
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dear Mormons, sympathy is in between shit and syphilis in the dictionary

FRIDAY, APR 27, 2012 11:04 AM PDT Mormons who fear Mitt
Young people are leaving the church -- and some think a Romney presidency will only make things worse

...“Mitt Romney is having a terrible impact on how we are perceived,” explained Brigham Young University law student Marshall Thompson, a former intern to Orrin Hatch, an Iraq vet and a faithful Mormon — the type of person, in other words, you’d expect to be part of Romney’s base. “I’m told he’s a very nice person in real life,” Thompson continues, “but he comes across as out-of-touch, materialistic and disingenuous.”....

...“I cannot count the number of stories I’ve heard from moms who left the church because of Prop. 8,” explained Utah writer and social critic Holly Welker. “The reason? They have a gay son or daughter.”...

 And there you have it.  In a country like the US, and specifically in a state like California, those jerkwads should have known that political activism like the Mormon church became involved in with Prop h8 was going to lead to problems.  Not only with the perception from outsiders, but also within the church.  Idiots.


  1. Love the title honey child b b b b but I listened to him for about the first time in years and this man sounds soooo sincere ya see.
