
Friday, January 11, 2008

Indonesia's abortion victims (click here for article)

I am not "pro-abortion" but I AM pro-choice. If you are female and you don't want an abortion Don't Have One. Have the kid and take care of it yourself, or take care of it with a man who also chooses to have a child with you. How simple is that?

If you're a man shut the fuck up, sit down and fucking listen. It's not your body. Got that? It's not your choice. With a booming global population and a not so booming global labor movement, it's a fabulous time for a rich capitalist to work you, your wife and your children right into an early grave. The fact that women are forced to squirt out ten kids because some men are selfish pigs who think they can demand sex any time THEY want it is reprehensible. Thirty seconds of pleasure can create lifetimes of misery. Men have no business telling women on this planet at this time that they must breed. The population has doubled in my lifetime.There are three times as many people on the planet now as is possible to live on the planet comfortably and sustainably. Great for the asinine economists who think that never ending growth is possible. Not so great for the poor and the disenfranchised.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Local and national Diebold crap

Security Concerns Sideline Electronic Voting Machines
POSTED: 9:54 pm PST January 7, 2008
UPDATED: 9:58 pm PST January 7, 2008

San Diego Voters Confront Board of Supervisors
January 10, 2008
Diary Entry by Mark E. Smith

First they buy hackable voting machines against our advice, and now they're suing the Secretary of State for trying to make them more secure.Our Registrar of Voters (ROV) is a former Diebold salesperson, Deborah Seilor, and our Assistant ROV is Michael Vu who, when his elections officials were videotaped rigging a recount, said that he didn't think they'd done anything wrong. Vu was hired by Walter Eckard, the County Executive Officer, who was appointed by an all-Republican Board of Supervisors who have been in power for more than 12 years. The very last thing they want is honest elections. So I posted a link to the video of this morning's Board of Supervisors meeting, where some citizens stood up and confronted the Board.

Click on "visit site" and then use the times I've noted to see the public comments without having to watch the whole meeting.

Columnist: Was There Electoral Fraud in New Hampshire?

By E&P Staff
Published: January 10, 2008 11:40 AM ET

Update 4:29 PM 1/10/2008 watch Olbermann.

Today this blog is two years old. OK then.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


You'd think that when I chose the name politickybitch for this blog that I would devote a majority of posts to politics. That's losing it's charm, & frankly the people on my blogroll cover politics
better than I do. I look at the sixteen candidates that the corporations and the corporate media are quickly whittling down to two that they can "do bidness wid" and I'm more determined than ever to give the finger to the corporate whores and vote for the candidate who makes sense to me.

Take this quiz to find your candidate

Or take this one

The corporate newz sucks, so I go elsewhere. The movie reviews suck, so I get my opinions on those elsewhere also:

Thank heavens, then, that Chalmers Johnson, whose magisterial book Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic (the final volume of his Blowback Trilogy) will be appearing in paperback this month, puts a little history back into Charlie Wilson's War in his own inimitable manner. Tom

Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, An Imperialist Comedy

(The Blowback trilogy is well worth reading.)

Monday, January 07, 2008

Domestic violence

Seems to be today's topic. My humble little blog was visited by Ellen Sheeley, the author of
Reclaiming Honor in Jordan: A National Public Opinion Survey on "Honor" Killings . Thank you kindly Ms. Sheeley.I'm still reading Naomi Klein's the Shock Doctrine which is chock full of horrific stories of violence perpetrated on peoples in order to implement brutal economic systems.

There has been quite a lively discussion over at JP's Welcome to Pottersville . Someone left a long winded comment about women not being the perps in most cases of violence, including wars and genocide. There are exceptions. Memories of girls that I knew as a teenager and young adult came flooding back as I read "8 ball chicks" by Gini Sikes. The girls I knew were victims and perps. It goes like that. For reals.

I myself have been a victim of domestic violence AND a perp. My experience has been that being a perpetrator of domestic violence was much more frightening than being a victim of it. Breaking the cycle of domestic violence is difficult to say the least, but worth the work involved.

Try here, or contact the national domestic violence hotline

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Wimmins be thinkin too much

You want to know why population issues are so important to me?

By Brad Arnold:

Populations tend to increase at a geometrical rate, whereas the means of subsistence increases at just an arithmetical rate. Without the checks of disease, famine, and war, human populations will double their size every 25 years. (An idea advanced by Thomas Robert Malthus)

The world’s population reached 1 billion for the first time in 1830. It took 120 years to double to 2 billion, and just 30 years to reach 3 billion. The world’s
population is now over 6 billion people.

