
Monday, March 31, 2008

Why Is George Still Smiling?

March 20, 2008 1:55 PM

Robert Scheer I've liked Robert Scheer since I discovered his work. I do love hearing him rip Tony Blankbrain a new one every week.

That idiotic "what me worry?" look just never leaves the man's visage. Once again, there was our president, presiding over disasters, in part of his making and totally on his watch, grinning with an aplomb that suggested a serious disconnect between his worldview and reality...

...But the president is happy because his legacy issue, the war on terrorism, is intact. No matter that last week the Pentagon was forced to release a report conducted over the last five years that concluded, after surveying 600,000 official Iraqi documents captured by U.S. forces, that there is "no smoking gun" establishing any connection whatsoever between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda

The report was so embarrassing that we taxpayers were not going to be told of its existence, even though the explosive conclusions were declassified, until ABC News forced the administration to post it on the Joint Forces Command Website...

Well I'll be damned, I think I just regained a tad, a smidgen of respect back for ABC news.

Boston Dynamics Big Dog (new video March 2008)

The program is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA)
I'm speechless.....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Subrogation my ass

My insurance was told by me that they were paying for something I wasn't receiving. They didn't give a shit. We've already paid in premiums the cash cost of surgery (not elective) that they won't cover.

She's right.

For Missing Guards' Kin, An Agonizing Conclusion

By Steve Fainaru
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, March 30, 2008; A01

...Paul Chapman, Crescent's media liaison, said in a telephone interview from Kuwait City that the company had insured the guards through Lloyd's of London. Their beneficiaries, he said, will receive $300,000, although it was unclear whether the payments will be made to the company or directly to the families, he added...

A matter of policy
Suit hits Wal-Mart role as worker life insurance beneficiary
By Sarah Schweitzer, Globe Staff, 12/10/2002

Corporate-owned life insurance
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

House Democrats crack down on ‘Dead Peasants Insurance’ policies
Measure takes aim at practice that exploits rank-and-file workers
Feb. 8, 2005

Firms can no longer take out 'dead peasant' insurance on workers
Employees' families often never knew of policies, benefits
Thursday, May 12, 2005

So, were the Crescent Security Group guards "key persons?" If so, it's possible that the company can collect life insurance benefits on them.

Key Person Life Insurance
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Friday, March 28, 2008

Crusaders 'left genetic legacy'

By Paul Rincon
Science reporter, BBC News

...The scientists also found that Lebanese Muslim men were more likely than Christians to carry a particular genetic signature. But this one is linked to expansions from the Arabian Peninsula which brought Islam to the area in the 7th and 8th Centuries.

UN food aid agency appeals for US$500 million to offset soaring prices
Author: BI-ME staff
Source: BI-ME
Published: 27 March 2008
...Countries where price rises are expected to have a direct impact include Zimbabwe, Eritrea, Haiti, Djibouti, the Gambia, Tajikistan, Togo, Chad, Benin, Myanmar, Cameroon, Niger, Senegal, Yemen and Cuba, according to WFP.

List of countries and territories by fertility rate

article titles that cracked me up today

Parents Pick Prayer Over Docs; Girl Dies
(Ahhh, the mighty brainiacs that inhabit this country)

Rhode Island Targets Illegal Immigrants
(What? All three of them in the whole state? At the same time? Oh those damn Canucks)

DEA Losing More Guns, Fewer Laptops
(Ehhhh, what?)

Fingerprint Scans Replace Clocking In
By DAVID B. CARUSO Associated Press Writer
NEW YORK (AP) - It's happening at Dunkin' Donuts...
(Ummm, yeah, somehow that just dosen't seem cost effective to me, you?)

I found a little humor inside this op ed:

The National Popular Vote Plan: If Ohio, Virginia and Florida Alone Sign On, They Will Change Primary Politics Profoundly, and Greatly Increase the Chance that the National Popular Vote Winner Will Prevail

...Of course, Senators Obama and Clinton seem to disagree on how they stack up against Senator McCain in the key swing states. It is hard to fully assess their claims here -- especially if one looks to actual primary results, as opposed to polls. One big reason for that difficulty is this: How Clinton and Obama fare against each other in a Democratic primary race in a given state may not tell us much about how either would fare in that state in the November election against McCain. For example, Senator Obama's victory over Senator Clinton in Wyoming, does not suggest any real possibility he could carry that state in November, and Senator Clinton's victory over Senator Obama in New York similarly does not indicate that he wouldn't beat McCain there in the fall.

