
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sickness bubbling up

from PBS's Sick Around America.

I'm still digging around, but I tend to believe the CORPORATE CRIME REPORTER when they say that

PBS Lashes Back
23 Corporate Crime Reporter 15, April 7, 2009

Last week, I wrote an article – “Something is Rotten at PBS” – about a slanted PBS Frontline documentary – “Sick Around America.”

Frontline hired former Washington Post reporter T.R. Reid to put together the documentary.

Reid did the reporting.

He turned over his interviews to the Frontline producers.

And they came back with a documentary Reid couldn’t agree with.

Frontline tried to get Reid to narrate the film anyway – whether he agreed with it or not.

Reid refused.

Reid and Frontline parted ways.

After “Something is Rotten at PBS” ran last week, I got a ton of e-mail.

So did Frontline.

“Something is Rotten at PBS” struck a nerve.

This week, Frontline lashed back.... (if you haven't already, please read the whole thing )

And viewers of the PBS show have questions and concerns about the show here .

One of the sponsors was The Colorado Health Foundation
nonprofit, yet:

Our assets total $800 million, including an investment portfolio as well as our ownership interest in Denver's Health ONE hospital system.

Somehow in the midst of following the Google links, starting with the names of the organizations who sponsored the PBS show I ended up with this woman's name
( Comcast and Do Gooder TV put together makes me laugh)

Who? "spent 12 years with the group whose mission is to burnish downtown Denver's image to spur business,..."

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