
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mmmmmmmmother's day

I don't have diabetes today, but I might tomorrow.

Happy Mother’s Day for Moms with teenagers

You’ll get through this, hang in there

They aim their hate at you, but it’s really everywhere

At their age they don’t know who they are

And it’s all your fault, they think

You’ll get through this, hang in there

Even when they push you to the brink

When you want to run and hide from these evil rotten brats

Because you’re so exhausted from the never ending spats

Remember they’re testing their bully skills

Just smile and say I love you ‘cause

They’ll win a test of wills

They’ll break you if they can

Let them test their wings

Let them take control of their responsibilities

And let them skin their knees

They’ll pop back up if you let them

Just tell them that they can

They’ll remember that you let them win

And they’ll want to be with you later

You’ll get through this, hang in there

And so will they

Your heart really will mend

Even if they break it every day

Saturday, May 10, 2008

FBI, ATF Battle for Control Of Cases

Cooperation Lags Despite Merger

By Jerry Markon
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, May 10, 2008; A01

Oh fer Gawd's sake, I swear some shit just never changes. Anybody who's read Joseph Wambaugh knows this stuff. Yes, this woman is disgusted that guys compete more than they cooperate. Don't think think that because I'm a woman that I don't understand competition either boys, hell I used to work out a full 20 hours a week, 11 months a year for 6 years as a competitive athlete. Get it together guys!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Books on how crappy the US media is

Our Media Have Been So Wrong for So Long
By Jayne Lyn Stahl, AlterNet. Posted May 9, 2008.

In his new book, E&P editor Greg Mitchell offers a stinging indictment of the media's complicity with Washington's war-marketing machine.

May 09, 2008
Huffington Author, Blogger
Arianna Huffington on How John McCain Has Changed Since Telling Her He Didn’t Vote for Bush in 2000

When I started figuring out the business end of the media is when I figured out how full of shit a lot of it was. Hey, didn't they used to call the ass end of a horse the business end?

Update 1:47 PM 5/9/2008 Looks like the German press is full of shit too. Jeez, where do they get this oversimplified anti-American drivel?

Die Zeit,Germany

The Handgun Lies Next to the Bible

By Martin Klingst May 1, 2008
He’s the biggest loser in American society – but he will decide who becomes president: the white male

Translated By Ron Argentati

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Did Rush Limbaugh Tilt Result In Indiana?

Conservative Host Urged 'Chaos' Votes

By Alec MacGillis and Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, May 8, 2008; Page A01

Democrats Split Indiana and North Carolina
Sen. Barack Obama won North Carolina's presidential primary by a wide margin Tuesday, while Sen. Hillary Clinton narrowly won in Indiana.

Why does the media give that bag of butt pus so much credit? Why do they pay so much? Do people really listen to him?

Here is a link to the original Indiana document containing voter registration information:

According to this document, here is a map with the percentage of voter registrations cancelled or changed, along with the quantities. (click on pic for map source info)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Dozens of college students busted in drug sting


So a bunch of frat boys out at San Diego State got busted for selling coke, pot, ecstasy to DEA .

This cracked me up:

"Those arrested included a student who was about to receive a criminal justice degree and another who was to receive a master’s degree in homeland security."

Fight the War on Greed (explains tax loopholes)

"Monsanto investigators" hound farmers regarding alleged sale or use of genetically modified seeds? How creepy is that? Not what they wanted you to remember when you rode the Monsanto ride at Disneyland.

Don't tell me corporate hegemony and in fact corporate criminality isn't about PR, because it is.
I remember her and this info from the Corporation. The estimates on the cyclone death toll in Myanmar are going up as high as the size of a small city in the US, and they're already mentioning the rice crop destruction. Color me cynical. I thought at first that the food riots we were seeing could be blamed on overpopulation alone. Not so:

Goldman Sees `Explosive' Commodity Rallies, $175 Oil (Update1)
By Claudia Carpenter and Alexander Kwiatkowski
March 14 (Bloomberg) -

Well well well, I just keep getting entertainment sent to me via e-mail today "Goodbye Bush" (song by my friend, who like me, can't wait for Jan '09) I need it today.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Return of the population timebomb

May 5, 2008 11:00 AM | Printable version
It has become taboo over recent years, but population, not consumption, really is the key to managing our use of the world's resources

Truthout chats with Donna Frye

My Chat With Donna Frye
By Marc Ash
t r u t h o u t | Interview

Thursday 01 May 2008

Donna Frye is a name not well known outside of San Diego, but her story speaks to the heart of American politics today. What's wrong with American politics today? What ordinary people doing extraordinary things can do to change American politics for the better.
Have a look.