I'm baaaaaaack

Swimming back up from the murky depths of mid-term-ville, whoa, WTF has been going on eh?

News Dissector Takes on CNBC Woooo Hoooo, go Danny!

The age of the anti-Cassandra
Paul Krugman
March 25, 2008, 12:18 pm

Senior Al-Jazeera Staff Quit English Service
By The Guardian.
Al-Jazeera English, the global news channel

Net Neutrality's Quiet Crusader
Free Press's Ben Scott Faces Down Titans, Regulators in Battle Over Internet Control
By Cecilia Kang
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 28, 2008; D01

Indian Tantrik Tries to Kill Man on Television with Black Magic
Published 1, March 24, 2008 Bizarre , Media , Society , Torts

Now, this is reality TV at its best. This month, Indians were glued to their television as India’s leading tantrik or black magician Pandit Surinder Sharma tried repeatedly to kill atheist Sanal Edamaruku first with a death-causing tantra and then later with the “ultimate destruction ceremony” on live TV...

Home » Spin of the Day » Mar 21, 2008
Yes He Can... Create Front Groups
Source: BusinessWeek, March 14, 2008
Senator Barack Obama's chief campaign strategist, David Axelrod, "moonlights" from his political PR firm AKP&D Message & Media. Working from the same office, "Axelrod operates a second business, ASK Public Strategies, that discreetly plots strategy and advertising campaigns for corporate clients," reports Howard Wolinsky...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Talking about race: Um, you first

The one thing Obama danced around because he knows Hillary has more support in Hispanic communities is touched upon in the above linked article from the LA Times:

..."You know," she said, "I've been looking for jobs in environmental education. A lot of them require that you speak Spanish. It sounds so awful to say this, but it's very frustrating. Shouldn't they learn English? This is America."...

A Hispanic woman on welfare with four kids and an "old man" who was in jail for criminal gang activity once told me to my face "It's OK to steal from gringos 'cause the gringos stole the land."

You can't make this shit up.

In all fairness I was on welfare at the time. I was also ten or fifteen years older than this woman and I wondered how many more brats was she going to squirt out? I had one kid and the ability to dump boyfriends like hot potatoes if I found out that they were engaged in criminal activity. Not that I had family support, I didn't. People helped me, and I am forever grateful for that help. They also knew I wouldn't steal from them.

I have had jobs that paid me less than others working there who spoke Spanish. Didn't seem to matter that they managed to mangle both languages. People talk shit around my kid, about my kid because she doesn't
look like she speaks Spanish. She speaks Spanish.

There are immigrants from all over the world in San Diego. The only ones who don't have to eventually learn English are the Spanish speakers.
Nafta and Cafta anyone?

So yeah, Obama, let's talk about resentment. And language. And the jobs that first drew people to the US/Mexico border areas and then went to China, where the labor is cheaper. Frankly, it's about time multi-national corporations were bitch slapped into paying a liveable wage and serving a big slice of STFU pie to their greedy ass executives. It's what the workers have come to expect.

Jared Diamond lectures on Collapse

Today I will finish this book.
I have to, I have midterms coming up, and have other reading to do.

I did, however have some interest in sharing with you a brief (condensed by me) quote:

Throughout recorded history, actions or inactions by self-absorbed kings, chiefs, and politicians have been a regular cause of societal collapses, including those of the Maya kings, Greenland Norse chiefs, and modern Rwandan politicians discussed in this book...
...Conversely, failures to solve perceived problems because of conflicts of interest between the elite and the masses are much less likely in societies where the elite cannot insulate themselves from the consequences of their actions.

From the Washington Post this morning:

Since '01,Guarding Species Is Harder
Endangered Listings Drop Under Bush
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 23, 2008; A01

From yesterday's AlterNet

The Folly of Turning Water Into Fuel
By Stan Cox, AlterNet. Posted March 22, 2008.

Even the commenters on AlterNet are typical Americans in that they think the solution to the problem of cars that run on on gasoline or diesel are cars that run on renewable energy sources. How can the problems created by cars be more cars?

Murikans ain't givin' up thur cars. Period. No matter whut it costs them other people.

