
Monday, May 07, 2012

Fucking Blogger

New and improved my ass, I hate the new blogger template. 

What happened to my title link? How do I fix that?... (nifty, now it's working *sigh* ) Why is blogger "help" so fucking NOT helpful?

 Why are there 3 links to my profile page and no way to fix the no title link? 

 Why ist it such a pain in the ass to do a s-i-m-p-l-e post now?   I have to know more html, not less.  

And while I'm bitching Facebook sucks ass even more now also.  Why can't I see my posts in the newsfeed?


Sunday, May 06, 2012

Drug War Slayings Snuffing Out News In Mexico

Oh Jebus, do you really think that the cartels would be killing each other and anyone else who gets in their way of access to and distribution routes in the US if there was no market for illegal drugs here in the US?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Supermoon Photos 2012: Pictures Snapped By Skywatchers All Over (SLIDESHOW)

Wow, I really like these pictures :)
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama launches campaign against Romney, but his real opponent is the economy

By Dan Balz, Published: May 5

Gee, ya think?

Saturday, May 05, 2012

On bailout stuff (old post from June '09)

Raymond J. Learsy
Scholar and Author of 'Over a Barrel: Breaking Oil’s Grip on Our Future'
Posted: June 9, 2009 06:28 AM
Is JPMorgan a Bank or a Government-Funded Casino?

...Just last week, a leading source of tanker operations info reported that the good people of JPMorgan hired the good ship, or better put, the VLCC Super Tanker 'Front Queen' for nine months, I repeat nine months, to carry 2 million barrels of heating oil for storage duty off Malta....

What is the price of oil right now?

I think maybe I was too hard on Ben Bernanke. I learned things about the man and his job that I did not know on this 60 Minutes interview

FACTBOX: Where has the U.S. bailout money gone?
Tue Jun 9, 2009 1:34pm EDT

Finished reading the Israel Lobby

Finished reading The Israel Lobby
This irritated the crap out of me when I read it:

Our American friends offer us money, arms, and advice. We take the money, we take the arms, and we decline the advice.
Moshe Dayan

Read more:

And in the concluding chapter the authors state "It would probably take a bevy of Jack Abramoff-style scandals to convince Americans to purge private money from the electoral process. In the short term, trying to weaken the lobby dircetly is not going to work."

My question as I read that was "Which Americans need convincing of that, the ones who wield the most influence now? The wealthy ones)"

Whoa, what a great title for a book:

  By Henry A. Giroux
Peter Lang Publishing 2010)

Zombie Politics, Democracy, and the Threat of Authoritarianism - Part I 
Posted on Apr 30, 2012
By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout

  Zombie Politics: Dangerous Authoritarianism or Shrinking Democracy - Part II 
By Henry A. Giroux, Truthout
Posted on May 4, 2012

Friday, May 04, 2012

Anderson Cooper To Rush Limbaugh: 'You Might Try The Gym From Time To Time' (VIDEO)

"I don't know if you noticed, but he spoke for a quite a while there and didn't call me a slut even one time," Cooper said. "Now I don't have my Rush to English dictionary handy, but I'm pretty sure that means we're best friends now."

Love it!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Violence, USA: The Warfare State and the Brutalizing of Everyday Life

Truthout This piece originally appeared atTruthout "

...This pedagogy of brutalizing hardness and dehumanization is also produced and circulated in schools, boot camps, prisons, and a host of other sites that now trade in violence and punishment for commercial purposes, or for the purpose of containing populations that are viewed as synonymous with public disorder..." 

read the whole thing at Truthdig

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Judge Janice Brown - piece of work

Judge Janice Brown Writes Scathing Economic Rights Concurrence 
By Maryam K. Ansari, Esq. on April 30, 2012 9:03 AM

Janice Rogers Brown
 "Born in Greenville, Alabama, Brown is an Alabama sharecropper's daughter who attended segregated majority African American schools as a child..."

"...She earned her B.A. from California State University, Sacramento in 1974 and her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the UCLA School of Law in 1977. She worked her own way through law school while being a single mother. In addition, she received an LL.M. degree from the University of Virginia School of Law in 2004.[citation needed]..."

 "...For most of the first two decades of her career, Brown worked for government agencies...

 ... private practice... 1990 to January 1991... .

.. In November 1994, Wilson appointed Brown to the California Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District..

...In May 1997, Governor Pete Wilson appointed Brown as Associate Justice to the California Supreme Court. Prior to the appointment, she had been rated "not qualified" by the State Bar of California's Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation, which evaluates nominees to the California courts. She was the first person with that rating to be appointed.

