
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Just how is Obama planning on fixing Afghanistan?

It's a fucking train wreck and has been for some time:

Surging in Afghanistan: Too Much, Too Late?

After three decades of almost constant warfare, most citizens are programmed to answer the slightest challenge with violence. In Afghanistan it's the default response

... amid poverty, illiteracy, misogyny, and ongoing warfare...

.... a British nongovernmental organization, issued a report entitled "Taking Stock: Afghan Women and Girls Seven Years On." The news? Violence against women is "epidemic." Eighty-seven percent of women complain of domestic violence. Half of those cases involve sexual violence. Sixty percent of marriages are still forced. Fifty-seven percent of brides are still under the legal age of 16. What would you call this massive use of force, complete with torture, if not "war" -- an ongoing war against women....

I had a neighbor from Afghanistan many years ago. She had been a teacher there. She was sweet and strong, a single mother. Her daughter wanted to be a doctor, and the girl's eyes shone with hope and determination as she revealed this to me. I had no idea of how ridiculous this idea would have been in the country of her birth. The girl is probably in med school now.

Anyway, my first order of business in Afghanistan would be family planning clinics. Most of the vicious, cruel, idiot men in that country have no business breeding.

Unrelated, altlhough I'm sure the women are disenfranchised from voting in Afghanistan.

Electoral Dirty Tricks Coming Soon To An In-Box Near You
August 29, 2008 at 22:59:25

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