
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Gah! Still disgusted

I'm still glancing at all the political stuff that shows up in my mailbox and hitting delete. I'm absolutely disgusted with the marriage of banksters and congresswhores so definitively outlined in Greider's book and the Jekyll Island book is indigestible in one big chunk.

Local politics and the pathetic "local" station KUSI whoring for the Republican party is especially disgusting. Sadly, the troops stuck on the bases are subjected to Fox Newz 24/7. Blech. Local politics are so skewed as to be revolting, at least now there is some reporting on them.

It's not surprising that the bible thumping bigots won in Maine.

And then there is the war. Something the banksters, defense contractors, and congresswhores profit from.


I think I'll go get lost in Netflix streaming stuff. I'm impatiently waiting for the discs for Weeds and Dexter. I flew through the first two streamable seasons of both shows. I'm not a big vigilante murder advocate and I don't smoke weed, but both shows are quite amusing and the evil characters get what's coming to them in fiction shows, unlike the banksters and congresswhores who do not, and even more insulting, who ignore the general public that they profit from. Well, they ignore them after they gin up the fear in order to make bucks for Big Pharma. Even when Big Pharma fucks up, big-time.

Update 4:17 PM 11/4/2009
Well wouldja lookee here, now wtf did I say a couple of days ago?

JPMorgan Settlement: Bank To Pay SEC Over $700M Over Charges Of Illegal Payments
MARCY GORDON | 11/ 4/09 05:16 PM | AP

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Sunday, November 01, 2009

How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash

Umm hmmm, and JP Morgan was already trying to hide their part in this mess, and even that it was a mess. Fuckers.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Ya wanna know why I haven't been blogging? The damn incision site is taking forever to heal and I can not sit very long. I'm fed up with incompetent medical practitioners and men in general. All my girlfriends are fed up with men and the stupid things they do, don't do and need to be told to do. Reading about the wars, the political maneuvering, the greed and the stupidity of some men is just more than I can do when it physically hurts to do it.

The kid has the car today, so I'll be using alternate transportation.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Soooooo good to be home...

But I am proud that HE called maintenance for the first time in eight years. I kind of wish he had burned the sugar cookies (pre-formed and frozen, with a brand spanking new timer on the wall two feet from the stove, Oy) instead of the ones that I like, but hey, at least he didn't burn the apartment building down. In all fairness, our oven sucks, it's hard not to burn stuff in it, what with all the flipping stuff halfway through because it does not heat evenly.

It was kind of sad to leave Annie's house. She's so much fun and I love her dearly. I am truly lucky to call her friend.

I'm going through political junkie withdrawls

No shit. I had a dream that I met Randi Rhodes at some hokey little political get-together and not only did she take her turn manning the funky little snack bar, she told me she was secretly a conservative.

I have definitely been in LA too long. Oy. Oy Vey.

I love my friend Annie dearly, but LA is just too weird for me, and Annie is so energetic that I cannot keep up with her. Besides, socially I'm kind of a wet blanket compared to her. She's a lot of fun, and people love her. I'm kind of like a burr under a saddle, not fun, but people know I'm there.

I'm trying to read
The Creature From Jekyll Island, but she's so happy that I hate to darken her mood with this particular nasty piece of history.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Car is fixed---yeah!!!!

And Annie is doing her thing today so I'm sort of dog sitting. Her dogs are well behaved, so no big deal, but only for Annie. I am not a pet person.

I was going to clean the fridge, but it still hurts to do that much bending and squatting. If I had known that this stupid cyst was going to be that much of a pain in the ass, I just might have left it alone.

I'll be glad to get home. 2 weeks away is more than I usually do. I have discovered on this trip that I need a new bed. My back has not bothered me at all and it usually does at home. They say that mattresses last about ten years and mine is definitely shot.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The horrid ghost of Ayn Rand

A blood boiling must see. PBS Frontline "The Warning"

That fucking piece of shit, selfish cunt from hell, evil bitch Ayn Rand, and her acolyte fucktard Alan Greenspan is what the market booty bopping us now is all about.

Fraudsters and Banksters need mommy to smack their hands when they overdo it in the cookie jar. The shitheads do NOT understand anything else.

Monday, October 19, 2009

I was busy

I am in LA now with my wonderful friend Annie. I should not have driven the 8 hours up to see the kid, but I NEEDED to see my baby girl. I am really pissed that the fuckheads took the stitches out, but they didn't bother to tell me how to care for the butterflies they stuck on me and they didn't warn me about what an 8 hour drive might do to them. I pissed my kid off and stressed her out right before a mid-term because I blew the stitches and bled. Then I found out my heater/defroster doesn't work. $1500 bucks to fix it with a used one, are you fucking kidding me? So instead of getting to see the charming little college town she lives in I got to see an ER and a car dealership. Pffffft. I'm not paying $1500 bucks, I'll find some way to get it fixed without being reamed, big-time.