 ...On June 8, (2005) Brown was confirmed as a judge on the D.C. Circuit by a vote of 56-43...

 ...Liberal organizations including the NAACP,[9] the Feminist Majority Foundation,[10] People For the American Way,[11] the National Council of Jewish Women,[12] and the National Organization for Women[13] called her views "extreme right-wing," reflecting political and ideological differences...

 ...In a speech to the Federalist Society, Brown called the group a "rare bastion (nay beacon) of conservative and libertarian thought" and that the "latter notion made your invitation well-nigh irresistible"[15]

 In the same speech, she gave hints of her philosophical foundations. She described private property as "the guardian of every other right". Later in her speech she described collectivism as "slavery to the tribe" and that government was a "leviathan [that] will continue to lumber along, picking up ballast and momentum, crushing everything in its path".[15]


What a tool, and ungrateful hypocrite.  Bitch certainly knows who's asses to kiss in order to stay on her perch, doesn't she?

 Thanks Petey, as if just being a RepugnantThuglican wasn't enough for me to hate you.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dear Mormons, sympathy is in between shit and syphilis in the dictionary

FRIDAY, APR 27, 2012 11:04 AM PDT Mormons who fear Mitt
Young people are leaving the church -- and some think a Romney presidency will only make things worse

...“Mitt Romney is having a terrible impact on how we are perceived,” explained Brigham Young University law student Marshall Thompson, a former intern to Orrin Hatch, an Iraq vet and a faithful Mormon — the type of person, in other words, you’d expect to be part of Romney’s base. “I’m told he’s a very nice person in real life,” Thompson continues, “but he comes across as out-of-touch, materialistic and disingenuous.”....

...“I cannot count the number of stories I’ve heard from moms who left the church because of Prop. 8,” explained Utah writer and social critic Holly Welker. “The reason? They have a gay son or daughter.”...

 And there you have it.  In a country like the US, and specifically in a state like California, those jerkwads should have known that political activism like the Mormon church became involved in with Prop h8 was going to lead to problems.  Not only with the perception from outsiders, but also within the church.  Idiots.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ryan Seacrest covering 2012 Elections for NBC



Well perhaps it IS appropriate, after all the Presidential election of 2000 left no doubt in my mind that elections are just entertainment for the proles.  They don't fucking change anything.   

I now look at photos of the President and this thought worms it's way into my consciousness and it's kind of mean.  I can't help but think, "Oh yeah, there's Hopey Opie." 

 It's not that I disrespect the President, but I have lots of disdain for the system.

Friday, April 27, 2012

so Limbaugh said something outrageous and hateful again?

Limbaugh On Hillary Clinton: ‘Has Reached The Pinnacle, And All She Is Is A Secretary’
by Noah Rothman
| 3:11 pm, April 26th, 2012

 Okaaaaay... so? Dude is a drug addicted hate mongering fool with tons of hot air to blow around and nothing constructive to say. I usually ignore buttheads like him when forced to be in their vicinity unless they get right up in MY face , and then I bully them right back because that's all the dumbfucks understand. 

 I know exactly how to deal with Rush Limbaugh: I never tune in to his ridiculous shows. He's a hateful clown who gets paid big bucks to stir up the proles and goad them into voting against their own best interests. 

 Maybe I'm just not a good war strategist? It's hard to even see the toad as an enemy because it's just too easy to imagine him in a court jester's clown suit with scary clown make-up on. Instead of spreading joy like a regular clown is supposed to do, he spreads fear and anger and that is his job. Why would I help him in a job like that by reacting to every outrageous, ridiculous, ludicrous thing he says? 

 So why this post? Just reacting to the constant reactions to him on the left. I think I'm a bit more irritated by lefties reacting to his bullshit than I am by the king of court jesters himself. It was just too easy and I'm tired this AM.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Which articles I bothered to read this AM

Tomgram: Pepe Escobar, A Full Spectrum Confrontation World? 
A History of the World, BRIC by BRIC Neoliberal Dragons, Eurasian Wet Dreams, and Robocop Fantasies
Posted by Pepe Escobar at 9:31am, April 26, 2012.

 Marine Discharged for Anti-Obama Facebook Posts 
By Andrew Chow, JD on April 26, 2012 5:56 AM

"...Stein's comments violated a Pentagon policy that limits service members' political speech while in uniform, military prosecutors alleged. Stein also ignored repeated warnings from superior officers about his online conduct, the AP reports..."

 Just one of many stinky Pentagon policies that strip servicemembers of their rights if you ask me.

