
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Bristol Palin's privacy

And your daughter's uterus.

Sarah Palin
Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin wrote in her line-item veto changes by hand in this copy of a 2008 spending bill obtained by The Washington Post.

Is she a distraction from the RNC goon squad tactics? They have received 50 million in Homeland Security money for law enforcement, as did Denver. Law enforcement? When did "pre-emptive" arrests become legal?

Or is she a distraction from
No Se Nada Torquemada (Gonzales) ?

Heerz how yur librul media (ABC & CBS) dealz with the DNC and RNC

Palin Wants Independent Trooper-Gate Probe Called Off
By Zachary Roth - September 3, 2008, 10:09AM

Yeah, I'll bet she does.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sarah Palin like, babbles on and on in church

You have to see this in order to believe it.

Truly. I'm stunned.

Hmmmm, this is an interesting little tidbit I found posted in the comments section of Huff Po.

She is enormously popular; in every way she’s like the most popular girl in middle school Even men who think she is a poor choice and won't vote for her can't quit smiling when talking about her because she is a "babe".

Oh. My. God.

Would someone please inform the McCain campaign that running the country is not like running Porky-Podunk- Moosetown, Alaska. And explain to her what she's supposed to do as VP? She doesn't know. Better tell her more than once, she's a Barbie girl

She's also a conservative. I know conservatives. They are rigid, inflexible, selfish, and they don't want any lip from their kids. They see things in black and white, right or wrong. In their minds, they are never wrong, and if you disagree with them, you are wrong.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Amy Goodman and Two Democracy Now! Producers Unlawfully Arrested at RNC

And everybody's talking about the feds busting kids in Minnesota before they even get a chance to protest.
Coulda told you this would happen.
The War on Terra has a disgustingly disproportionate percentage of the budget.

Watch these thugs.

From what I can gather, Amy has been released, but Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar, her producers trying to cover the "riot" ? have not.

Update from
Tom D'Antoni at the Huff Po
No one knows what they are being charged with, but Palmer attributes their arrest to "suspicious behavior."
Kouddous and Salazar are still being held without any formal charges.
11:33PM: Kouddous and Salazar have been released. Sgt. William Palmer called me back and said they have been released with "Pending complaints," which essentially means they were not charged while in custody, but may yet be charged with some felony at a later date.
12:00AM: Democracy Now! has posted this update:

Palin's unmarried 17-yr-old pregnant

Palin says 17-year-old daughter is pregnant

By LIZ SIDOTI, Associated Press Writer
25 minutes ago

ST. PAUL, Minn. - John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin said Monday that her17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant, an announcement campaign aides said was aimed at rebutting Internet rumors that Palin's youngest son, born in April, was actually her daughter's.

A statement released by the campaign said that Bristol Palin will keep her baby and marry the child's father. Bristol Palin's baby is due in late December.

Associated Press Writers Eric Gorski in St. Paul and Steve Quinn in Anchorage, Alaska, contributed to this report.

This family values crowd just gets more and more comical every day. Tristero over at Hullabaloo has some James Dobson, of Focus on the Family fame, on adolescent rebellion . for you.

Update 5:04 PM 9/1/2008

Palin hires attorney for Troopergate investigation
By STEVE QUINN, Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 32 minutes ago
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the GOP vice presidential candidate, is being represented by an attorney in the investigation into the firing of her public safety commissioner.

Man, it's like watching the Three Stooges.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Article titles demeaning to women

Can You Cross Out ‘Hillary’ and Write ‘Sarah’? NYT

Pick Of Palin Sets Up Battle For Female Voters NPR
The Republican Convention
by Ina Jaffe

Battle begins for the Hillary vote
Paul Harris in St Paul, Minnesota
The Observer, Sunday August 31 2008

Jeee-zus Christ. Do guys vote for other guys just because they have a penis?

Women don't vote for women just because they have a vagina. Only stupid religious nutjobs want to give a woman power that will hand over control of said religious nutjob's reproductive organs to misogynistic religious nutjob men.

