
Friday, April 10, 2009

Tonight on PBS NOW

Can Coal be Earth-Friendly?

Can America's cheapest and most plentiful energy resource be produced without burning the environment?

Americans are addicted to coal—it powers half of all our electricity, and is both plentiful and cheap. In fact, some call America the "Saudi Arabia of Coal." But are we paying too high an environmental price for all this cheap energy?

With carbon emissions caps high on the Obama Administration's agenda, coal is in the crosshairs of the energy debate. This week, NOW Senior Correspondent Maria Hinojosa travels to Wyoming to take a hard look at the coal industry there and its case that it can produce "clean coal"—coal that can be burned without releasing carbon into the atmosphere. President Obama has been outspoken in his support for "clean coal" technology, but some say the whole concept is more of a public relations campaign....

Exactly. One Third of greenhouse gases are from coal fired power plants. There are 600 of them nationwide

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