How much longer do you really think we will have that choice? The rest of the world is pretty much sick of our shit.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lagos-based daily’s cartoonist attacked at home by armed intruders

21 March 2008
Reporters Without Borders condemns an attack on The Guardian newspaper’s cartoonist

Who attacks cartoonists?

Oh yeah, morons

Jailbird morons throw urine, feces, trays silverware and sue because they are given horrible tasting food as punishment?

Gimmme a break. Some people are just too stupid to live.

Friday, March 21, 2008

I knew Ben Stein was weird

and he certainly isn't a box office draw for me anyway, but I didn't know he was one of those batshit crazy Intelligent Design people either. I guess he is, & isn't quiet about it. How was I supposed to know? I don't watch Bill O'Reilly.Bill O'Reilly is a nasty ass bully

Looks like Phayrngula (PZ) was expelled from Expelled , even though he's in it.
The movie has been criticized by several of the interviewees, including biologists PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins[47] and NCSE head Eugenie Scott, who say they were misled into participating by being asked to be interviewed for a film named Crossroads on the "intersection of science and religion", with a blurb[48] which described the strong support that had been accumulated for evolution, and contrasted this with the religious who rejected it, and the controversy this caused.[49][50][51]

Pentagon divided on Iraq strategy

Ummmm. This is news? OKAYAAABEE.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Religion sucks #10 (or how to unsuccessfully mix politics and religion)

Lieberman forced to Correct McCain again

McCain referred to the Jewish holiday Purim as “their version of Halloween.”
Liebershrewd & McInsane were confused by the whole candy thing.
Mmmmmmmm. Makes me wonder if McInsane is tapping the old lady's stash, I mean, somebody's popping too much something.

In other recent news: Fucktardama bin Laden pipes up again. --- Alienating moderate Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

Oh, what's this? The Saudis say they will retrain 40,000 clerics? Hmmmmm. Color me skeptical. If it's true it must be the almighty €uro talking.

The Hasidim look like idiots to me:
Hasidic actor walks off Portman movie
(Abe Karpen, 25, a married father of three, was cast as Portman's husband...)
Yeesh, where would Israel be if the only two exports this country has left (Arms and Entertainment) were stopped?

You thought I wouldn't bash the Christian whack-jobs?
Oh boy, lookeee here, it's got three brands of religious whack-jobs in one article plus a bonus McCain bashing.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Center for Media and Democracy ( covers another great story that the MSM will ignore)

Teaching College Kids to Lie

Additional details have surfaced about the story we mentioned last month regarding a corporate-sponsored hoax at Hunter College. The college receives donations from the Coach Corporation, a manufacturer of handbags, shoes and other women's accessories. In particular, Coach funded a "guerrilla marketing" class that "educated" students about the dangers of knockoff products by creating a fictional student named "Heidi Cee" who claimed that she had been conned by a counterfeit Coach handbag. "The professor who taught it says that he was pressured to do so even though he has no expertise in advertising or public relations (he teaches computer graphics) and had ethical qualms about the course," reports Scott Jaschik. "Further, the professor -- and other professors who have investigated the circumstances of the course -- maintain that the professor was required to teach only one side of the issue, had to accept industry officials watching him teach, and had little clout to fight back since he didn't (and still doesn't) have tenure." According to Hunter professor Stuart Ewen, the lessons in deception were designed by Paul Werth Associates, an Ohio-based PR firm working for the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition, a Coach-funded organization.

I can haz cheez plz.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Um, except for saying the Iranian Oil Bourse is in Tehran, instead of Kish Island, where an FBI agent was killed, er, oops, has disappeared I think he got it right.

He tells us slowly and laboriously tells us what's behind all the talk of war with Iran

And I love this post about the corporate media ignoring the anti-war protests inside the United States. Yes, folks, the Iraq war has united the United States in their disgust with this war and the idiot we didn't elect. Either time.

The movie "Bordertown" gave me nightmares

My friend was visiting El Paso recently and she called me and said "Well, I can see Juarez from here, but I can't go there, it's too dangerous." There was sad resignation in her voice. She and I and our friends used to go to Tijuana occasionally to eat or shop, and when we were younger, occasionally to dance and drink. I still use a blanket that was made and purchased in Mexico that is probably 25 years old. The last time I went to Tijuana was some time after September 11 and another friend and I were appalled that they kept pushing us to buy tequila shots for our 13-year-old daughters on the famous (or infamous) Avenida Revolución. It was a week day and around lunch time, so we made sure we got our butts back across the border way before dark. Later I thought to myself, "Hey guys, way to send responsible tourists packing, never to return." We bought blankets that were labeled "Hecho en Corea" that day.

