
Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm going through political junkie withdrawls

No shit. I had a dream that I met Randi Rhodes at some hokey little political get-together and not only did she take her turn manning the funky little snack bar, she told me she was secretly a conservative.

I have definitely been in LA too long. Oy. Oy Vey.

I love my friend Annie dearly, but LA is just too weird for me, and Annie is so energetic that I cannot keep up with her. Besides, socially I'm kind of a wet blanket compared to her. She's a lot of fun, and people love her. I'm kind of like a burr under a saddle, not fun, but people know I'm there.

I'm trying to read
The Creature From Jekyll Island, but she's so happy that I hate to darken her mood with this particular nasty piece of history.

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