
Saturday, May 03, 2008

My PBS shows were different last night

Here's what was on last night.

Friday, May 2 KPBS
KPBS Channel 15
KPBSHD Channel 15.1

5:00 pm Washington Week
5:30 pm Mclaughlin Group
6:00 pm Bill Moyers Journal : Healthcare
7:00 pm The Newshour with Jim Lehrer
8:00 pm Fiesta Mexicana
10:00 pm Supernatural Science : Open to Suggestion
11:00 pm Road Trip : Central Coast

What's up with the Mclaughlin Group? A bunch of ancient Republicans screaming the same fucking message at each other. Damn, they need to get some hearing aids or something. Ugh. I don't have cable and I don't want to watch it.

Ummm, this is what was NOT on my teevee last night:

Week of 5.2.08
Election 2008: What to Expect
(click video link to watch online)

It usually is.

Bill Moyers wasn't on when it usually is & he opened the show with one hell of an essay on Rev. Wright.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that GOP operatives and crackers are getting their noses out of joint at some of the "liberal" programming on the local PBS station. Yes, to a lot of local fu%*tar#s, "Liberal" is a still a bad word. They can't help it. They're easily frightened.

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