
Sunday, March 30, 2008

For Missing Guards' Kin, An Agonizing Conclusion

By Steve Fainaru
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, March 30, 2008; A01

...Paul Chapman, Crescent's media liaison, said in a telephone interview from Kuwait City that the company had insured the guards through Lloyd's of London. Their beneficiaries, he said, will receive $300,000, although it was unclear whether the payments will be made to the company or directly to the families, he added...

A matter of policy
Suit hits Wal-Mart role as worker life insurance beneficiary
By Sarah Schweitzer, Globe Staff, 12/10/2002

Corporate-owned life insurance
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

House Democrats crack down on ‘Dead Peasants Insurance’ policies
Measure takes aim at practice that exploits rank-and-file workers
Feb. 8, 2005

Firms can no longer take out 'dead peasant' insurance on workers
Employees' families often never knew of policies, benefits
Thursday, May 12, 2005

So, were the Crescent Security Group guards "key persons?" If so, it's possible that the company can collect life insurance benefits on them.

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Key Person Life Insurance
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