
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Talking about race: Um, you first

The one thing Obama danced around because he knows Hillary has more support in Hispanic communities is touched upon in the above linked article from the LA Times:

..."You know," she said, "I've been looking for jobs in environmental education. A lot of them require that you speak Spanish. It sounds so awful to say this, but it's very frustrating. Shouldn't they learn English? This is America."...

A Hispanic woman on welfare with four kids and an "old man" who was in jail for criminal gang activity once told me to my face "It's OK to steal from gringos 'cause the gringos stole the land."

You can't make this shit up.

In all fairness I was on welfare at the time. I was also ten or fifteen years older than this woman and I wondered how many more brats was she going to squirt out? I had one kid and the ability to dump boyfriends like hot potatoes if I found out that they were engaged in criminal activity. Not that I had family support, I didn't. People helped me, and I am forever grateful for that help. They also knew I wouldn't steal from them.

I have had jobs that paid me less than others working there who spoke Spanish. Didn't seem to matter that they managed to mangle both languages. People talk shit around my kid, about my kid because she doesn't
look like she speaks Spanish. She speaks Spanish.

There are immigrants from all over the world in San Diego. The only ones who don't have to eventually learn English are the Spanish speakers.
Nafta and Cafta anyone?

So yeah, Obama, let's talk about resentment. And language. And the jobs that first drew people to the US/Mexico border areas and then went to China, where the labor is cheaper. Frankly, it's about time multi-national corporations were bitch slapped into paying a liveable wage and serving a big slice of STFU pie to their greedy ass executives. It's what the workers have come to expect.

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