Here we go, wow, I especially love it when some tool who writes for rich asshole fuckheads comes up with this bullshit:

Hillary Clinton’s New Motivation
John McCain giving Alaskan governor Sarah Palin the nod as his vice presidential choice looks to be a pure play for the faction of Hillary supporters still dissatisfied with Democratic nominee Barack Obama.

Lemmee give the fucktards who write this crap a little lesson in how THIS Hillary supporter DEALT WITH IT. I cried, but I got over it months ago, & I enthusiastically support Barack Obama now. That idiot who squirted out a down syndrome brat when she knew better in order to what, increase her street cred as a good Catholic marytyr? What the fuck is it with Catholics anyway? They don't stop squirting out brats until they squirt out a retard. Eggs have a shelf life, Helloooooo? She makes me want to vomit. Here's more msm bull shit on Palin. She's a religious whacko that supports gays? I think not. Oh boy, Bobo speaks , it must be true right? Bwwwaa ha ha hahaha.

Update, Warren notices that Palin' Wikipedia page just keeps getting cleaner . Nice catch Warren :)

Shifting focus slightly.

Gustav threatens start of GOP meeting

Hurricane to keep Bush and Cheney away from Minnesota
By Russ Britt & Kate Gibson, MarketWatch
Last update: 12:29 p.m. EDT Aug. 31, 2008

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jon Stewart on Palin

vs MSM (corporate media whores for the obscenely rich) barf-a-rama on Palin

Palin Selection Already Paying Dividends to McCain August 30, 2008, 3:47 pm
Wall Street Journal
Elizabeth Holmes reports from Pittsburgh on the presidential race.

Reading Sarah Palin
TIME magazine
Friday, Aug. 29, 2008 By LAURA FITZPATRICK

Palin: Pioneer, maverick -- and now game-changer
August 30, 2008 -- Updated 1438 GMT (2238 HKT)

Holy crap, look at the links to the "who is blogging" blogs on this piece of shit. Newsbusters and Powerline? Ugh. Yeah, I'm sure there weren't any any other bloggers except these Repugnant Thuglicans with any response to this drivel.

So, anyway I think pandering to the "conservative, family values crowd" is going to backfire big-time. How is she going to join McSame on the campaign trail with three kids in school , and an infant with down syndrome? And what about her ethics issues?

This is funny--
McCain's Brain: The Truth Behind his VP Choice Sarah Palin

Mark Fiore's Bible Thumper

On second thought, why am I bashing the McMoldy and the Beauty Queen show?

The money started
moving to the Dems a while ago.

Just how is Obama planning on fixing Afghanistan?

It's a fucking train wreck and has been for some time:

Surging in Afghanistan: Too Much, Too Late?

After three decades of almost constant warfare, most citizens are programmed to answer the slightest challenge with violence. In Afghanistan it's the default response

... amid poverty, illiteracy, misogyny, and ongoing warfare...

.... a British nongovernmental organization, issued a report entitled "Taking Stock: Afghan Women and Girls Seven Years On." The news? Violence against women is "epidemic." Eighty-seven percent of women complain of domestic violence. Half of those cases involve sexual violence. Sixty percent of marriages are still forced. Fifty-seven percent of brides are still under the legal age of 16. What would you call this massive use of force, complete with torture, if not "war" -- an ongoing war against women....

I had a neighbor from Afghanistan many years ago. She had been a teacher there. She was sweet and strong, a single mother. Her daughter wanted to be a doctor, and the girl's eyes shone with hope and determination as she revealed this to me. I had no idea of how ridiculous this idea would have been in the country of her birth. The girl is probably in med school now.

Anyway, my first order of business in Afghanistan would be family planning clinics. Most of the vicious, cruel, idiot men in that country have no business breeding.

Unrelated, altlhough I'm sure the women are disenfranchised from voting in Afghanistan.

Electoral Dirty Tricks Coming Soon To An In-Box Near You
August 29, 2008 at 22:59:25

Friday, August 29, 2008

PBS = the petroleum broadcasting service

Tonight it's obvious. I wouldn't ask right-wing dickhead Ruben Navarette directions to the bathroom, but tonight he's a fucking expert on Obama's speech.

