
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother’s Day for Moms with teenagers

You’ll get through this, hang in there

They aim their hate at you, but it’s really everywhere

At their age they don’t know who they are

And it’s all your fault, they think

You’ll get through this, hang in there

Even when they push you to the brink

When you want to run and hide from these evil rotten brats

Because you’re so exhausted from the never ending spats

Remember they’re testing their bully skills

Just smile and say I love you ‘cause

They’ll win a test of wills

They’ll break you if they can

Let them test their wings

Let them take control of their responsibilities

And let them skin their knees

They’ll pop back up if you let them

Just tell them that they can

They’ll remember that you let them win

And they’ll want to be with you later

You’ll get through this, hang in there

And so will they

Your heart really will mend

Even if they break it every day

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