeronautics & Space Administration, which are responsible for contamination of some aquifers and waterways with the chemical. As C&EN went to press, EPA was expected to make this decision final by the end of 2008, a move that would lock the decision in place for years, even if the incoming Obama Administration wants to change it....
(December 22, 2008 Volume 86, Number 51pp. 27-31)

My friend was really upset about this.

I'm upset that if you pull this shit in China you get executed.

What are the consequences here?

Legalizing marijuana

Why Legalizing Marijuana Makes Sense
TIME Magazine April 2, 2009

Ok, seriously, I never thought I would see an article like that in TIME magazine.

Clinton & Webb Tackle The Biggest Taboo of All
Political journalist, best-selling author and syndicated newspaper columnist
Posted April 3, 2009 | 01:29 PM (EST)
David Sirota

April 2, 2009, 3:27 pm NY Times
The War on the War on Drugs
By Eric Etheridge

This Is the Truth on Drugs ... Any Questions?
Posted on Apr 2, 2009
By David Sirota

Thursday April 2, 2009 12:20 EDT
The success of drug decriminalization in Portugal
Glenn Greenwald

On Bill Moyers Journal tonight are Amy Goodman and Glenn Greenwald.

Hopefully the Obama team is taking a good look at the realities and will not simply continue the failed drug policies of the last 50 years. It's also nice to see the alternative media pushing the mainstream media. I see a difference in the year since I wrote this post called Bush on Drugs.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Cagle nails it again

Death on the Home Front

Women in the Crosshairs
By Ann Jones

Wake up, America. The boys are coming home, and they're not the boys who went away.

...This shouldn't be a surprise. Men sent to Iraq or Afghanistan for two, three, or four tours of duty return to wives who find them "changed" and children they barely know. Tens of thousands return to inadequate, underfunded veterans' services with appalling physical injuries, crippling post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suck-it-up sergeants who hold to the belief that no good soldier seeks help. That, by the way, is a mighty convenient belief for the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs, which have been notoriously slow to offer much of that help...

Misogyny breeds misandrists.

I bit a misogynist one time, his thumb twitched for two weeks.


I told him he was hurting me, and asked him twice (nicely) to stop hurting me.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

G20 Who they are and what they want ( BBC)

I have no idea why, but as I read this list of World Leaders as they get together to discuss the economic crisis I hear this line from "Good Morning Vietnam" in my head.

Army Corps of Engineers unleashes FART
...The project, formally titled FART - Fix America’s River Transportation - has been sought by petrochemical and shipping companies for years, whose many facilities line that reach of the river.

“Let’s clear the air: FART is real, red-blooded, kick-butt, take-no-prisoners American engineering at its best,” McGroin said. “It’ll make Boston’s Big Dig look like moving sand in a cat box. Heck, we may even find more bodies than they did! Maybe Hoffa’s there!”...

It's too bad they couldn't find a more appropriate term, like say, oh I don't know, maybe the R-U-N-S (really ugly nasty sh*t) that turns most of the Gulf of Mexico into a Dead Zone.

Well, maybe the geniuses at the G20 can figure out how to rid the dying planet of surplus humans.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is how the shit hath hit the fan

Regional Wars and the Decline of the US Empire
World Depression
By James Petras
March 31. 2009 "Information Clearing House"

It's a really long article. I'm going to laugh when the raving lunatic right-wingers blame Obama for this mess. The system is broken.

Gadaffi's panties in a wad again

"I am the leader of the Arab leaders, the king of kings of Africa and the imam of the Muslims," proclaimed Kadhafi, the Arab world's longest serving leader who has been in power since 1969."

He said to the King of Saudi Arabia before he stormed off in a huff.

hat tip to Danny for this post.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Immigration issues

Immigration courts face huge backlog
Updated 3/29/2009 10:07 PM ET
By Brad Heath, USA TODAY
hat tip to TPM Muckraker

...WASHINGTON — The nation's immigration courts are now so clogged that nearly 90,000 people accused of being in the United States illegally waited at least two years for a judge to decide whether they must leave, one of the last bottlenecks in a push to more strictly enforce immigration laws....

