
Monday, April 16, 2012

Buffet rule failed to pass in Senate

Buffett rule' fails, but it will be back
The Buffet rule to raise taxes on millionaires couldn't get through the Senate, but both parties promise to make it a campaign issue as the nation heads toward Election 2012.
Christian Science Monitor
By David Grant / April 16, 2012

"...The 51-to-45 vote meant the bill fell short of the 60 votes it needs to avoid a filibuster...

... He noted how many Republicans have signed the Americans for Tax Reform pledge, which obligates them to reject any tax increases, but have endorsed a Republican budget proposal that cuts food-stamp funding and sets up tougher restrictions on Medicaid funding.

Am I surprised? Oh fuck no! I wonder how much watering down it will take to get these fuckers to pass anything that might raise their taxes?


  1. It was never going to pass. It was/is all a diversion while more fuckery goes on in other venues.

  2. and i know you know