Donna talks about political realities in the County of San Diego.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

My PBS shows were different last night

Here's what was on last night.

Friday, May 2 KPBS
KPBS Channel 15
KPBSHD Channel 15.1

5:00 pm Washington Week
5:30 pm Mclaughlin Group
6:00 pm Bill Moyers Journal : Healthcare
7:00 pm The Newshour with Jim Lehrer
8:00 pm Fiesta Mexicana
10:00 pm Supernatural Science : Open to Suggestion
11:00 pm Road Trip : Central Coast

What's up with the Mclaughlin Group? A bunch of ancient Republicans screaming the same fucking message at each other. Damn, they need to get some hearing aids or something. Ugh. I don't have cable and I don't want to watch it.

Ummm, this is what was NOT on my teevee last night:

Week of 5.2.08
Election 2008: What to Expect
(click video link to watch online)

It usually is.

Bill Moyers wasn't on when it usually is & he opened the show with one hell of an essay on Rev. Wright.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that GOP operatives and crackers are getting their noses out of joint at some of the "liberal" programming on the local PBS station. Yes, to a lot of local fu%*tar#s, "Liberal" is a still a bad word. They can't help it. They're easily frightened.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Southern California Residents Gear Up for New Fight to Stop Secretive Expansion by Military Firm Blackwater (Democracy Now)

Blackwater Still Courting Investors
By Noah Shachtman
May 02, 2008 | 3:01:55 PM Categories: Mercs

Looks like Wired Magazine is doing a fine job of following all things Blackwater

San Diego GOP has a cracker?


The FCC is as full of crap as a Christmas Goose

Adopted: May 1, 2008 Released: May 1, 2008

By the Assistant Chief, Policy Division, Media Bureau:

1. In this Order, we grant in part a petition for declaratory ruling filed by the Christian Broadcast Network, Inc. (“CBN”), producer of a 60-minute television program entitled “The 700 Club.”

This program airs weekdays on 100 television stations in the United States, as well as on the ABC Family cable network, FamilyNet, and Trinity Broadcasting Network.

1. In its petition, CBN asks the Commission to declare that the subject program qualifies in its entirety as a bona fide newscast within the meaning of Section 315(a) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), 47 U.S.C. § 315(a), or, in the alternative, that the news segments aired on “The 700 Club” qualify as bona fide newscasts and the news interview segments qualify as bona fide news interviews pursuant to Section 315(a).

2 . For the reasons set forth below, we conclude that the newscast and news interview segments of “The 700 Club” qualify for the bona fide newscast and news interview exemptions under Section 315(a), respectively, and that these segments conducted on the program are exempt from equal opportunities.... (click here, to read the document)

So you kin click raht ther on the pitchur to find out a lil bit more about yer bona fide newzcaster/interviewer, thet the FCC sez is a bona fide news program exempt from the equal opportunities rule.

( Exempt from the equal opportunities clause????? )

"The FCC also ruled Friday that the news segments and interviews on Christian Broadcasting Network's 700 Club -- which airs on TV stations as well as ABC Family -- are also a bona fide news program exempt from the equal opportunities rule.

That show is hosted by Pat Robertson, himself once a presidential candidate.

But the commission stopped short of declaring the entire program exempt. CBN had asked that the whole show be exempt, but absent that, it wanted the interviews and news segments to get the exemption. The FCC chose the latter."

I know I've seen the Pentagon pundits on those gasbag Christofascist interviews. I need to go throw up.


The Federal Communications Commission is requiring Sprint, the nation's third-largest wireless carrier, to clear certain channels by June 26, a move designed to eliminate radio interference with thousands of public safety agencies across the country. The company would essentially swap spectrum with the public safety agencies...

...The deadline was set three years ago in an initial order....

...Sprint, which said the FCC's new position was unreasonable, claimed if regulators enforce the deadline it would cripple the network....

