
Saturday, April 11, 2009


Update 1:55 PM 4/12/2009 Heh, fuckers shouln't have messed with a US ship, 3 out of 4 of them are dead now.

Pirates Seize Tug With Crew of 16 as U.S. Captain Is Still Hostage
Published: April 11, 2009

Look, here's the deal people. Until multinational corporate interests invest in the people of Africa instead of extracting raw materials and cheap labor, the violence spilling out of there will only get worse. Being that piracy is interfering with global trade, now might be a good time to do that.

The top nine out of ten birth rates are in Africa. A couple of those high birth rates are negated by the high death rates. It's all very complicated, this counting of people, even my eyes glaze over at times. What it boils down to, though, and correct me if I'm wrong, are total fertility rates. Africa's, overall, are high.

This is something that happens in "undeveloped" countries.

Declining total fertility rates in the Middle Eastern countries can be linked to female education, female empowerment, a shift to urban, rather than rural environments, and increasing availability of medical care.







And they had some help getting there. It's no wonder they are
listening to Osama bin Laden, but he's a damn hypocrite also. How many of his 51 siblings would have lived if westerners had never had anything to do with Saudi Arabia, and how would his father gotten out of Yemen and then rich in construction in SA?

These American jihadi morons aren't helping anyone.

Somehow I missed Jersey Cynic's post over at Blondesense . Yeesh, as if I needed another reason to hate Lawrence Summers.

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