Well, at least I got to spend time with my kid, THAT was awesome. SHE is awesome. I am so proud of her.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dear Supreme Court

Seriously? The Jeffrey Skilling case? Are you fucking kidding me? Could you be any more brown-nosy towards the Bushies that got you where you are Scumbag Goombah and Head Rich Asshole licker?

Skilling review fuels debate over Enron prosecutors
By MARY FLOOD Copyright 2009 Houston Chronicle
Oct. 14, 2009, 11:26PM

More at IMDbPro » Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005
Photos (see all 2 | slideshow)
User Rating:
7.7/10 2,065 votes

Up 7% in popularity this week. See why on IMDbPro.
Alex Gibney

Guess which year I am reliving through this documentary?

If there is a hell Ken Lay is there and his buddy Skilling will join him there, along with the greedy Enron energy trader(s) who laughed at Grandma Millie, loved it when California was on fire and laughed "Burn, Baby Burn. It's a beautiful thing."

And Oh yeah, Governor Terminator Arnie? Fuck you, and your buddy Pete Wilson for being in on the de-regulation.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Illegal immigration

I heard a report on NPR this morning about more Chinese being caught crossing illegally into the US from Mexico. Something that is on my mind since I watched the movie "Frozen River" recently.

Does illegal immigration disgust me because "I hate dem furriners?" Nope. Actually, the first guy that asked me to marry him was a Vietnamese refugee. I hate it because not only does it exploit the immigrants, sometimes to the tune of brutal slavery to pay off the smugglers, it benefits drug dealers who use the illegals to backpack in drugs through the deserts.

I also cannot help but wonder who else is coming across the border? The book I am reading hasn't said anything about human smuggling, but the FBI's handling of terrorists in this country is might fucking fishy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Media Moguls and Creative Destruction

# OCTOBER 12, 2009 WSJ

hat tip to

...Mr. Knee offers some timely advice to old- and new-media executives and investors. "The consumer, not the producer, is the beneficiary of greater competition," ...

Ahhhh, such brilliance from a Wall Street Journal Opinion piece. I believe the beneficiary of CAPITALISM is supposed to be the consumer.


Friday, October 09, 2009

My little girl is gone and it hurts

No, she's not dead, she's fine and I'm very proud of her. She's in college and doing well. She's a much more social animal than I am and I applaud her for that.

Unfortunately today is the day that her "stuff" is being donated and as I look at the things she no longer has any need for it brings back memories of her when she was my little girl. I hope that some little girl or boy will enjoy the "stuff" like she did.

When she moved away from home a year ago I thought I would die it hurt so bad. I cried every day for four months. Yes, I know that young adults need to go out on their own and grow up and as bad as it hurt I know it was for the best. She is a beautiful, responsible, intelligent young woman.

But this sucks. I wish the donation truck would hurry up and get here and just take this stuff away.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Rachel Maddow

is kicking ass and taking names on Health Care reform. I'm grinning.

Defund Acorn? Ok, now how about defunding the real (corporate) criminals?

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

In Failed Strike on Saudi Prince, A New Fear of Al-Qaeda's Tactics

By Sudarsan Raghavan
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This article happens to hold interest for me because of the book I am reading. I remember reading a book in 2001 that gave me an idea of what the Saudi Royal Family is dealing with in Saudi Arabia and within the family. They have been attempting to buy off the radical Islamists for years. It doesn't seem like the new rehabilitation program is keeping them completely safe.

I don't believe that this piece of shit is reformed either. Eating pork and converting to Christianity doesn't mean that he's not still a very dangerous terrorist. Anybody who thinks that there is no such thing as a dangerous Christian terrorists isn't paying attention.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Do They Take Us for Shmucks?

By Greg Kaufmann
October 2, 2009 The Nation

I call bullshit

Deficit May Prove Stumbling Block for U.S. Senate Health Plan
By Laura Litvan and Kristin Jensen
Oct. 6 (Bloomberg)

Senate panel OKs $636 billion Pentagon budget, with $128 billion for Iraq, Afghanistan wars Thu Sep 10, 7:13 PM
By Andrew Taylor, The Associated Press

Here is a low estimate of the savings from Medicare for all.

"One estimate of the savings we often see in articles on Medicare for All is $350-400 billion annually."

And Rachel and Bernie compare Acorn and Defense contractor crimes.