...The court said if Sprint vacates those channels then it's likely it will immediately reduce radio interference that public safety agencies have experienced....

...expects the FCC will extend the deadline by at least another six months.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Hate the Yoo-Knighted States of Torture?

We got first dibs on the bastards that think torture is OK.

Read yesterday's post and then this one.

Clinton Gas-Tax Proposal Criticized
Economists Share Obama's View

By Alec MacGillis and Steven Mufson
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, May 1, 2008; Page A01

...Backing up Obama's position against Clinton's proposal to suspend the 18.4-cent-per-gallon tax for the summer is a slew of economists who argue that the proposal, first offered by Sen. John McCain, the presumptive GOP nominee, would be counterproductive...

The car took $50.00 in gas yesterday and it didn't fill up the tank. It ain't an SUV or truck.

Now the campaign geniuses think that allowing further disintegration of the infrastructure that the fucking 18 cents per gallon can't keep up with anyway, AND was stupid to continue building upon, (but that's another story altogether) is a good idea? (note how much higher CA gas taxes are)

Meanwhile people are going unfed, while the fat cats' profits on grain are up.

Before the bell: MRK, BP, ADM, MA, CFC, AAPL ...
Posted Apr 29th 2008 8:25AM by Melly Alazraki
Filed under: ...Archer Daniels-Midland (ADM)....... MasterCard Inc'A' (MA), ....Countrywide Financial (CFC), BP p.l.c. ADS (BP), Merck and Co (MRK), U.S. Steel (X), Valero Energy (VLO)
Before the bell: Street awaits Fed (V, DB, GM)...

....Archer Daniels Midland Co. (NYSE: ADM), the world's largest grain processor, said third-quarter profit rose 42% to $517 million or 80 cents per share, topping analyst estimates of 69 cents per share, as it traded more grains and crushed more soybeans. Sales climbed 64% to $18.7 billion. Seems that being in agriculture lately is a positive and ADM shares are rising 3.75% in premarket trading....

I'm fed up with this pattern.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, Teaching Imperialism 101

The RAND Corporation was the ur-think tank, the Cold War granddaddy of them all, and it's still with us.

A Litany of Horrors

America's University of Imperialism
By Chalmers Johnson

This essay is a review of Soldiers of Reason: The RAND Corporation and the Rise of the American Empire by Alex Abella (Harcourt, 400 pp., $27)

...Without RAND, our military-industrial complex, as well as our democracy, would look quite different...

...The RAND Corporation is surely one of the world's most unusual, Cold War-bred private organizations in the field of international relations. While it has attracted and supported some of the most distinguished analysts of war and weaponry, it has not stood for the highest standards of intellectual inquiry and debate. While RAND has an unparalleled record of providing unbiased, unblinking analyses of technical and carefully limited problems involved in waging contemporary war, its record of advice on cardinal policies involving war and peace, the protection of civilians in wartime, arms races, and decisions to resort to armed force has been abysmal...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Watching this now


I tell you whut. I wouldn't last ten minutes on that ship. One of those pilots embodies everything that I hate. Cubby holes and needing everything to be seen black and white, right and wrong. Fuck that. Salute that jerk? Nope. I am not military material.

Rigid, inflexible, arrogant, pack like, and not nearly as fucking smart as they think they are. No, wait, that would be the Republicans. Uh, yeah, like I said, I've never been military material.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Kids from Polygamous Sect Remain in State Custody

Talk of the Nation
April 28, 2008 · More than 400 children remain in the care of the state after reports of child sexual abuse prompted a raid on a Texas polygamist compound. Authorities maintain that they are protecting the kids, but families argue there was no evidence of abuse. Guests and callers weigh in on what's best for the children.


