
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Gah! Still disgusted

I'm still glancing at all the political stuff that shows up in my mailbox and hitting delete. I'm absolutely disgusted with the marriage of banksters and congresswhores so definitively outlined in Greider's book and the Jekyll Island book is indigestible in one big chunk.

Local politics and the pathetic "local" station KUSI whoring for the Republican party is especially disgusting. Sadly, the troops stuck on the bases are subjected to Fox Newz 24/7. Blech. Local politics are so skewed as to be revolting, at least now there is some reporting on them.

It's not surprising that the bible thumping bigots won in Maine.

And then there is the war. Something the banksters, defense contractors, and congresswhores profit from.


I think I'll go get lost in Netflix streaming stuff. I'm impatiently waiting for the discs for Weeds and Dexter. I flew through the first two streamable seasons of both shows. I'm not a big vigilante murder advocate and I don't smoke weed, but both shows are quite amusing and the evil characters get what's coming to them in fiction shows, unlike the banksters and congresswhores who do not, and even more insulting, who ignore the general public that they profit from. Well, they ignore them after they gin up the fear in order to make bucks for Big Pharma. Even when Big Pharma fucks up, big-time.

Update 4:17 PM 11/4/2009
Well wouldja lookee here, now wtf did I say a couple of days ago?

JPMorgan Settlement: Bank To Pay SEC Over $700M Over Charges Of Illegal Payments
MARCY GORDON | 11/ 4/09 05:16 PM | AP

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