
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Grassly, the rightwing tool and health sector whore and

that arrogant smarmy cheating dickweed Ensign don't have a clue as to what real people are dealing with.

Baucus is a disgrace to his party, and Nelson, ummm he ummm... tends to do shit that is great for Big Ag and other large corporations in his state.

....Now that Sen. Ben Nelson, (D-Neb.) has definitively stated that he opposes the use of reconciliation to pass health care reform, it's worth noting that on at least two previous occasions the Nebraska Democrat had no qualms supporting the budgetary procedure as a means of passing legislation.
On May 26, 2001, Nelson was one of a dozen Democrats to support president George W. Bush's Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001: the massive tax cut package that defined the administration's plans for job growth. The bill was passed using reconciliation -- meaning it wasn't subject to a Democratic filibuster -- and received the support of 58 Senators..."

Update "Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) told the Huffington Post that he is confident that Democrats can break a Republican filibuster against a public option proposal provided it is the right version."

Sam Stein @ HuffPo
Read more at:Harkin Hangs Tough: We Still Can Get 60 Votes For A Public Option

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