
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Jared Diamond lectures on Collapse

Today I will finish this book.
I have to, I have midterms coming up, and have other reading to do.

I did, however have some interest in sharing with you a brief (condensed by me) quote:

Throughout recorded history, actions or inactions by self-absorbed kings, chiefs, and politicians have been a regular cause of societal collapses, including those of the Maya kings, Greenland Norse chiefs, and modern Rwandan politicians discussed in this book...
...Conversely, failures to solve perceived problems because of conflicts of interest between the elite and the masses are much less likely in societies where the elite cannot insulate themselves from the consequences of their actions.

From the Washington Post this morning:

Since '01,Guarding Species Is Harder
Endangered Listings Drop Under Bush
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 23, 2008; A01

From yesterday's AlterNet

The Folly of Turning Water Into Fuel
By Stan Cox, AlterNet. Posted March 22, 2008.

Even the commenters on AlterNet are typical Americans in that they think the solution to the problem of cars that run on on gasoline or diesel are cars that run on renewable energy sources. How can the problems created by cars be more cars?

Murikans ain't givin' up thur cars. Period. No matter whut it costs them other people.

How much longer do you really think we will have that choice? The rest of the world is pretty much sick of our shit.

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