
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama's Veep Pick

Woo. Big Surprise.

Not that the Obama/Biden ticket has a chance in hell in San Diego County:

Posted date: 8/25/2008
State Officials Taking Aim at Fair Ballot Practices
San Diego Business Journal Staff

Distrust of electronic voting machines around the country, and a decision last summer by California Secretary of State Debra Brown to decertify machines in 39 counties, including San Diego, has left the county elections supervisor with $25 million of mothballed voting equipment.

The county’s 1.4 million registered voters will choose between Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, Republican Sen. John McCain or none of the above by paper ballot in November....

“There was a paper trail before they were decertified,” said Seiler, an employee of Premier before becoming the elections supervisor...

Same Diebold optical scanners counting and tabulating the paper ballots, different name on 'em

Here's more local and statewide information from a local group

And in entertainment news:

'House Bunny' could be box-office leader
Melinda Sue Gordon / Associated Press

Oh Jeezus, Jehovah, Jiminy Christmas, and Oy. Why does the movie industry only cater to drooling, kleenex wielding thirteen year old boys?

Oh yeah, that's how mothers get a couple hours of peace from the little fuckers, they send their asses to the movies.

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