The news reports mention around 400 raped and murdered women in Juarez. The movie mentions that there may be as many as 5,000 missing women in Mexico. I don't know about you, but that number makes me wonder just what the fuck is going on in our border towns? And who all might be involved, eh? Sometimes Hollywood tries to bring attention to real problems and sometimes it even goes as far as throwing out there creative solutions to real problems.

But anyway, all you kids who think that just handing over a couple of bucks when you fuck up, or you get fucked up in Mexico on Spring Break? You might end up in more trouble than you think, and don't be surprised if the problems you create in Mexico follow you home. Yeah, everybody's looking for the mordida .

To Work and Die in Juarez

Mass grave unearthed in midst of Mexico's drug war
By Marla Dickerson and Richard Marosi, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
March 15, 2008
MEXICO CITY -- Authorities in Ciudad Juarez said Friday that they had uncovered the remains of 33 people buried in the yard of an abandoned property, a mass grave believed to be linked to the city's violent drug trade.

Bodies of 5 Minors Found Executed Outside of Tijuana
Last Update: 3/04 11:57 pm
Murder Victims Found

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Drug Trade Tyranny on The Border

Mexican Cartels Maintain Grasp With Weapons, Cash and Savagery
By Manuel Roig-Franzia
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, March 16, 2008; A01

...More than 20,000 Mexican troops and federal police are engaged in a multi-front war with the private armies of rival drug lords, a conflict that is being waged most fiercely along the 2,000-mile length of the U.S.-Mexico border. The proximity of the violence has drawn in the Bush administration, which has proposed a $500 million annual aid package to help President Felipe Calderon combat what a Government Accountability Office report estimates is Mexico's $23 billion a year drug trade.

A what?

No, es más que ese, mirada aquí,...
Y aquí...Y aquí...Y aquí...Y aquí...Y aquí...Y aquí...

some shit just never changes ... history repeating

& Cheney goes
to thank & kiss some Arab ass this week regarding this country's other addiction problem

A friend sent me this yesterday

And my friend said it's ok to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

The Oracle stutters...

In a TV speech delivered this Thursday,George Bush finally accepted the possibility that the Country was "going through some tough times" Mr. Duh strikes again! if George had been present when the Universe started with the Big Bang, he would have said, a long time later, that perhaps there had been a "bit of a 'pop' somewhere out there."

The economy has been headed South, by every sign, for a good long time. With the oil cartel holding the country (and the rest of humanity) to ransom, with the speculators on the New York Mercantile Exchange bidding up the Commodity Traded price of oil and minting billions in take-home profits right under our noses, with the federal Government paying out incentives for converting Wheat acreage to Corn to promote its Ethanol circus while driving up food costs nationwide, and what with the Treasury borrowing Billions every week from China so that China can export billions worth of shoddy goods to U.S. markets and finance the Endless War to Undefined Victory in Iraq, the American citizen doesn't stand a chance.


What recession?

In a little less than ten months from now, George will retire to his collection of Horse manure in Crawford Texas, and visit his Presidential Library once a year to look at the book displayed on a polished shelf made from Texas Sage wood. He will look at the pictures and return the book to its shelf, so others can look at it and know what an avid reader he was. There will also come a time when he will begin to believe that he was America's Greatest president, but that a typo made a 92% approval rating look like the end of his Eighth Year as the Leader of the Free Wire-Tapped World..

The likes of George Bush are sent to test us. He has a strictly faith-based economic Plan, faith in that the next President will somehow resolve the mess he created.

In its wisdom, Congress passed the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution some time after FDR. It limits the President to Two Terms. If they do nothing else for the next Ten Thousand Years, they will still have merited a Free Pass through the Pearly Gates for this one Act of Good Sense: can anyone even imagine what three Bush terms would feel like?

Try sitting down without pants on a nest of Amazon Fire Ants, for starters.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Religion sucks # 9

Top Saudi cleric calls for writers' deaths
Reuters US Online Report World News
Mar 15, 2008 09:35 EST

I read the above article and I started wondering about the Crusades, because I had heard that at least one or more of them involved pushing the Ottoman Turks (Muslims) out of Europe. So I go looking around for some basic information& I find...