"But beyond that, in terms of what was said, the actual text of the speech, it was a bundle of contradictions."

What a putz.
I've never heard of that Rosemary Goudreau lady, but she looks whacked on valium. She must have been to spit out this:

"I think, in the end, they did come through, although there are still a lot of Democratic women in Tampa who are not going to vote for Senator Obama because of what happened to Hillary."

Gee, maybe if they repeat this bullshit enough the sheeple will believe it?

Friday sqirrel blogging

"Local" flora and fauna
Yeah, I don't know who's brilliant idea it was to plant Australian eucalyptus trees all over San Diego residential areas because San Diego is fire prone. Eucalyptus trees have been known to
explode in fires.

They don't harvest the trees in the residential areas for feeding Zoo and Wild Animal Park animals.

McCain' s VP choice

Lame-O Gramps McSame jumps on the "Change" bandwagon.

I recognize her from
this episode of PBS NOW.
Here's the transcript link for that show.

I still find it difficult to believe that so many Republicans in this country think that the answer to high gas prices is more drilling in America. The problem is that we NEED so much fucking gas. Our infrastructure IS unsustainable and it needs a major overhaul. Real changes in our transportation AND housing system seems to be something many Republicans, Libertarians, Independents just won't accept. Conservative Republicans are so brainwashed, loyal and stupid and stubborn that they deserve to be stranded in the suburbs. They will be.

"Wake Up America" will never sink in to these bubble headed idiots.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Can't wait to miss this shit

Phelps to Host 'SNL' with Lil' Wayne
By Roger Catlin on August 27, 2008 9:16 PM

Hoping to hold onto its golden boy just a bit longer, NBC has announced that eight-time Gold medalist Michael Phelps will host its 34th season premiere of "Saturday Night Live" Sept. 13.

While Phelps has been undeniably electrifying in the water, he's been a little less so in interviews or public speaking. It will be interesting to see what they'll get him to do.

Seems like one great lure to get him there - or a negotiating chip on Phelps' part - is the musical act that will also be on during the season opener.

If Lil' Wayne was the most likely thing on his iPod in Beijing, it's fitting that the rapper will be musical guest of Phelps' show-hosting gig.

Odd that he'll be hosting a show that had been going 10 years before he was even born, though.

"SNL" won't be his first high-profile entertainment gig on TV this fall. Phelps will also be a presenter at the MTV Video Music Awards show from Los Angeles Sept. 7.

And I haven't watched MTV since it moved into the gutter in the ghetto. Keep your bling in your crib and outta my face, it disgusts me. My kid isn't fond of rap now but she did drag me to see 8 Mile and it wasn't all that bad.

There is a sound that came out of Southern California that I prefer, if I must be dragged away from Blues and elevator jazz. I don't know what it's called, maybe punk-pop mixed with speed metal with some ska thrown in? Think old No Doubt

5:39 PM 8/28/2008 Update. Yeah I'm definitely not looking back fondly on swimming today, I had my face, hands and back sprayed with liguid nitrogen to freeze off the sun damage. That shit stings, & the doc said it looks gross before it heals. It's gonna look worse? I gotta go back very six months and get sprayed with the stingy shit for the rest of my life. Whooopeeeee. Fuggit, gimmee a glass of wine, damnit, I'm m n a get me some purple teeth to go with this funky blotchy skin, scare the neighbors.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Watching the DNC in Denver

It's better online without the ads.

Malkin is a monster

Hat tip to Sadly No
Alex Jones can be a little loud, but in this case I love it. I HATE Michelle Malkin.

Alex Jones Confronts Michelle Malkin at DNC

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

I know we've all seen this, but it still makes me smirk, & it's a perfect follow-up for yesterday's post.

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

I missed Ted Kennedy's speech last night. I missed Michelle Obama's also. Full of hope for change, but I know what these guys are up against. An entrenched military-industrial-complex that is working for the rich and powerful and will fight to the end for it's dominance in American foreign policy and on the world stage.

