
Sunday, March 16, 2008

A friend sent me this yesterday

And my friend said it's ok to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

The Oracle stutters...

In a TV speech delivered this Thursday,George Bush finally accepted the possibility that the Country was "going through some tough times" Mr. Duh strikes again! if George had been present when the Universe started with the Big Bang, he would have said, a long time later, that perhaps there had been a "bit of a 'pop' somewhere out there."

The economy has been headed South, by every sign, for a good long time. With the oil cartel holding the country (and the rest of humanity) to ransom, with the speculators on the New York Mercantile Exchange bidding up the Commodity Traded price of oil and minting billions in take-home profits right under our noses, with the federal Government paying out incentives for converting Wheat acreage to Corn to promote its Ethanol circus while driving up food costs nationwide, and what with the Treasury borrowing Billions every week from China so that China can export billions worth of shoddy goods to U.S. markets and finance the Endless War to Undefined Victory in Iraq, the American citizen doesn't stand a chance.


What recession?

In a little less than ten months from now, George will retire to his collection of Horse manure in Crawford Texas, and visit his Presidential Library once a year to look at the book displayed on a polished shelf made from Texas Sage wood. He will look at the pictures and return the book to its shelf, so others can look at it and know what an avid reader he was. There will also come a time when he will begin to believe that he was America's Greatest president, but that a typo made a 92% approval rating look like the end of his Eighth Year as the Leader of the Free Wire-Tapped World..

The likes of George Bush are sent to test us. He has a strictly faith-based economic Plan, faith in that the next President will somehow resolve the mess he created.

In its wisdom, Congress passed the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution some time after FDR. It limits the President to Two Terms. If they do nothing else for the next Ten Thousand Years, they will still have merited a Free Pass through the Pearly Gates for this one Act of Good Sense: can anyone even imagine what three Bush terms would feel like?

Try sitting down without pants on a nest of Amazon Fire Ants, for starters.

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