
Friday, April 25, 2008

First fatal shark attack since 1959 in San Diego

And according to this video interview with Prof Rosenblatt they never found the body then, the guy disappeared.

The attack took place about 150 yards offshore.
Several swimmers wearing wetsuitswere in a group when the shark attacked, said Solana Beach lifeguard Craig Miller. Two swimmers were about 20 yards ahead of the man when they heard him scream for help. They turned around and dragged him back to shore.... members had been meeting at the beach for at least six years and never had seen a shark...

Oh great. Way to freak out the tourists right before tourist season. The sixty year old man looked like breakfast wearing a wetsuit. Shark took a taste and spit him out, they eat seals, not skinny old men. The shark is probably half-way to Monterey Bay by now. The water here is usually too warm for Great Whites during tourist season, which is not April or May which are actually nice here, but gloomy June, OK July and miserably hot August. It's going to be hot this weekend, but the water temp still ranges cooler. With a shark scare it just might be nice and empty at the beach. Hmmmmmmm.

Update 2:04 PM 4/25/2008 with idiots running businesses like this one which are said to alter sharks' natural behaviour I may just cool off in the surf & I'll be taking short dips. Even then it might not be too frightening because most of the "dangerous" sharks off the coast of San Diego are 4-5 foot blues.

Speaking of sharks:
Countrywide CEO earns $132 million in 2007 pay, stock sales

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