
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ann Korin's Oil Solution

This is definitely worth watching.

pt 1 of 7

Comments from MDD's post are worth reading.

She is speaking of relatively short term solutions, like coal to gas . She is speaking to, and answering questions from college age conservatives, but her appeal must surely be with people my age or older because her solutions don't involve changing our unsustainable infrastructure. I agree with her that nuclear power is not the solution to our transportation problem, or our McMansion's needs for energy, for that matter.

Yes, I say temporary solutions, because I read
Clusterfuck Nation and I've seen The End of Surburbia . I know that the problems that the American suburban middle class -> poor are facing right now, are not due only to fuel prices. The co2 problems created by our "our way of life" don't only affect us . They most certainly don't

Korin doesn't talk about ground water depletion via agriculture. Or the effect of agricultural ) , and or highway runoff .

She may have a point with the bleeding capital to Arabs only to have them so kindly re-infuse it into our economy. And yeah, it pisses me off that we are paying for the Arab world's arrogance and ignorance when it comes to overpopulation because they know they got the oil. The Asian expectation that you gotta keep squirting them out until you have a boy really makes me want to puke me.
Of course, they're not the only ones with that arrogance, we got 'em too:

Some countries in the Middle East do have a higher per capita co2
emissions rate , but not only are those rates all over the map, the US military may have something to do with those rates currently. I don't think she knows what kind of stranglehold the military-industrial-complex has on our government or how obligated they are to protect a very small minorty in the Middle East. Or maybe she does, but if she does, in this particular piece she doesn't talk about the dependence of the US Military and Arab monarchies upon each other.

She is right though, we are paying for both sides of this fucking war.

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