
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Local Mayor stuff

This reminded me of an old post of mine:

McCain visits, gets Sanders' endorsement
(it's a really short post)

Mayor Sanders (used to be Chief of Police, so not surprised) but I'm not sure if him refusing to shake the other mayoral candidates hand and telling him "Fuck you Francis" was very endearing.

So, who is this guy Francis who pissed off a pretty affable Sanders?

The two faces of Steve
Will voters who remember Steve Francis from 2005 recognize the new model?
By David Rolland

The new Steve Francis
Who are you, and what have you done with that conservative rich guy?
By CityBeat Staff

Steve Francis meets with medical cannabis group
Posted on Saturday, April 26th, 2008 by Marc @ 11:30 am

Francis has promised to take the city out of the developers pockets.(Not)
I don't think it can be done, it's how this city works, the M-I-C and the real estate developers. The Francis ads, the push polls, and blaming Sanders for the budget and
pension crisis are annoying to me.

Let's go back in time please, before there was a "strong Mayor" .

And let's have look at how the city started going broke. Oh look, it was those "fiscal conservative" Republicans.

Still there are so many people in this county who just mark the candidate with the R by the name. No matter what. It's what they do.

Stupid? Intellectually lazy? Loyal to the point of self-destructiveness? Need daddy to tell them what to do? It's what their parents did?

I don't get it. I just know that you'd have to be crazy to want the job, and I'm not thrilled with either of the candidates, basically I see two Rs.

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