
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Article titles demeaning to women

Can You Cross Out ‘Hillary’ and Write ‘Sarah’? NYT

Pick Of Palin Sets Up Battle For Female Voters NPR
The Republican Convention
by Ina Jaffe

Battle begins for the Hillary vote
Paul Harris in St Paul, Minnesota
The Observer, Sunday August 31 2008

Jeee-zus Christ. Do guys vote for other guys just because they have a penis?

Women don't vote for women just because they have a vagina. Only stupid religious nutjobs want to give a woman power that will hand over control of said religious nutjob's reproductive organs to misogynistic religious nutjob men.

Here we go, wow, I especially love it when some tool who writes for rich asshole fuckheads comes up with this bullshit:

Hillary Clinton’s New Motivation
John McCain giving Alaskan governor Sarah Palin the nod as his vice presidential choice looks to be a pure play for the faction of Hillary supporters still dissatisfied with Democratic nominee Barack Obama.

Lemmee give the fucktards who write this crap a little lesson in how THIS Hillary supporter DEALT WITH IT. I cried, but I got over it months ago, & I enthusiastically support Barack Obama now. That idiot who squirted out a down syndrome brat when she knew better in order to what, increase her street cred as a good Catholic marytyr? What the fuck is it with Catholics anyway? They don't stop squirting out brats until they squirt out a retard. Eggs have a shelf life, Helloooooo? She makes me want to vomit. Here's more msm bull shit on Palin. She's a religious whacko that supports gays? I think not. Oh boy, Bobo speaks , it must be true right? Bwwwaa ha ha hahaha.

Update, Warren notices that Palin' Wikipedia page just keeps getting cleaner . Nice catch Warren :)

Shifting focus slightly.

Gustav threatens start of GOP meeting

Hurricane to keep Bush and Cheney away from Minnesota
By Russ Britt & Kate Gibson, MarketWatch
Last update: 12:29 p.m. EDT Aug. 31, 2008

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