Our increased means of subsistence is due to technology and a climate favorable for agriculture. Modern medicine, industrialized farming, and use of fossil fuel have reduced disease and famine. Furthermore, we’ve enjoyed an exceptionally mild climate period called the Holocene.

go read the rest

This is totally unrelated, but why is the EPA in bed with car dealers, and useless as teats on a boar in California?

Friday, January 04, 2008

Up and down week

I watched Ron Paul and Kennis Kucinich on Bill Moyers Journal and I smiled. I smiled again when I thought that my loved ones, who happen to have this thing for going to the hospital this week, are going to be ok.

Then I was horrified by a story that might be
an honour killing in Texas.

What a waste. These girls were
brilliant and beautiful.

Then I remembered that
Texas leads the US in executions.


Thursday, January 03, 2008

Obama, Huckabee score victories in Iowa

Wins give momentum in next week's New Hampshire vote
Sheldon Alberts, CanWest News Service
Published: Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hmmmm. I wish I could get more excited about this. I'm distracted by voter rolls being purged of "dead wood" in San Diego .

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

TV cuts candidates from debates, angering Paul backers

Fox News says it has limited space in its studio, which leaves Rep. Ron Paul out of a weekend debate.

The roster of participants for ABC's back-to-back, prime-time Republican and Democratic debates Saturday in New Hampshire will be determined after results of Thursday's Iowa caucus become clear.

Fox, meanwhile, has invited five GOP candidates to a forum with Chris Wallace scheduled for its mobile studio in New Hampshire on Sunday. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee received invites, leaving Paul of Texas and Rep. Duncan Hunter of California on the sidelines.

I'm not a Ron Paul fan, but I see what's going on. Is that going to stop me from voting in the primaries? Nope.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Dickheads of the Year

My picks for the biggest assholes of 2007 by Bill Maher (click on title link)

Mr. Maher mentions this guy second

& I found some local dickheads:

Least efficient executives based on decline in stock price
San Diego's Highest Paid Executives

Here are San Diego's biggest stories of 2007.

I'm glad this year is over. It sucked.

Moving on. I have been a bit curious about the movie "Charlie Wilson's War" & I guess I was waiting for Larry to blog about it. My wait is over and he says about what I expected him to. This is my favorite quote:

...The movie also tries to gloss over the fact that the United States was funding some of the mujahideen–Haqqani and Hekmatayar in particular–that we are now fighting in Afghanistan....

I became disenchanted with Julia Roberts anyway when I found out she was Donald Rumsfeld's neighbor. I'm sure her bank account won't suffer without my ten measly bucks.

Eco Friendly at the 100 year anniversary.

Hey, didn't it use to snow in New York?

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Kidney stone

My husband passed a kidney stone this weekend in the hospital. Friday night in any ER is a nightmare and I'm glad he was able to drive himself. They sprung him this morning. They didn't catch it so we don't what kind it was.

(Wikipedia : Often described as the "worst pain ever felt")

He came back and said *sigh* "I gotta change my diet." I looked at him and I just couldn't resist saying "Well, I hate to say I told you so, but let's just get this over with...."

He laughed.

Go. Read. This (click right here)

Just tripping around my blogtopia (yes, skippy coined that phrase) landed me on yet another Assclowns of the Week. A stupendous one, thanks for that JP.

(I'm still LMAO)...

Oh. My. God.

Make sure you take JP's advice and go HERE to see The BEAST 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2007


Friday, December 28, 2007

Bhutto assasination

It's everywhere.

The Benazir Bhutto assassination and fallout story is everywhere.

Was It Al Qaeda?

Was it Musharraf?

Was it the Taliban?

Will Pakistan explode into violence?

Will the violence spread? After all, the Indo-Pak dialogue on Kashmir is sham

Fri Dec 28, 6:09 PM ET

I haven't said anything because I'm intentionally uninformed about the history of the country. I'm learning, yeesh, what a train wreck. I wonder if it's intentionally underdeveloped, like
most of Africa? (although I don't believe in reparations, there are just too many people on the planet to worry about the past, it's the future that I'm worried about, duh!)

Lousy haircut

My hair is hard to cut. It can't be too long, or too short and it needs to be easy to deal with. I'm not one of those women who wants to spend three hours primping. I don't use hairspray, sculpting gel, spiking gel, hair grease, curling irons or even blow dryers for that matter. I don't like crunchy, fried, dried out, or greasy hair, and a halfway decent haircut means I don't have that kind of hair. I can usually get one for less than $20, although I really miss the $75 ones. This one guy was great but he went to teach at some brand name hair school in San Francisco. Not your everyday beauty school, this place. Fucking awesome haircuts, he should be teaching.

