
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Judge Janice Brown - piece of work

Judge Janice Brown Writes Scathing Economic Rights Concurrence 
By Maryam K. Ansari, Esq. on April 30, 2012 9:03 AM

Janice Rogers Brown
 "Born in Greenville, Alabama, Brown is an Alabama sharecropper's daughter who attended segregated majority African American schools as a child..."

"...She earned her B.A. from California State University, Sacramento in 1974 and her Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the UCLA School of Law in 1977. She worked her own way through law school while being a single mother. In addition, she received an LL.M. degree from the University of Virginia School of Law in 2004.[citation needed]..."

 "...For most of the first two decades of her career, Brown worked for government agencies...

 ... private practice... 1990 to January 1991... .

.. In November 1994, Wilson appointed Brown to the California Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District..

...In May 1997, Governor Pete Wilson appointed Brown as Associate Justice to the California Supreme Court. Prior to the appointment, she had been rated "not qualified" by the State Bar of California's Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation, which evaluates nominees to the California courts. She was the first person with that rating to be appointed.

 ...On June 8, (2005) Brown was confirmed as a judge on the D.C. Circuit by a vote of 56-43...

 ...Liberal organizations including the NAACP,[9] the Feminist Majority Foundation,[10] People For the American Way,[11] the National Council of Jewish Women,[12] and the National Organization for Women[13] called her views "extreme right-wing," reflecting political and ideological differences...

 ...In a speech to the Federalist Society, Brown called the group a "rare bastion (nay beacon) of conservative and libertarian thought" and that the "latter notion made your invitation well-nigh irresistible"[15]

 In the same speech, she gave hints of her philosophical foundations. She described private property as "the guardian of every other right". Later in her speech she described collectivism as "slavery to the tribe" and that government was a "leviathan [that] will continue to lumber along, picking up ballast and momentum, crushing everything in its path".[15]


What a tool, and ungrateful hypocrite.  Bitch certainly knows who's asses to kiss in order to stay on her perch, doesn't she?

 Thanks Petey, as if just being a RepugnantThuglican wasn't enough for me to hate you.

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