If you think Granpa McSame ain't part of it, you ain't looking.

Americablog via Maru breaks it down for you if you ain't been looking.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Diebold Admits Their Tabulator Software Doesn't Count Votes Correctly

Blogged by Brad Friedman on 8/24/2008 5:17PM
UPDATED WITH VIDEO: CNN's Lou Dobbs Covers Stunning Admission...
Blogged by Brad Friedman from Boulder, CO...

...Diebold has admitted that their tabulator software, known as GEMS, and used all across the country, in at least 34 states, does not count votes correctly...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Beijing Olympics press freedom

Let me first say, Press freedom in China?
bwaaaa haaha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa hhahahahah.

Bill Moyers covered this on Friday quite well. I guess the rest of American media had to skedaddle out of China before they could speak up?

U.S. Envoy Calls on China to Free Detained American Activists
By Chua Kong Ho
Aug. 24 (Bloomberg

US disappointed Olympics didn't open China more
By ROHAN SULLIVAN – 41 minutes ago

Olympic disaster for free expression in China
Reporters Without Borders condemns Chinese government cynicism and IOC inability to ensure respect for charter
2008 Beijing Games 22 August 2008

China shows flaws in trying to be perfect
BEIJING 2008 08-24

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fay get the gold for phucking up Florida

Ann Korin's Oil Solution

This is definitely worth watching.

pt 1 of 7

Comments from MDD's post are worth reading.

She is speaking of relatively short term solutions, like coal to gas . She is speaking to, and answering questions from college age conservatives, but her appeal must surely be with people my age or older because her solutions don't involve changing our unsustainable infrastructure. I agree with her that nuclear power is not the solution to our transportation problem, or our McMansion's needs for energy, for that matter.

Yes, I say temporary solutions, because I read
Clusterfuck Nation and I've seen The End of Surburbia . I know that the problems that the American suburban middle class -> poor are facing right now, are not due only to fuel prices. The co2 problems created by our "our way of life" don't only affect us . They most certainly don't

Korin doesn't talk about ground water depletion via agriculture. Or the effect of agricultural ) , and or highway runoff .

She may have a point with the bleeding capital to Arabs only to have them so kindly re-infuse it into our economy. And yeah, it pisses me off that we are paying for the Arab world's arrogance and ignorance when it comes to overpopulation because they know they got the oil. The Asian expectation that you gotta keep squirting them out until you have a boy really makes me want to puke me.
Of course, they're not the only ones with that arrogance, we got 'em too:

Some countries in the Middle East do have a higher per capita co2
emissions rate , but not only are those rates all over the map, the US military may have something to do with those rates currently. I don't think she knows what kind of stranglehold the military-industrial-complex has on our government or how obligated they are to protect a very small minorty in the Middle East. Or maybe she does, but if she does, in this particular piece she doesn't talk about the dependence of the US Military and Arab monarchies upon each other.

She is right though, we are paying for both sides of this fucking war.

Obama's Veep Pick

Woo. Big Surprise.

Not that the Obama/Biden ticket has a chance in hell in San Diego County:

Posted date: 8/25/2008
State Officials Taking Aim at Fair Ballot Practices
San Diego Business Journal Staff

Distrust of electronic voting machines around the country, and a decision last summer by California Secretary of State Debra Brown to decertify machines in 39 counties, including San Diego, has left the county elections supervisor with $25 million of mothballed voting equipment.

The county’s 1.4 million registered voters will choose between Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, Republican Sen. John McCain or none of the above by paper ballot in November....

“There was a paper trail before they were decertified,” said Seiler, an employee of Premier before becoming the elections supervisor...

Same Diebold optical scanners counting and tabulating the paper ballots, different name on 'em

Here's more local and statewide information from a local group

And in entertainment news:

'House Bunny' could be box-office leader
Melinda Sue Gordon / Associated Press

Oh Jeezus, Jehovah, Jiminy Christmas, and Oy. Why does the movie industry only cater to drooling, kleenex wielding thirteen year old boys?

