
Friday, October 09, 2009

My little girl is gone and it hurts

No, she's not dead, she's fine and I'm very proud of her. She's in college and doing well. She's a much more social animal than I am and I applaud her for that.

Unfortunately today is the day that her "stuff" is being donated and as I look at the things she no longer has any need for it brings back memories of her when she was my little girl. I hope that some little girl or boy will enjoy the "stuff" like she did.

When she moved away from home a year ago I thought I would die it hurt so bad. I cried every day for four months. Yes, I know that young adults need to go out on their own and grow up and as bad as it hurt I know it was for the best. She is a beautiful, responsible, intelligent young woman.

But this sucks. I wish the donation truck would hurry up and get here and just take this stuff away.

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