Howard Berkes, NPR rural affairs correspondent

Rodney Parker, attorney based in Salt Lake City, Utah; spokesman for the families whose children are in state custody

John Sampson, professor of law at the University of Texas; teaches the Children's Rights Clinic, which provides legal representation for abused and neglected children in Travis County

Jack Downey, president and CEO of The Children's Shelter in San Antonio, Texas; caring for 22 children from the Eldorado compound

Related NPR Stories

April 25, 2008Officials Using DNA to Sort Polygamy Sect Kids
  • April 23, 2008
    Courts Pitting Child Welfare Against Religious Freedom
  • April 17, 2008
    After Texas Raid, Officials Work to Help New Orphans
  • April 16, 2008
    Children from Polygamist Compound in Legal Limbo
  • April 9, 2008
    Texas Raid Leaves 400 Children in Custody

  • Gene Disorder Complicates Sect Custody Fight

    31 of 53 teen girls at FLDS ranch are pregnant or had baby
    By MICHELLE ROBERTS – 1 hour ago 3:59 PM 4/28/2008

    Tracing the Polygamists' Family Tree
    Sunday, Apr. 20, 2008 By HILARY HYLTON

    ...Four surnames dominate the list: Jeffs (relatives of Warren Jeffs, the sect's imprisoned leader and "prophet"), Jessop, Barlow and Steed.

    In the 1930s, two families, the Jessops and the Barlows, settled the area around Hildale, Utah, along the border with Arizona, where they founded the FDLS — and began handing down to their descendants a recessive gene for a severe form of mental retardation called Fumarase Deficiency...

    ...Families whose children are affected often avail themselves of state-funded medical care, consistent with the FLDS philosophy of seeking government aid — despite their suspicion of government — which they call "bleeding the Beast."

    ...The FLDS community, by and large, rejects the idea that Fumarase Deficiency is caused by genes, according to Tarby...

    Birth defect is plaguing children in FLDS towns

    Fumarase Deficiency afflicts 20, is linked to marriages of close kin
    By John Hollenhorst
    Published: Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2006 11:36 p.m. MST

    Bust up in Bountiful (update)

    More Clarity About Abuse, Intermarriage, Child Breeders, and the Fundamentalist Church of Later Day Saints
    Posted by Sara Robinson, Orcinus at 2:51 PM on April 25, 2008.

    Polygamy in Canada: Legal and Social Implications for Women and Children – A Collection of Policy Research Reports


    Update 12:07 PM 4/30/2008
    Official: History of injuries found in polygamist sect kids
    AUSTIN, Texas (AP) - Investigators have discovered a history of physical injuries, including broken bones, in children taken from a polygamist sect's ranch compound, the chief of state protective services told legislators Wednesday...
    ..."When asked, women and children would change their names and ages," he said...
    ...Church officials have denied that any children were abused at the ranch and say the state's actions are a form of religious persecution.

    They also dispute the count of teen mothers, saying at least some are likely adults.

    Sunday, April 27, 2008

    Local Mayor stuff

    This reminded me of an old post of mine:

    McCain visits, gets Sanders' endorsement
    (it's a really short post)

    Mayor Sanders (used to be Chief of Police, so not surprised) but I'm not sure if him refusing to shake the other mayoral candidates hand and telling him "Fuck you Francis" was very endearing.

    So, who is this guy Francis who pissed off a pretty affable Sanders?

    The two faces of Steve
    Will voters who remember Steve Francis from 2005 recognize the new model?
    By David Rolland

    The new Steve Francis
    Who are you, and what have you done with that conservative rich guy?
    By CityBeat Staff

    Steve Francis meets with medical cannabis group
    Posted on Saturday, April 26th, 2008 by Marc @ 11:30 am

    Francis has promised to take the city out of the developers pockets.(Not)
    I don't think it can be done, it's how this city works, the M-I-C and the real estate developers. The Francis ads, the push polls, and blaming Sanders for the budget and
    pension crisis are annoying to me.

    Let's go back in time please, before there was a "strong Mayor" .

    And let's have look at how the city started going broke. Oh look, it was those "fiscal conservative" Republicans.

    Still there are so many people in this county who just mark the candidate with the R by the name. No matter what. It's what they do.

    Stupid? Intellectually lazy? Loyal to the point of self-destructiveness? Need daddy to tell them what to do? It's what their parents did?

    I don't get it. I just know that you'd have to be crazy to want the job, and I'm not thrilled with either of the candidates, basically I see two Rs.

    Saturday, April 26, 2008

    Chalmers Johnson writes, I read

    The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy: Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke
    By Chalmers Johnson, Le Monde diplomatique. Posted April 26, 2008.

    World Total military expenditures --(2004 est) --- 1,100 bn

    World Total minus the US ------------------------------500 bn

    ...Our excessive military expenditures did not occur over just a few short years or simply because of the Bush administration's policies....