Oh yeah, that's how mothers get a couple hours of peace from the little fuckers, they send their asses to the movies.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Dear Marwan Bishara,

While you focus on "The Politics of Evil in the US Elections" religious leaders in the country you came from encourage their followers to outbreed each other. There are 6.7 billion people on the planet. Wake the fuck up, and ask yourself what real evil is.

Friday squirrel blogging

Damn rodents.

Completely unrelated, but it made me laugh, the Onion returns Michael Phelps to his Sea World tank.

Well gosh, how's he gonna write a book from there?

Oh yeah, it doesn't really matter that he didn't learn how to write in college . He's been a professional athlete for a while. I used to have some unrealistic idea that the Olympics weren't for professional athletes. Boy was I deluded. I don't know how anyone could remain under that impression after China’s Potemkin Olympics

Protections Set for Antiabortion Health Workers

Opponents Denounce Proposed Regulation Allowing Federal Officials to Pull Funding

By Rob Stein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, August 22, 2008; A01

The Bush administration yesterday announced plans to implement a controversial regulation designed to protect doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who object to abortion from being forced to deliver services that violate their personal beliefs.

..."People should not be forced to say or do things they believe are morally wrong," Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt said. "Health-care workers should not be forced to provide services that violate their own conscience."

...Both supporters and critics said the language remains broad enough to apply to contraceptives, as well as many other areas in medicine...

..."For example, an operating room nurse would assist in the performance of surgical procedures; an employee whose task it is to clean the instruments used in a particular procedure would be considered to assist in the performance of the particular procedure," the regulation states.

Are you fucking kidding me? If you object to abortions and you're working in the health care field in a facility that provides them, and you are forced to work with people who choose to have them, my question to you is "Why the hell don't you get another job you fucktard?" Don't shove your religious bullshit down other people's throats.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Soul Serenade

King Curtis & The Kingpins

David Sanborn

How to Burn the Speculators

NEWS: Why is the price of oil so high? Because the Bush administration did to the commodities market what it did to housing.
By James K. Galbraith
September/October 2008 Issue

...Yes, Virginia, speculators can affect the price—if they are large and relentless enough to dominate a market, and especially if they can store the commodity and keep it off the market as the price rises....

...But thanks to Phil "nation of whiners" Gramm—the former Texas senator who was until recently John McCain's top economic adviser (see "Foreclosure Phil")—futures market regulation went to hell. Under the "Enron loophole" pushed through by Gramm in 2000, energy futures were allowed to escape all federal and state regulation. Gramm embedded that loophole in a surprise 262-page rider, drafted at the behest of Wall Street and Enron, in an 11,000-page appropriations bill on a Friday evening two days after the Supreme Court handed down its Bush v. Gore ruling and as Congress was rushing home for Christmas....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Phelps and Franks

Yup, I expected this:

Record-setting Michael Phelps emulates Mark Spitz on Sports Illustrated cover
BY Kristie Ackert
Tuesday, August 19th 2008, 8:31 AM

Michael Phelps Expected to Become Biggest Money-Making Olympian
He May Not be Tiger Woods or Jordan, but Phelps Could Make Millions
Aug. 20, 2008

Congratulations to Phelps, by the sound of one of the songs he listens to on his iPod before events, that's great news.

Gawd, I'm getting old. I managed to listen to the crap once for the "lyrics" but ony made it through 43 seconds when I had to click on the link again. Blech. I hate rap.

Here's one of my favorites artists from San Diego, Michael Franks. Feels like home. "Under the Sun."

And again with Diana Krall (Popsicle Toes) with pretty ladies for those of you interested.

Oh. My. God. There ara lot of mouth breathers in this country in order for people to believe the crap that's flying around about Obama. Here's a must read:

The Right's Five Most Hilariously Boneheaded Anti-Obama Smears
By Brad Reed, AlterNet. Posted August 20, 2008.

PR Watch

Jed Babbin: The Pentagon's Most Prolific Pundit

China's Gold Medal Spin

Has Fake News Become the Real News?
An article in the New York Times asks whether Jon Stewart of Comedy Central's Daily Show has become the most trusted man in America, pointing out that his fake news comedy show has emerged in recent years as a "genuine cultural and political force."

