
Friday, March 21, 2008

I knew Ben Stein was weird

and he certainly isn't a box office draw for me anyway, but I didn't know he was one of those batshit crazy Intelligent Design people either. I guess he is, & isn't quiet about it. How was I supposed to know? I don't watch Bill O'Reilly.Bill O'Reilly is a nasty ass bully

Looks like Phayrngula (PZ) was expelled from Expelled , even though he's in it.
The movie has been criticized by several of the interviewees, including biologists PZ Myers and Richard Dawkins[47] and NCSE head Eugenie Scott, who say they were misled into participating by being asked to be interviewed for a film named Crossroads on the "intersection of science and religion", with a blurb[48] which described the strong support that had been accumulated for evolution, and contrasted this with the religious who rejected it, and the controversy this caused.[49][50][51]

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