How the Crusades Began:

For centuries, Jerusalem had been governed by Muslims, but they tolerated Christian pilgrims because they helped the economy. Then, in the 1070s, Turks (who were also Muslim) conquered these holy lands and mistreated Christians before realizing how useful their good will (and money) could be. The Turks also threatened the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Alexius asked the pope for assistance, and Urban II, seeing a way to harness the violent energy of Christian knights, made a speech calling for them to take back Jerusalem. Thousands responded, resulting in the First Crusade.

And the more I look, the more I realize that I know VERY little about the Crusades. So if I ever finish reading Collapse by Jared Diamond, I'll pick something shorter to read next time.

Maybe something like

The New Concise History of the Crusades (Hardcover)

by Thomas F. Madden (Author)

Friday, March 14, 2008

R World enlightens us

and reminds me of how I came to have an intelligent child.

Fish tacos.

Yup, I was really poor when I was pregnant with my child, but I worked in a cafeteria so I could choose to eat well and my big splurge on payday every Friday was a fish taco at Cotija's in Chula Vista. Those guys got to where they would see my big blueberry ass waddling down the street (I had one comfortable shirt and it was
purple) and have my fish taco ready for me.

The tacos must be good because Cotija's is still there, they still serve fish tacos, and the kid is in college.


Pleased as punch

to add Brady Bonk over at Ketchup is a Vegetable to the blogroll.

The Anti-Nannier has some interesting ideas also.

Also, I knew that as soon as he got his forensic economisty ducks in a row, that Greg Palast would have something to say about Eliot Spitzer and the connection to the sub-prime meltdown, and he does.

Religion sucks #8

Kidnapped Archbishop Found Dead in Iraq
BAGHDAD, March 13 -- The body of a senior Christian cleric was found Thursday in the northern city of Mosul, two weeks after gunmen abducted him there and killed three of his associates...

There are a lot of Iraqi Chaldeans in San Diego so this is probably a bummer for them. So, out of curiosity, I decided to do a Google search to see if any of the Muslim leadership had been treated this way in Iraq lately. Or anywhere.
No wait, here's one .Omigod, fool was preaching peace and non violence.

Iranians vote for new parliament
...Ahead of the vote, the Guardian Council, an unelected body of clerics and jurists, disqualified around 1,700 candidates, mostly reformists.

Those barred from running were judged "insufficiently loyal to Islam or the revolution"...

Finally, if you missed Scoobie Davis' priceless catch of a video of Sun Myung Moon's incoherent rant it's short, but stunning. Moon has power and influence in Washington and wow, just wow, you gotta see this guy to believe that someone would actually say what he said.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spitzer’s Shame Is Wall Street’s Gain

Posted on Mar 12, 2008
Wall St. traders watch Spitzer confession
AP photo / Richard Drew

Traders on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange watch New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s televised apology on Monday.

By Robert Scheer

...The media consensus from the opening salvo was that Spitzer must resign and he will be thrown to the dogs, which is unfortunate because, like Clinton, he has done much valuable work in the public interest, and the outrage over this personal dereliction, tawdry in the extreme, is excessive...

I agree Mr. Scheer, it's excessive. The media circus is over the top again. The Columbia Journalism Review checks in on the same side I'm on on this one:

Another Baseless Screed
As will most press-bias rants, Strassel’s piece is hollow
By Dean Starkman Thu 13 Mar 2008 05:27 PM

“Many reporters built careers on the prosecutor’s leaks intended to bully innocent people” - Kimberly A. Strassel, Wall Street Journal opinion piece, Wednesday.

Ah yes, she must mean those innocents over at Marsh & McLennan who demanded kickbacks...

What? Wall Street Journal opinion pieces are full of shit? Oh, now who'da thunk it?

Fighting Global Warming on the Fly

Home » ..Spin of the Day » Mar 11, 2008
Fighting Global Warming on the Fly
Topics: environment | global warming | politics
Source: Los Angeles Times, March 7, 2008

Less than a year ago, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was being lauded as the cover boy for NewsWeek's issue about how to battle global warming. But critics are calling attention to the governator's daily commute -- Sacramento to Los Angeles and back -- by airplane. "The governor's Gulfstream jet does nearly as much damage to the environment in one hour as a small car does in a year...