Canada's Oilsands Tarred with the "Greenwash" Brush

Spin of the Day » Aug 18, 2008
Foxes Invited to Guard the Endangered Species Coop

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

'Uncounted' To Expose Election Fraud Message

Tuesday, 19 August 2008, 10:10 am
Press Release: Uncounted

NASHVILLE, TN, (August 18, 2008) – For the last seven months, documentary filmmaker David Earnhardt has taken UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections to more than 30 cities. During that time he used the film as a grassroots tool to shed some much-needed light on the systemic problems inherent in our elections - including voting machines that render every vote unverifiable and un-auditable and Jim Crow-like intimidation tactics. The screenings have drawn thousands, awakening in viewers an urgent need to help fix our electoral system.

Now with a critical presidential election looming, UNCOUNTED will take the leap from grassroots organizing tool to mainstream wake-up call with a timely convergence of events that will expose its message to wider audience.

First, premium movie service provider Starz will present the world television premiere of UNCOUNTED on Starz Edge, Monday, August 25 at 10:30 p.m. (et/pt), and Starz Cinema on Thursday, August 28 at 10:00 P.M...

UNCOUNTED will continue to spread its message until the November election with screenings and panel discussions all over the country, including a stop in Los Angeles at the Regency Fairfax Cinemas on Tuesday, September 23, and San Diego at the UltraStar Theatre at Hazard Center in Mission Valley, on Wednesday, September 24. The LA panel discussion will feature Earnhardt, journalist Brad Friedman of, Diebold-whistleblower Steve Heller, and Heller's lawyer, Blair Berk. The San Diego panel will feature Earnhardt and Friedman.

Mom, Can My Voting Machine Spend the Night?
August 19, 2008, 1:59 pm
By Anahad O'Connor

Oh, why of course dear! they can stay for a whole fucking week.

yessh, moving on...

Chewing the Buddha
By Greg Palast
For Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
18 August 2008
Lhasa, Tibet - China's secret police are just terrible at keeping themselves secret.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I don't care if you're sick of Michael Phelps

What this kid did is amazing:

How Phelps Made Swimming History
Sunday, Aug. 17, 2008 By ALICE PARK / BEIJING
Time CNN

Phelps' Olympic feat lifts NBC to 18-year record
Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:31am EDT

Phelps Hopes to Change Face of Swimming
Olympics May Be Over for Phelps, but His Mission Has Just Begun
Aug. 18, 2008

Phelps Moves On to a New Challenge
By Barry Svrluga
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, August 18, 2008; 9:58 AM

And he's got help from Coughlin and Torres:

Great support he had from team members we will see right there on our TV:

And some we might not:

And frankly, it's just nice to see some noble, hard-working and sportsman-like athletes grab the interest of the media in this country. As a country, we needed to see some winners after 8 years of our obnoxious loser President. To see the media focus on a largely ignored sport that I happen to have spent untold hours participating in, without ever dreaming of becoming an Olympic athlete is quite thrilling for me.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Winning relay and awards video

Phelps Earns Eighth Gold
Michael Phelps celebrates his eighth gold medal of the Beijing Games, which breaks Mark Spitz's mark of seven, set in 1972 at Munich. (By Jonathan Newton -- The Washington Post)
By Barry Svrluga
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 17, 2008; Page A01

And a wrap up of why the swimmers deserve so much attention.

Swimmers do not recieve the attention they deserve in this country. The work-out regimen has included a minimum of 3 to 5 hours a day for at least the last 30 years of the sport's history. It's tedious and expensive, and the public only gets interested when somebody like Phelps, with 14 Olympic golds, and who is is bulit for swimming ,comes along. The press over does it with other sports in my opinion. Hopefully things will change now.

I don't know why the women don't swim the 1500m in the Olympics.
They swim it. Hell, I swam it 30 freaking years ago. So much has changed, but there was controversy then and there's some now.