
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Phelps and Franks

Yup, I expected this:

Record-setting Michael Phelps emulates Mark Spitz on Sports Illustrated cover
BY Kristie Ackert
Tuesday, August 19th 2008, 8:31 AM

Michael Phelps Expected to Become Biggest Money-Making Olympian
He May Not be Tiger Woods or Jordan, but Phelps Could Make Millions
Aug. 20, 2008

Congratulations to Phelps, by the sound of one of the songs he listens to on his iPod before events, that's great news.

Gawd, I'm getting old. I managed to listen to the crap once for the "lyrics" but ony made it through 43 seconds when I had to click on the link again. Blech. I hate rap.

Here's one of my favorites artists from San Diego, Michael Franks. Feels like home. "Under the Sun."

And again with Diana Krall (Popsicle Toes) with pretty ladies for those of you interested.

Oh. My. God. There ara lot of mouth breathers in this country in order for people to believe the crap that's flying around about Obama. Here's a must read:

The Right's Five Most Hilariously Boneheaded Anti-Obama Smears
By Brad Reed, AlterNet. Posted August 20, 2008.

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