    ...In its conclusions, NSC-68 asserted: "One of the most significant lessons of our World War II experience was that the American economy, when it operates at a level approaching full efficiency, can provide enormous resources for purposes other than civilian consumption while simultaneously providing a high standard of living."...

    ...Dated 14 April 1950 and signed by President Harry S. Truman on 30 September 1950, it laid out the basic public economic policies that the U.S. pursues to the present day...

    ...By 1990 the value of the weapons, equipment and factories devoted to the Department of Defense was 83% of the value of all plants and equipment in U.S. manufacturing

    ...Military industries crowd out the civilian economy and lead to severe economic weaknesses....

    ...Devotion to military Keynesianism is a form of slow economic suicide...

    ...Some of the damage can never be rectified. There are, however, some steps that the U.S. urgently needs to take...

    ...If we do these things we have a chance of squeaking by. If we don't, we face probable national insolvency and a long depression....

    Yeah, the guy who wrote the Blowback Trilogy.

    Bill Moyers interviewed Jeremiah Wright (Part I)

    Part II

    It was worth watching last night. The links lead to the page with video stream links.

    Frankly, I got the impression from this piece that Reverend Wright takes the saying "faith without works is dead" as a direct challenge...

    I tried Googling that saying and got horribly confused by all the semantics squabbles on the internet tubey thingies. I dusted off my Bible and started reading at James 2:26. That's where the quote "faith without works is dead" comes from, but that's where the important information ends, back your way up through James to get it.

    Bet you didn't think I owned a Bible, didja?

    Well I do, and occasionally I consult it. There's some good stuff in it, and some really outdated CRAP in it also. Like all religious texts written a few thousand years ago, there is some silly, superstitious, arrogant, patriarchal, misogynous, homophobic, outdated bullshit in them.

    Update 8:42 AM 4/28/2008 -- AND as y'all reminded me, (thank you for that) there is violence, mayhem, murder, all that happy horseshit in thet there Bible too.

    Friday, April 25, 2008

    At least somebody did a follow up interview to the NY Times story

    The story.

    Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand

    The follow up interview on yer teevee.

    First fatal shark attack since 1959 in San Diego

    And according to this video interview with Prof Rosenblatt they never found the body then, the guy disappeared.

    The attack took place about 150 yards offshore.
    Several swimmers wearing wetsuitswere in a group when the shark attacked, said Solana Beach lifeguard Craig Miller. Two swimmers were about 20 yards ahead of the man when they heard him scream for help. They turned around and dragged him back to shore.... members had been meeting at the beach for at least six years and never had seen a shark...

    Oh great. Way to freak out the tourists right before tourist season. The sixty year old man looked like breakfast wearing a wetsuit. Shark took a taste and spit him out, they eat seals, not skinny old men. The shark is probably half-way to Monterey Bay by now. The water here is usually too warm for Great Whites during tourist season, which is not April or May which are actually nice here, but gloomy June, OK July and miserably hot August. It's going to be hot this weekend, but the water temp still ranges cooler. With a shark scare it just might be nice and empty at the beach. Hmmmmmmm.

    Update 2:04 PM 4/25/2008 with idiots running businesses like this one which are said to alter sharks' natural behaviour I may just cool off in the surf & I'll be taking short dips. Even then it might not be too frightening because most of the "dangerous" sharks off the coast of San Diego are 4-5 foot blues.

    Speaking of sharks:
    Countrywide CEO earns $132 million in 2007 pay, stock sales

    Bill Moyers interviews Jeremiah Wright tonight (click here)

    Excerpts from Rev. Jeremiah Wright Interview with Bill Moyers
    Greg Mitchell
    Rev. Jeremiah Wright Interview with Bill Moyers
    Posted April 24, 2008 | 12:24 PM (EST)

    I'll be watching PBS' NOW also tonight.

    Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Bill would make Coast Guard protect LNG terminals

    Right, yes of course, because the Navy hasn't yet been trained by Blackwater.

    Oil, specifically running out of the shit

    Seems to be
    what everybody's
    talking about it lately.

    I covered this my first month blogging.