  The 10 Least Peaceful States in the US

 The 10 least peaceful states are:
 1. Louisiana
 2. Tennessee
 3. Nevada
 4. Florida
 5. Arizona
 6. Missouri
 7. Texas
 8. Arkansas
 9. South Carolina
 10. Mississippi

  Red and blue states

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Based on my own experience

I would have to say that I believe that there is definitely some believable storylines here:

  Study: Rich People Are More Inclined To Lie, Cheat, Steal
By Christopher Robbins in News on February 28, 2012 1:13 PM 80

House Investigator Issa Has Faced Allegations As Well
"Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House oversight committee, made news recently for going after the Justice Department's botched gun operation, known as Fast and Furious. Here, Issa listens during Attorney General Eric Holder's testimony in February. text size A A A April 16, 2012 The man driving the investigation into the General Services Administration, California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, took the top seat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee after the GOP won a majority in 2010. Issa has led several splashy investigations since. But he's also been dogged by allegations of his own..."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Samsung family in public spat over inheritance
Technology Writer
"... Lee, who is South Korea's wealthiest individual, on Tuesday took the rare step of publicly attacking his brother, Lee Meng-hee, declaring on YTN television that the 81-year-old "has been already kicked out from our home." Lee Meng-hee had earlier called his brother "greedy" and "childlike...."

How ALEC Helps Companies Keep Fracking Ingredients Secret 
The nonprofit famous for supporting "Stand Your Ground" also aids drilling companies in protecting their "trade secrets."
— By Cora Currier, ProPublica
| Tue Apr. 24, 2012 1:30 PM PDT

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sarah Palin Attacks Obama's 'Terrifyingly Naive' Assault On Energy Production

"Really, our president's naive assault on American energy is going to doom our economy."

Oh nonsense.

What's dooming this country is an assumption by the 1% who pay big advertising dollars for eyeballs that are attached to brains that they believe are stupid enough to give Molly McMooseturd's opinion anything but disdain.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

escaping today

It's weird to hear slang that I suspect originated in California used by British teenagers.

And I do NOT understand the British obsession with Shakespeare . I don't understand the theater's obsession with Shakespeare.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Judges, journalists clash over courtroom tweets

Monday, Apr. 16, 2012

"We're troubled by this ban," said Ed Younka, Chicago spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tweeting and social media are "merely the 21st century version of what reporters have always done — gather information and disseminate it."

Judges, he said, should embrace Twitter as a way to shed light on the judicial process, which, for many Americans, remains shrouded in mysterious ritual.

The judge in the Illinois case fears that feverish tweeting on smartphones could distract jurors and witnesses when testimony begins April 23.

"Tweeting takes away from the dignity of a courtroom," said Irv Miller, media liaison for Cook County Judge Charles Burns. "The judge doesn't want the trial to turn into a circus."


Michael Franks - Charlie Chan In Egypt

Please tell me if you can, Doc
What's causing my depression?
The fact we now engage in
Unprovoked aggression?
These kids we're sending out
To quote "defend our nation"
Come home completely shattered
A broken generation?
I feel like a stranger
In a strange land
Like I can't
Reveal my secret
Wherever I go
Wherever I am
I feel like
Charlie Chan in Egypt
Can all this sit-com laughter
Still conceal our sadness
While down in Foggy Bottom
They manufacture madness?
Thanks to the World Wide Web
And its near complete dominion
We're suffocating in
The quicksand of opinion
I feel like a stranger
In a strange land
Like I can't
Reveal my secret
Wherever I go
Wherever I am
I feel like
Charlie Chan in Egypt

Whoa! I didn't know about the HuffPo's Pulitzer for the series "Beyond the Battlefield" when I posted this song.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Buffet rule failed to pass in Senate

Buffett rule' fails, but it will be back
The Buffet rule to raise taxes on millionaires couldn't get through the Senate, but both parties promise to make it a campaign issue as the nation heads toward Election 2012.
Christian Science Monitor
By David Grant / April 16, 2012

"...The 51-to-45 vote meant the bill fell short of the 60 votes it needs to avoid a filibuster...

... He noted how many Republicans have signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge, which obligates them to reject any tax increases, but have endorsed a Republican budget proposal that cuts food-stamp funding and sets up tougher restrictions on Medicaid funding.

Am I surprised? Oh fuck no! I wonder how much watering down it will take to get these fuckers to pass anything that might raise their taxes?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Prostitution Scandal: 5 Members Of U.S. Military Accused Of Misconduct At Same Hotel As Secret Service

Holy moly, am I the only one who caught the fact that this story is a HUGE distraction from what is really going on at the Summit of Americas?

no, Bloomberg got it

"U.S.-Colombia free trade agreement"

and so did the BBC

"US President Barack Obama has said that legalising drugs is not the answer to the problems caused by the trafficking of illegal narcotics in the Americas....