Occasionally I get a haircut so bad that it requires some primping but this is fucking ridiculous. I need a hat, or to get my kid to take the buzz clipper to it. I hate hats, and I'm too old to get a buzz clip without looking like a bull dyke (not that I have a problem with them, I'm just not one, and I don't want to look like one). This cut sucks and I'm pissed.

This woman said she cut hair in Tehran for 6 years. Are you fucking kidding me? It's a damn good thing the women have to wear hijab there. Hey maybe it's safe to take them off now that this woman is out of the city. No, never mind, the religious police gotta love this woman.

"Hey guys, you can have her back, you won't see any hair peeping out after one of this woman's cuts, she should make your jobs really easy."

did this bitch get her license here? She had the balls to tell me when I tried to get her to fix it that it was perfect. I think she was bound and determined to leave a mess and she did.

There was something funny about her eyes and mannerisms too. I've seen that look before. That hard, numb, 'seen too much' look.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Reading now

So one of these books was an impulse buy. Curiosity about companions that I didn't really have a choice about a loooooooong time ago.

The "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein was not.

Update: I'll let Naomi tell you what the book is about.

I finally finished Treacherous Alliance by Trita Parsi. I had to keep putting it down because it pissed me off. It's definitely worth reading. It's just one more bit of evidence that proves that the rhetoric that politicians spew for their countrymen and the world is absolute bullshit. They're angling for hegemony, all of 'em. What is it with men and power?

Ron Paul fans, please pull your heads out of your asses

Do your homework, go check out his voting record:

Representative Ronald Ernest 'Ron' Paul (TX)

It seems a bit contradictory in some areas, and last time I checked a rabid anti-choice voting record was not what you could call 'libertarian.' He plays into the typical white male fundie "gotta control what women do with their body" mindset. Men who have that attitude with me generally get bit. It's usually boys (no matter what their age) who have never experienced the joy of a midnight ER visit with a kid who is so dehydrated from diarrhea that the only thing that will save the kid is a couple of IV fluid bags with a heavy duty antibiotic thrown in. Boys who act like their responsibility as a father is to provide some financial help and sit on the couch, burp and fart, and watch the Simpsons.

Fuck that. Most mothers work a full-time job also, and they sure as fuck don't want to take care of their job, the kids, the cooking, the house-cleaning, the bills, and your sorry ass too. When she wants a Calgon take me away, hour long bath you had better get your stupid ass off the couch and watch the kids, they're your kids too, godamnit! And either order pizza or make dinner for the family. Your responsibility as a father does not begin with a sperm donation and end with a paycheck. ¿Entiendes chico?

Ok then. Here's a little more on Paul:

The Freedom to Starve
Why the Left Should Reject Ron Paul
12/26/07 "Counterpunch'

Ron Paul is a weasel in interviews. He manages to evade questions that might give you an idea of what he would really be about in the Oval Office. I hate sneaky people. I don't like the guy. Holy crap, here he is in his own words . The ultimate in baffle 'em with bullshit.

Ayn Rand?
Milton Freedmen?

Blech. A selfish self-centered spoiled rotten cunt and a man who sucked off the government teat for what, fifteen, twenty years? Fucking hypocrite. Read about their lives, critically and you'll see the selfishness, the hypocrisy and ridiculousness.


It does work for the rich and powerful
Find out what Leo Strauss and his elitist fuckwad disciples are really up to.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

religion sucks 7

Okee dokee, I waited till after Christmas to resume blogging the religion sucks thing, but I just couldn't resist this:

Hindus Launch Attacks on Indian Churches

Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2007
ASHOK SHARMA Associated Press Writer

(AP) - NEW DELHI-Hindu extremists attacked Christians celebrating Christmas in eastern India, ransacking and burning six churches after a dispute over a holiday cultural program that some Hindus believed encouraged conversion, officials said Wednesday...

...India is an overwhelmingly Hindu country where Christians account for a mere 2.4 percent of 1.1 billion people...

The surge is working, right?

Sunni and Shiite militants began blowing up salons roughly two years ago. They killed several stylists and bullied others into putting down their scissors and makeup brushes for good, all in an effort to stamp out what they view as the corrupting spread of Western culture.

Besides beauty salons, militants have also targeted liquor stores, barber shops and Christian churches.

We's winnin' that war over there, right?