Free Superdelegate widget

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pepe Escobar for Real News

Dems snooze through Latin America's wake-up call

Almost two years ago I knew the shit was gonna hit the fan


Cause the shit was splattered on me before I knew it was shit. I lasted four days as a temp at JP Morgan. I had never seen a mortgage file before and they did not want me learning anything about mortgage files. Especially these files. They were loans that never should have been given, were being called in because of these god awful balloon payments and the homes were incredibly overpriced little shit boxes sold to minorities who didn't know any better, or perhaps were red lined out of better housing. Now keep in mind that that is the opinion of someone who had never seen a mortgage file before. Evah. They also didn't want anything other than a slimy little hamster on a wheel working there. That's what worked there, & that's not what they got with me. I acted like I didn't get it because I got it the first day and I hated every second of it once I did get it. Some snippity little schmuck that worked there got in my face and said to me "Well it's not rocket science!" and I snarled back "There aren't any rocket scientists here, especially not the person who plans your fire drills!"

You see, big corporate culture isn't exactly where I fit in. Works quietly in her cubicle while taking it up the ass by working for nine bucks an hour (in a city where 18.00 bucks an hour barely gets by) isn't exactly on my resume.

7:39 PM 3/17/2008
Jersey Cynic over at Blondsense posted this music video today, & it reminded me of this post of mine, so I added it.

Randi gives one hell of a speech a year ago today

Yeah, it's worth watching again.

I like it :) and here's some other interesting stuff I found today:

Spitzer's Sex Life Is Weapon of Mass Distraction for Bunch of Bad News for Bush
10 Mar 2008

Yeah, that's what I thought.

And this article is only a month old, how quickly we forget how many powerful people Spitzer pissed off. You think maybe powerful people wanted him gone? Fucking duh.

Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime
How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers
By Eliot Spitzer
Thursday, February 14, 2008; Page A25

And then there's the attack on him by the religious nutjobs (You have to hear these Catholic whack-jobs to believe them. What is it with these fucking retards? The population on this planet has more than doubled in my lifetime)

Global Warming to Affect Transport

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

WASHINGTON (AP) - Flooded roads and subways, deformed railroad tracks and weakened bridges may be the wave of the future with continuing global warming, a new study says...
...The report cites five major areas of growing threat:

- More heat waves, requiring load limits at hot-weather or high-altitude airports and causing thermal expansion of bridge joints and rail track deformities.

- Rising sea levels and storm surges flooding coastal roadways, forcing evacuations, inundating airports and rail lines, flooding tunnels and eroding bridge bases.

- More rainstorms, delaying air and ground traffic, flooding tunnels and railways, and eroding road, bridge and pipeline supports.

- More frequent strong hurricanes, disrupting air and shipping service, blowing debris onto roads and damaging buildings.

- Rising arctic temperatures thawing permafrost, resulting in road, railway and airport runway subsidence and potential pipeline failures...

CEI: Fixing Climate Change Will Cause ‘Death On A Massive Scale’ In The Developing World

So big big changes are presenting big challenges for us here, especially in San Diego. How we going to deal with them?

How More Money Would Be Won for Firefighting
By WILL CARLESS Voice Staff Writer

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 As San Diego's city and county governments congregate to discuss, again, how to fix the region's wildfire preparedness problems, a key concern overshadows every move they make: How the region will scratch together the cash to better prepare itself for the next massive wildfire...

...The bill, the wording of which has not yet been finalized, would call for an amendment to the California Constitution to change the percentage of votes needed from 66 percent to 55 percent. Kehoe said she's introducing the bill because the last two catastrophic wildfires in 2003 and 2007 showed that the state is poorly prepared for wildfires, and that local governments are inadequately funded to properly defend themselves from firestorms....

Oh fer fuck's sake, here we go. Not one God damned thing is going to change in this city. The fucking developers own and operate this county and they're not changing. Why should they? They get the money for the housing they build and they don't have any responsibility beyond that. They come in, build with illegal and disposable labor, and bail. Then the government is scrambling to provide the residents of these overpriced crappily built places with schools, fire and police protection and oh yeah, water. You want public transportation with that? Bwwaaa ha ha ha ha ha.
and Michael Klare checks in over at Tomdispatch:

posted March 11, 2008 09:53 am Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Permanent Energy Crisis Hits Home