
Monday, April 13, 2009

Chomsky 'splains it

What the Paulites Have Right
posted by Zephyr Teachout on 04/13/2009 @ 08:25am

Of course, we citizens have to compete with these fuckers for some attention from our Congressional "Representatives."

The Power of Lobbying
— By Kevin Drum | Mon April 13, 2009 10:19 AM PST

Mother fuckers, wouldja look at that! Half of the top ten companies gaining tax breaks through lobbying are drug companies. Maybe they should be paying for the "War on (illegal) Drugs" since some of the people without Rx insurance to pay for anti-depressants, or chronic pain medication turn to the evil marijuana for some relief.

Unrelated, but following up on the Obama continues the government spying on us

Predictably, the MSM ignores it and it looks like more wait and see if Pelosi gets pushed enough by those of us who are pissed off about it.

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