
Monday, October 19, 2009

I was busy

I am in LA now with my wonderful friend Annie. I should not have driven the 8 hours up to see the kid, but I NEEDED to see my baby girl. I am really pissed that the fuckheads took the stitches out, but they didn't bother to tell me how to care for the butterflies they stuck on me and they didn't warn me about what an 8 hour drive might do to them. I pissed my kid off and stressed her out right before a mid-term because I blew the stitches and bled. Then I found out my heater/defroster doesn't work. $1500 bucks to fix it with a used one, are you fucking kidding me? So instead of getting to see the charming little college town she lives in I got to see an ER and a car dealership. Pffffft. I'm not paying $1500 bucks, I'll find some way to get it fixed without being reamed, big-time.

Well, at least I got to spend time with my kid, THAT was awesome. SHE is awesome. I am so proud of her.

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