...But he said that he was open to a debate about the issue...."
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Should America Be Involved in Democracy Promotion in the Arab World?

"...I provided a contrarian view that said, quite simply, "no."

Yep, totally understand that, but definitely not for the reasons you go on to describe. Change needs to come from within, not outside, which is why it's silly to expect Americans to understand this tidbit:

"...As our polling makes clear, what most Arabs want from America is not democracy, it is for Washington to play a role in pressuring Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian lands..."

Did y'all drink the Kool-Aid? How can you lump together "America" and the DC power structure? Y'all think that "we the people" can penetrate, and effectively influence the DC bubble?


Friday, April 13, 2012

Secret Service Agents Relieved Of Duty Following Colombia Misconduct Allegations

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Ummm. Like this stuff is rare? What really happened? Oh ain't it fun to play with an article that tells ya nuthin?

to which someone replied:

What really is a shame is all the false outrage by baggers.

to which I replied:

I know huh? Makes you wonder if the baggers are stupid, unimaginative, hypocritical, or just so brainwashed that they can't wrap their head around it? Or maybe the powers that be just get away with this crap during a "conservative" administration? I mean, secret service agents' employment sometimes spans multiple administrations, right?

Anyway, these dudes should have known that working in the first black US President's administration, and a Dem administration would make their jobs harder. That they would have to be better than the best, and on their best behavior.

That gettting stupid drunk and forgetting to pay the hookers was a big-time no-no:

Secret Service Colombia scandal: Agents working too hard, or not hard enough?
By Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer / April 14, 2012
CS Monitor
Twelve US Secret Service agents were sent back to the US from Cartagena, Colombia, after allegedly drinking heavily and consorting with prostitutes. Is the long-veiled agency struggling with an increasingly complex mission?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

JPMorgan Chase: The Great White Whale Of The Global Economy

Jamie Dimon is as full of poop as a Christmas goose. It's his job.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Anti-abortion activists using legislation to win

WEDNESDAY, APR 11, 2012 10:47 PM PDT
Abortion options fade in South
Have antiabortion activists finally found a way to drive two women's clinics out of Mississippi and Alabama?

A million different thought flew through my mind as I read this article. Disgust was the predominate feeling. Who do the anti-abortion activists think they are? If you have ever had to cross those whack-jobs' picket lines yourself then you may understand the urge to take their retarded picket sign and beat them over the head with it, just long enough to shut them the fuck up.

Unfortunately, those vultures feed on anger if you show it to them. There is no such thing as trying to reason with them, they are completely convinced that they are correct and they have the right to shove their beliefs down your throat. There is no reasoning with that kind of mind, it's like beating your head against a brick wall.

The more vocal ones that I have encountered have been men, which infuriates me.

Do they already have a crapload of kids that they don't make enough money to feed, clothe shelter and provide health insurance for?

Do they get up in the middle of the night to feed and change a baby that may be seriously disabled? For 4o fucking years?

Do they adopt? Would they adopt a child whose chances for survival to adulthood were low and whose chances for independence if they did reach adulthood were non-existent?

Do they struggle with basic survival?

Do they go to work every day for shit pay as a single parent and depend on the government to provide checks for a daycare provider who constantly threatens to dump the kid if their check is delayed one more time?

Do they risk losing their job if they have to stay home with a sick kid because daycare won't take a sick kid?

Do they have abusive spouses that may eventually abuse the child that they made such assholes of themselves to "save?"

Their constant refrain seems to be "God will provide."

Hmmmm. Well God provided a planet that already has 7 billion humans on it, and only 3% of of the water on the planet is fresh water, approximately 1% is usable by humans. Last time I checked crops need water and crops feed humans, and lack of fresh water can kill humans in as little as 2 days.
Don't even get me started on climate change and people's attitudes towards it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Subsidizing the Most Profitable Industry on Earth

Subsidizing the Most Profitable Industry on Earth
April 5, 2012
by Bill McKibben

Along with “fivedollaragallongas,” the energy watchword for the next few months is: “subsidies.” Last week, for instance, New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez proposed ending some of the billions of dollars in handouts enjoyed by the fossil-fuel industry with a “Repeal Big Oil Tax Subsidies Act.” It was, in truth, nothing to write home about — a curiously skimpy bill that only targeted oil companies, and just the five richest of them at that. Left out were coal and natural gas, and you won’t be surprised to learn that even then it didn’t pass.

Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill - Official Music Video