
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Anti-abortion activists using legislation to win

WEDNESDAY, APR 11, 2012 10:47 PM PDT
Abortion options fade in South
Have antiabortion activists finally found a way to drive two women's clinics out of Mississippi and Alabama?

A million different thought flew through my mind as I read this article. Disgust was the predominate feeling. Who do the anti-abortion activists think they are? If you have ever had to cross those whack-jobs' picket lines yourself then you may understand the urge to take their retarded picket sign and beat them over the head with it, just long enough to shut them the fuck up.

Unfortunately, those vultures feed on anger if you show it to them. There is no such thing as trying to reason with them, they are completely convinced that they are correct and they have the right to shove their beliefs down your throat. There is no reasoning with that kind of mind, it's like beating your head against a brick wall.

The more vocal ones that I have encountered have been men, which infuriates me.

Do they already have a crapload of kids that they don't make enough money to feed, clothe shelter and provide health insurance for?

Do they get up in the middle of the night to feed and change a baby that may be seriously disabled? For 4o fucking years?

Do they adopt? Would they adopt a child whose chances for survival to adulthood were low and whose chances for independence if they did reach adulthood were non-existent?

Do they struggle with basic survival?

Do they go to work every day for shit pay as a single parent and depend on the government to provide checks for a daycare provider who constantly threatens to dump the kid if their check is delayed one more time?

Do they risk losing their job if they have to stay home with a sick kid because daycare won't take a sick kid?

Do they have abusive spouses that may eventually abuse the child that they made such assholes of themselves to "save?"

Their constant refrain seems to be "God will provide."

Hmmmm. Well God provided a planet that already has 7 billion humans on it, and only 3% of of the water on the planet is fresh water, approximately 1% is usable by humans. Last time I checked crops need water and crops feed humans, and lack of fresh water can kill humans in as little as 2 days.
Don't even get me started on climate change and people's attitudes towards it.

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