
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Obama continues the government spying on us

Keith Olbermann's scathing criticism of Obama's secrecy/immunity claims
Glenn Greenwald at Salon
Wednesday April 8, 2009 10:26 EDT

...Last night, Keith Olbermann -- who has undoubtedly been one of the most swooning and often-uncritical admirers of Barack Obama of anyone in the country (behavior for which I rather harshly criticized him in the past) -- devoted the first two segments of his show to emphatically lambasting Obama and Eric Holder's DOJ for the story I wrote about on Monday: namely, the Obama administration's use of the radical Bush/Cheney state secrets doctrine and -- worse still -- a brand new claim of "sovereign immunity" to insist that courts lack the authority to decide whether the Bush administration broke the law in illegally spying on Americans...

Great. So I guess I'll never know if the NSA enjoys my friends and I jokingly telling them "Hi and fuck you, you fucking fucks!" when we are discussing current events. D'ya think they'll report me to Mossad if I'm critical of the rabid right Israeli warhawks running US foreign policy in the Middle East? Hope they like PMS and period discussions because we talk about that too, bwaaaa haha ha ha ha ha!

Mark Klein - AT&T WhistleBlower

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