Reading Now

I gave up on the Black Swan. I wasn't learning anything, and I was getting increasingly irritated and bored. I already understand that random shit happens. One of my best friends has a life that her other friends have described as "a Fellini movie." I also understand that "experts" in certain fields don't know shit.

I decided to read something I became interested in after listening toSibel Edmonds/Peter B. Collins interviewing Peter Lance. See, good reporters don't claim to be experts, just curious and interested in getting the truth out there.

Monday, October 05, 2009

The video stores are closing

So it looks like Netflix is the gonna be the only game in town for me. Fuck cable, I don't want to pay to watch more damn ads.

I'm glad I bought a new monitor. I can't stand to not do anything and the damn stitches need air or they won't heal. So I can see the monitor when I'm parked on the bed and take the bandage off.

The movie is in German and the family is Turkish. I'm so busy watching the English subtitles I can barley tell when they switch from German to Turkish.

Education vs. prisons in California

Jeez, what a report We spend more on prisons in California than we spend on ALL of the education system.

The NPR report goes on about how California Correctional Peace Officers Association has increased labor costs of running the prisons.

What the fuck do you expect when most of the unions in the US have been decimated by business? Businesses leaving the country and businesses intimidating or firing groups who may want to form a union.

Thank you "Three strikes law."

Thank you "tough on crime" rhetoric spouting politicians. You managed to gin up the fear in people enough to really create animals who are jammed in like sardines and ready to explode at anyone of a different race in prison.

Thank you federal "war on drugs"

I can think of so many other factors, but why? It is what it is.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Welcome for whom?

Welcome sounds of construction ring in Rancho Penasquitos
By Roger Showley
Union-Tribune Staff Writer
2:00 a.m. October 2, 2009

With construction virtually at a standstill in San Diego County, a Florida-based firm officially started construction yesterday on a 368-unit apartment project in Rancho Peñasquitos that will generate hundreds of jobs over the next two years and replace an outmoded experimental metal housing complex.

The project is called Cresta Bella Apartments and is a development of Atlantic & Pacific Management, a company that owns and manages about 18,000 apartments and condo complexes on the two coasts.

“Real estate's in our blood,” company chairman Alan Cohen said. “This is something that I've been focused on for 45 years.”

The $44 million project is on 31 acres west of Interstate 15 on Peñasquitos Road, immediately south of the DoubleTree Golf Resort. It will include 32 buildings, most of which will resemble what the project architect calls a “big house” — a mega-mansion that contains 10 apartments.

The units will range from 850 square feet to more than 1,440 square feet and rent for a projected $1,350 to about $2,200. Thirty-one of the units will be set aside as affordable units available to low- and moderate-income renters under the city of San Diego's inclusionary housing program.

As a measure of how grateful they were at the groundbreaking, officials of Suffolk Construction Co., a Boston-based general contractor with offices in Irvine, heaped praise on the Cohens for choosing them over San Diego's more deep-rooted contractors.

So far this year, only 778 multifamily housing units have been authorized locally, so the AP project represents a nearly 50 percent increase in just one month.

Robert Pinnegar, executive director of the San Diego County Apartment Association, said Cresta Bella was a prime candidate for redevelopment because of its proximity to a freeway, shopping and community services. However, he said, good urban planning would have called for higher building density.

“There was potential to put much more density there and that's kind of sad,” Pinnegar said.

In fact, the Cohens, who have owned the site since 1975, originally proposed to build more than 500 units but backed off when the Rancho Peñasquitos Planning Board voiced concerns about traffic, and the developers realized how difficult it would to change the community plan. The last residents were relocated to other projects earlier this year; the buildings were demolished last month.

“We had numerous offers on our assets and could have sold and cashed out and made a lot of money,” company president Stanley Cohen said. “We're not interested in that. We're interested in long-term operations and building the company up here.”

Many other builders are stymied from proceeding with their projects because of the lack of financing. Cohen said Wells Fargo Bank agreed to back the project, because, he said, “We pay our bills and have a strong balance sheet.”

The Cresta Bella site has a history as old as the community. Its predecessor was Leisure Life Village, a series of 248 single-story homes built in the late 1960s and rented mostly to seniors with federal housing subsidies. The developer was Irvin J. Kahn, who had bought the 14,000-acre Los Peñasquitos Rancho in 1962.

He signed on United States Steel, Rheem Manufacturing Co. of New York and Rohr Corp. of Chula Vista to build an all-metal framing and modular complex. Promoters at the time spoke of it as a “breakthrough” in residential construction.

But Kahn, who died in 1973, had fallen behind in his payments on $180 million borrowed from the Teamsters pension fund. The balance of the development property was sold to Genstar Ltd. of Montreal for $91 million in 1978.

