
Friday, April 13, 2012

Secret Service Agents Relieved Of Duty Following Colombia Misconduct Allegations

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Ummm. Like this stuff is rare? What really happened? Oh ain't it fun to play with an article that tells ya nuthin?

to which someone replied:

What really is a shame is all the false outrage by baggers.

to which I replied:

I know huh? Makes you wonder if the baggers are stupid, unimaginative, hypocritical, or just so brainwashed that they can't wrap their head around it? Or maybe the powers that be just get away with this crap during a "conservative" administration? I mean, secret service agents' employment sometimes spans multiple administrations, right?

Anyway, these dudes should have known that working in the first black US President's administration, and a Dem administration would make their jobs harder. That they would have to be better than the best, and on their best behavior.

That gettting stupid drunk and forgetting to pay the hookers was a big-time no-no:

Secret Service Colombia scandal: Agents working too hard, or not hard enough?
By Patrik Jonsson, Staff writer / April 14, 2012
CS Monitor
Twelve US Secret Service agents were sent back to the US from Cartagena, Colombia, after allegedly drinking heavily and consorting with prostitutes. Is the long-veiled agency struggling with an increasingly complex mission?


  1. So the CIA told the Secret Service guys that the hookers were very discrete and they could run a tab. Those CIA guys sure are a bunch of jokers.
