
Sunday, April 12, 2009

¿Qué onda güero?

Because I just love this song. I have no idea why, except it's so LA, plus, depending on the circumstances, I have been called güera, AND gringa.

From the Urban dictionary:

A term used for Latinas who have a fairer complexion and lighter hair/eyes than their more darker Latina counterparts. It is not the same as a "gringa." It is important to note that in the spelling there is an umlaut above the letter "u" giving it a "w" sound, pronounced like "weda". Can be either derogatory or complimentary given the circumstances. The masculine form would be guero.

h1. que onda guero Spanish for "What's up, whitey?!"

1. Guero
a spanish slang term for a fair skinned or light haired person. once again it is not derogatory but can be used that way

So, now you know why it says ¿Qué onda güera? right under politickybitch.

I'm almost finished reading Mike Davis' "City of Quartz" (C)1990. Thank God because it is one depressing book. The black and Latino gang problem hasn't gotten any better since he wrote the book 20 years ago. This documentary, La Vida Loca (my crazy life) that I spotted in the LA Times today highlights it, and the US' part in the proliferation of Latino gangs.

I'll bet it doesn't go into how the little fuckers kill people who are not Latino, just because they can and they want them out of the neighborhoods they take over. I know what of I speak. My friend had to send her kid out of the state so he wouldn't get killed by the nasty little fuckers who killed his friend.

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