
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Frontline -- Black Money

Heh, we'll see how it goes. I wrote a report in a business class ten years ago. Since there are people here from all over the world, I had to interview as many people as I could about "black money." I learned a new Spanish word- Mordida. Let's see if they cover bribery inside the US?...

(Update 12:17 AM 4/15/2009 It's viewable online, and it's all about the US discontinuing official bribery and then other countries following suit. And then all of the mulitnational corporations going underground and continuing to find a way to bribe, which is way the world does business.

Who the fuck is working the PBS station this month as SDSU? The brat ought to be flunked. This is what's actually ON right now, instead of Black Money, which was advertised.

Pakistan: Children of the Taliban

Great. Just what I want to see, a bunch of morons determined to move people back into the 7th century. Hey, first priority, destroy girls schools, and make women wear fucking pup tents.

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