The Cohens bought some of the Kahn holdings in 1975, including Leisure Life, and watched the I-15 corridor develop over the next 30 years.

But the project, while offering affordable housing, was not the most comfortable to live in.

“In the summer it was hot and in the winter it was cold,” Stanley Cohen said.

Dan Barker, a member of the Peñasquitos Planning Board, said the community and neighbors were “anxious to see this redeveloped.”

“There was no issue between the residents and the community,” he said. “It was just that the property was in dire need of redevelopment.”

Fuckers. Those were low income apartments that they tore down. They had grass, trees, a pool, a small amount of units in each building which makes the ability to control roaches easier. I don't know where these guys expect people who actually work in San Diego to live? Do they own calculators? Will they ever figure out that two minimum wage full-time jobs is not enough for one person to live on in this county?

The assholes can't do simple math either.

A. Residential development projects where at least 10 percent of the units are set aside for households with an income at or below 65 percent area median income (AMI) for rental units and at or below 100 percent AMI for for-sale units as set forth in the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (SDMC Section 142.1304)."

Saturday, October 03, 2009


I really thought that people watching it would not really react because he would be sort of preaching to the choir. With me he was, but I heard laughter, gasps from shock, and murmuring in sympathy.

It didn't leave me depressed, but wondering what I can do to change things. Laying around doing nothing while everyone around me just takes it up the ass from a bunch of rich assholes isn't cutting it for me anymore.

As soon as these damn stitches come out I want to go buy a pitchfork.

Sunday Oct 4, 2009, It's pretty much playing all over San Diego today.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Jon Stewart

Yeah, it's actually kind of nice to see that his snarky reaction wasn't all that different from mine while I was watching CSPAN
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Democratic Super Majority
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

no squirrels today

Instead, some pics I took of some early morning fog the other day. (click for links to some songs I like over at YouTube)

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Late afternoon stories of interest to me

posted October 01, 2009 11:13 am
Tomgram: Pepe Escobar, Pipelineistan's Ultimate Opera

The next article caught my eye because I saw a gun show in San Diego advertised for this weekend.

Mexican drug cartels might target U.S. businesses

Poll. 71% say Congress shuts us out on health care debate

But OK, if Amy and Wendell think there still is hope for a public option I'll keep emaiing, calling and making a general nuisance of myself.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Michael Moore tells Democrats: 'Find your spine' on health care

After you read this article and read the most recommended comments. When allowed even a small voice in the media the majority of Americans are thoughtful, intelligent and interested in the public option. The smart congressmen are listening. The rest will be chucked overboard in '10.

Grassly, the rightwing tool and health sector whore and

that arrogant smarmy cheating dickweed Ensign don't have a clue as to what real people are dealing with.

Baucus is a disgrace to his party, and Nelson, ummm he ummm... tends to do shit that is great for Big Ag and other large corporations in his state.

....Now that Sen. Ben Nelson, (D-Neb.) has definitively stated that he opposes the use of reconciliation to pass health care reform, it's worth noting that on at least two previous occasions the Nebraska Democrat had no qualms supporting the budgetary procedure as a means of passing legislation.
On May 26, 2001, Nelson was one of a dozen Democrats to support president George W. Bush's Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001: the massive tax cut package that defined the administration's plans for job growth. The bill was passed using reconciliation -- meaning it wasn't subject to a Democratic filibuster -- and received the support of 58 Senators..."

Update "Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) told the Huffington Post that he is confident that Democrats can break a Republican filibuster against a public option proposal provided it is the right version."

Sam Stein @ HuffPo
Read more at:Harkin Hangs Tough: We Still Can Get 60 Votes For A Public Option

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

San Diego arrests gang bangers with drugs, guns , ets.

Anti-gang operation results in 93 arrests
Day care center also shut down
By Angelica Martinez
Union-Tribune Staff Writer
2:00 a.m. September 29, 2009

...Taking part in the probe along with San Diego police were the county District Attorney's Office and Probation Department; state Parole Department; U.S. Attorney's Office; U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration; U.S. Marshals Service; and Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

I think it's this gang, but I'm not sure.

Somehow, I missed this:

Media ordeal blamed on escalating security offensive and cumbersome bureaucracy

"...With a total of 55 deaths of journalists since 2000 that were clearly or probably linked to their work, and eight journalists missing, Mexico is the western hemisphere country where press freedom is most endangered..."

nd this might be why you won't see the report widely publicized.

"In the report’s conclusions, Reporters Without Borders calls for a complete overhaul of the Mexican judicial system and major legislative changes concerning the press. The press freedom organisation is nonetheless convinced that a solution to the tragedy is impossible unless the United States imposes controls on firearms."

Mexico's museum of drugs.