
Monday, September 01, 2008

Amy Goodman and Two Democracy Now! Producers Unlawfully Arrested at RNC

And everybody's talking about the feds busting kids in Minnesota before they even get a chance to protest.
Coulda told you this would happen.
The War on Terra has a disgustingly disproportionate percentage of the budget.

Watch these thugs.

From what I can gather, Amy has been released, but Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar, her producers trying to cover the "riot" ? have not.

Update from
Tom D'Antoni at the Huff Po
No one knows what they are being charged with, but Palmer attributes their arrest to "suspicious behavior."
Kouddous and Salazar are still being held without any formal charges.
11:33PM: Kouddous and Salazar have been released. Sgt. William Palmer called me back and said they have been released with "Pending complaints," which essentially means they were not charged while in custody, but may yet be charged with some felony at a later date.
12:00AM: Democracy Now! has posted this update:

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