
Friday, March 28, 2008

I'm baaaaaaack

Swimming back up from the murky depths of mid-term-ville, whoa, WTF has been going on eh?

News Dissector Takes on CNBC Woooo Hoooo, go Danny!

The age of the anti-Cassandra
Paul Krugman
March 25, 2008, 12:18 pm

Senior Al-Jazeera Staff Quit English Service
By The Guardian.
Al-Jazeera English, the global news channel

Net Neutrality's Quiet Crusader
Free Press's Ben Scott Faces Down Titans, Regulators in Battle Over Internet Control
By Cecilia Kang
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 28, 2008; D01

Indian Tantrik Tries to Kill Man on Television with Black Magic
Published 1, March 24, 2008 Bizarre , Media , Society , Torts

Now, this is reality TV at its best. This month, Indians were glued to their television as India’s leading tantrik or black magician Pandit Surinder Sharma tried repeatedly to kill atheist Sanal Edamaruku first with a death-causing tantra and then later with the “ultimate destruction ceremony” on live TV...

Home » Spin of the Day » Mar 21, 2008
Yes He Can... Create Front Groups
Source: BusinessWeek, March 14, 2008
Senator Barack Obama's chief campaign strategist, David Axelrod, "moonlights" from his political PR firm AKP&D Message & Media. Working from the same office, "Axelrod operates a second business, ASK Public Strategies, that discreetly plots strategy and advertising campaigns for corporate clients," reports Howard Wolinsky...

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