...In the most extreme cases, immigrants can remain locked up while their cases are delayed. More often, the backlogs leave them struggling to exist until they learn their fate, Marks and others say....

...Five-year delays were most common in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York, but were far less common around busy border crossings such as San Diego and Tucson, according to the dockets...

Gee, I wonder if it is faster in San Diego and Tuscon because all the border patrol can do is take them to the border where they promptly climb over the wall again, or pay a drug dealer/coyote for the privilege of tromping through the desert with a backpack full of drugs.

Oh look, we made the right wing rag TIME magazine

Watching for Immigrants Off California's Coast
By Dan Simmons Thursday, Mar. 26, 2009
As dawn breaks, U.S. customs agents end their night patrol off the California coast.
...The landings are part of a recent spike in illegal immigration by sea to the San Diego area. In the past five months, federal agents with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have intercepted 14 boats and made 122 arrests. This year they are on pace to double their record arrest total for 2008...

Delay in Immigration Raids May Signal Policy Change
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 29, 2009; Page A02
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement may be shifting focus from detaining illegal workers to prosecuting executives at the companies that employ them. A senior government official says raids are being delayed.
Immigrations and Customs Enforcement may be shifting focus from detaining illegal workers to prosecuting executives at the companies that employ them. A senior government official says raids are being delayed. (By Matt Bush -- Associated Press)

Yeah sure, I'll believe it when I see it. They're going to target the employers? Suuuuuuuurre they are.

Carol Lam was doing a better job of prosecuting the worst of the criminal element of the illegal population here, and remember what the Bush Rethugs did to her? They forced her resignation for political reasons.

However, the Justice Department itself defended Lam in an August 23, 2006 letter to Senator Feinstein. They asserted:

The immigration philosophy of the Southern District focuses on deterrence by directing its resources and efforts against the worst immigration offenders and by bringing felony cases against such defendants that will result in longer sentences. For example, although the number of defendants who received prison sentences between 1-12 months fell from 896 in 2004 to 338 in 2005, the number of immigration defendants who received sentences longer than 60 months rose from 21 to 77. Prosecutions for alien smuggling in the Southern District under U.S.C. sec. 1324 are rising sharply in Fiscal Year 2006.[26]

Damnit, Joseph Wambaugh wrote the non-fiction book Lines and Shadows in 1984. It was about a police task force that tried to stop the criminals that preyed upon the illegals that crossed into the United States. When are we going to have real immigration reform that makes sense?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Religion sucks #17

The Vatican and teh stupid

Spain abortion reform sparks anger
Tens of thousands of people have protested in Madrid, the Spanish capital, against government plans to liberalise the country's abortion laws

...Spain decriminalised abortion in 1985, but only in particular circumstances - up to 12 weeks of pregnancy after a rape; up to 22 weeks should the foetus be found to be malformed; and at any point if the pregnancy posed a threat to the physical or mental health of the woman....

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo has become the first American cardinal to denounce the University of Notre Dame for inviting Democratic President Barack Obama as its commencement speaker in May and to receive an honorary degree.
Four Catholic bishops have now criticized the school for its decision to invite a pro-choice president to address its university body...

African Catholics March in Support of Vatican AIDS Policy
By Sabina Castelfranco
29 March 2009
A group of African Catholics gathered Sunday in Saint Peter's Square in support of Pope Benedict XVI's opposition to using condoms to combat AIDS.

I wonder if these brainiacs ever think about what it really takes to feed close to 7 billion people with that number growing exponentially?

Do they ever ponder peak oil and the problems of feeding all those precious babies that that might have?

Do they even see the AIDS problem in Africa?

I just discovered this article (6:31 PM 3/29/2009z0 and I like it.