    This study hadn't been written yet.

    well wouldja lookit that--

    ...Cost information available from projects and design studies performed in the 1980s can be escalated to give a very rough estimate of the anticipated capital costs
    for mining and surface retorting plants. Using this approach, a first-of-a-kind commercial surface retorting complex (mine, retorting plant, upgrading plant, supporting utilities, and spent shale reclamation) is unlikely to be profitable unless real crude oil prices are at least $70 to $95 per barrel (2005 dollars)...

    For three million barrels a day that require 2 barrels of water for every barrel of oil. We use 20 million barrels of oil a day now and water wastage in the west is just stupid. You can't reuse the water after you process out shale oil, it's toxic.

    Jeez, You won't die if you don't get your
    McFatass into your SUV and over to Burger Boob's for Cheezwhiz covered fries for three days. You WILL die if you don't get water after three days.

    Zogby: End it Now

    Ok then. Makes sense to me.

    Primary results

    Anything you want to know about the 2008 elections?

    Just in case you're not overwhelmed by that last ton of links in the last link, here's more .

    General Election polls, who does better to beat McCain state by state?

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    5:27 PM 4/23/2008 - 7 myths of energy independence

    The Seven Myths of Energy Independence
    NEWS: Why forging a sustainable energy future is dependent on foreign oil
    By Paul Roberts
    May/June 2008 Issue

    Hmmmm. I used to think that Mother Jones was kind of a hippy dippy publication. I don't think that way any more.

    Myth #2
    Ethanol Will Set Us Free

    Made me think about the Independent Lens show that we watched late last Sunday. It was called King Corn It was one of the most entertaining informational films I've ever watched.

    Myth #3

    ...The doe found that replacing three-quarters of the U.S. fleet with plug-in hybrids would cut vehicle CO2 emissions by 27 percent nationwide—40 percent or more if the country's power system were upgraded to match California's low-carbon grid...

    Trains are more efficient. WaPo just used a really nifty graphic two days ago, helllloooooooo?

    Myth #7
    Once Bush Is Gone, Change Will Come

    No presidential candidate has indi­cated he or she will raise energy taxes or sit down in oil talks with Tehran. All have ties to a self-interested energy sector, be it coal, ethanol, or nukes....

    Blackwater on the border

    Virtual fence on Mexican border deemed insufficient
    Associated Press Writer
    Wednesday, April 23, 2008


    Blackwater still needs to feed from the government trough, and what better place than San Diego? Just what we need patrolling the border here, Blackwater.

    There's just something about right-wing Christofacist zombies. Relentless fuckers, aren't they?

    Duncky will come to their rescue. Lemon Chicken man does his best to secure bucks for all the boondoggles that defense contractors can dream up.

    Rep Bob Filner, to his credit, has this to say

    I have a question though. Why is Blackwater training sailors here? San Diego is one big huge Navy base.

    THE DEMOCRATIC END GAME: Who has the right credentials?

    By Rhodes Cook April 03, 2008

    I might be wrong, I haven't been graded on this assignment yet, sorry, ungraded homework is the best I can do for the moment.

    This is me condensing the title linked article.

    The last time the Democratic Party had a fight involving the credentials committee was during the election cycle of 1972 over the nomination of what turned out to be George McGovern. At that time the party had a new ban on the previously used "winner-take all" system that a lot of Republican primaries & caucuses still use today. The party had recently switched to proportional allocation of delegates, and the anti-McGovern forces used this to strip McGovern of his California delegates. The legal challenge over S. Carolina and California delegates turned the convention chaotic. This situation doesn't look like the same fight, but basically it is. I'm not really sure how Florida and Michigan will seat their delegates at the convention, but I think the credentials committee may be more involved with the choosing of the Democratic Party candidate for President than they have since 1972.

    The Clinton-Obama battle could be decided by Michigan and Florida or by the credentials committee. I didn't know what the credentials committee was so I used Google and found this:

    What Is This Thing Called the Credentials Committee?
    By Greg Sargent - March 31, 2008, 4:23PM (TPM Election Central)

    (update: Ok, I'm still learning here, this says "Democratic Party may not seat delegation to violation of primary scheduling rules" )

    Pushing Back Against the Pentagon's Pundits

    I don't think the old men that run things in this country really understand just how fed up the American people are.

    Tell Congress: Investigate the Propaganda Pundits