The Population Debate Is Screwed Up
By Laurie Mazur, AlterNet. Posted March 28, 2009.
Debaters on population usually take two sides: either they see it as a huge problem facing humanity, or that it's a non-issue. They're both wrong.

Vast Spy System Loots Computers in 103 Countries

...Intelligence analysts say many governments, including those of China, Russia and the United States, and other parties use sophisticated computer programs to covertly gather information...

..."We’re a bit more careful about it, knowing the nuance of what happens in the subterranean realms,” said Ronald J. Deibert, a member of the research group and an associate professor of political science at Munk. “This could well be the C.I.A. or the Russians. It’s a murky realm that we’re lifting the lid on.”

A spokesman for the Chinese Consulate in New York dismissed the idea that China was involved. “These are old stories and they are nonsense,” the spokesman, Wenqi Gao, said. “The Chinese government is opposed to and strictly forbids any cybercrime.”

Bwaaa ha ha ha ha hahahaha, that cracks me up. This, however, does not:

...They found that three of the four control servers were in different provinces in China — Hainan, Guangdong and Sichuan — while the fourth was discovered to be at a Web-hosting company based in Southern California...

Lovely. Where in "Southern California" I wonder?

"Sick Around America" on Frontline this Tuesday

(this was in my mailbox this morning. I wonder if they will go into just how much the insurance costs are as a percentage of overall healthcare cost in the US? Or whether or not the half of bankruptcies in the US are still due to healthcare costs? I know I had one hell of an argument in a class with some right-wing fucktards in class a couple of years ago about this shit.)

FRONTLINE This Week: "Sick Around America" (60 minutes),March 31st at 9pm on PBS (Check local listings)----"You might be surprised," a health policy expert says near the start of this week's FRONTLINE, before listing some of the reasons people are routinely denied health insurance. "People are turned down because they have hay fever, because they have acne. People are turned down if they're 20 pounds overweight. Bedwetting, ear infections in kids..." Unfortunately, after watching "Sick Around America" this Tuesday night (check local listings), you might come away thinking those denied coverage for frivolous reasons are actually the lucky ones.In this film, producer Jon Palfreman travels the country talking to some of the millions of Americans who are uninsured, underinsured, or at risk of bankruptcy from unpaid medical bills. He meets a woman who's dropped by her insurer not long after she receives a cancer diagnosis. He finds a 23 year-old engineering student who had planned to head off to grad school, but, instead, works a low-wage job for the affordable health coverage he needs to cover a chronic condition. And then there's the tragic story of a young woman who dies of Lupus after being dropped by her state's Medicaid program. "I'm not afraid to say it," her doctor tells FRONTLINE in an emotional interview. "Nikki didn't die from Lupus. "Nikki died... secondary to the complications of a failing health care system.""I think everyone now understands it's not sustainable, right?" says Jeffrey Kang, a doctor and insurance executive. "From an insurance perspective it's not sustainable. From a business perspective it's not sustainable. Obviously from the consumers' perspective it's not sustainable. And I actually think the doctors and the hospitals understand that it's not sustainable..."The question that powerfully emerges from this film--and which now confronts the nation--is whether the vested interests vying for trillions in health care dollars can come together to make the kind of fundamental change that everyone now seems to agree we need.We hope you'll join us Tuesday night for the full report--broadcast or streamed online. In the meantime, visit our Web site for a preview . Starting Tuesday night our site offers interviews with key players, some critical background and links, and the opportunity to join the discussion. Ken DornsteinSenior Editor-------------Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers. Major funding for FRONTLINE is provided by The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Additional funding is provided by the Park Foundation. Additional funding for Sick Around America is provided by The Colorado Health Foundation, The Colorado Trust and The Commonwealth Fund.------------------------FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of the WGBH Educational Foundation.----------------------------We're always happy to hear from our viewers. If you have a question or comment about a FRONTLINE program, about our website, or about this bulletin, you can write to us directly by going to: guest street, boston, ma. 02135