You know, the one thing that my immigrant Muslim neighbor and I agree that we both really love about America is that you can choose to practice your religion or not. We don't proselytize , but we are both happy to experience the joy of giving when our different religions tell us it's the customary time to do that. The whole taarof thing is still a bit confusing to me, but I figure we can learn from each other.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Back in July (7.13.07) I remember watching the PBS NOW show titled

"Emission Impossible?"
This week NOW investigates not only California's aggressive stance against global warming, but also strong political opposition standing in the way of its expansion. Are California and the Environmental Protection Agency headed for a showdown?

Bush Slams California on Climate Change
Ann Carlson - HuffPo
Posted December 20, 2007
05:58 PM (EST)
Three days ago I suggested - naively - that perhaps the Bush Administration would turn in the right direction on climate change and grant California a waiver to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles. It hasn't and the EPA didn't...

EPA says no to California's emissions plan
By Juliet Eilperin

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kevin Martin is a piece of work

Dissenting Statement of Michael Copps on FCC Media Cross-Ownership Ruling
By Michael J. Copps.

Among my favorite quotes:

...We shed crocodile tears for the financial plight of newspapers—yet the truth is that newspaper profits are about double the S&P 500 average...

Bill Moyers exposed the real chumps (FCC rethug ho's)last Friday.

Free Press on new media rules

FCC accepts Google's application for major spectrum auction next month
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2007

Posted 12/18/2007 @ 3:55pm
FCC Votes for Monopoly, Congress Must Vote for Democracy

San Diego County is run by schmucks

By Craig Gustafson
4:23 p.m. December 18, 2007
The county is suing California Secretary of State Debra Bowen over conditions she placed on the use of voting machines in the Feb. 5 presidential primary.
In August, Bowen severely restricted the use of touch-screen voting machines in San Diego and 19 other counties, citing an independent review that found machines made by three manufacturers could be easily manipulated. She also laid down a number of conditions on the use of other, more traditional voting machines....

You see the crap I deal with?
Oy. Oy Vey.

Oh and look, Brad spotlights the same fucking problem in Phoenix that we have in San Diego, Diebold GEMS tabulators:

And this is for all you local Grover Norquist fans: privatize this bitches

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

MySpace Friends

----The Suicide Reportedly Resulting from a MySpace Friendship that Turned Abusive: Could It Provide the Basis for a Successful Tort Lawsuit?

When I first read the title of this OpEd I thought "What, are you kidding me?"

Then I read it.

Umm, Mrs. Drew? It looks like you enjoyed junior high a bit too much, but it's really time to grow the fuck up. Your job is not to be your kid's best friend, it's to be a mother. Right now you suck at that job. Don't tell me it's hard because I know it's hard. I did it.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Republican congressman defies Bush administration, pledges probe into destroyed CIA tapes

Sunday, Dec. 16, 2007
HOPE YEN Associated Press Writer

Mmmmm hmmm, sure, when monkies fly out of my ass.

Hoekstra can investigate Blackwater also.

Sure, he'll just check out his hometown cronies,rrriiiiiigggghhhhttt, sure buddy.

The FCC is up to their old tricks and the above article looks like more junk news to me.

Watch the junk news video.

Heh, it's only three minutes, and the music is fun. I love the stuff Danny digs up.

Oh. My. God. listen to this.

Well well, whadaya know?

Fitrakis & Wasserman were right, and I knew it!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

12-14-07: UPDATE on Iowa Caucus Procedures

Posted on Friday, December 14, 2007 - 3:09 pm:
By Bev Harris

Coming Jan. 3, 2007: The famous Iowa caucuses. Traditionally considered a critical sign of candidate viability, results in Iowa can make or break candidate funding and public image. What problems can affect caucuses?...

As I'm reading the above linked BBV update I've got a million things flying around in this little squirrel brain of mine.

I'm wondering how the hell a state which makes me think of corn and pigs got so much power to pick the presidential candidates? Really folks, wtf is frickin' Iowa known for except corn, pigs and the Iowa Caucuses? I'm not trying to offend Iowans, I've heard that they take this stuff really seriously. It's just that I take my city and my state to be of more importance because of the population and economy size.

Besides, I have to live here and

we have

real problems


Anyone who thinks that elections are clean and fair in San Diego is plumb crazy.

They'll try to steal 08 also.
And they just might have the peeps and machinery in place already.

San Diego's motto is "Ever Vigilant?"

Yeah, maybe to the Grover Norquist fans, and Jarvisites . I'd like to drown those fuckers in the bathtub. Not in the ocean, it's too damn polluted.

I understand vigilance also.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Huckabee Rising

Huckabee Rising
Republican Presidential candidate and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
Brooks Kraft / Corbis for TIME

Oh Lord help us.

What is wrong with these religious nutjobs?

Huckabee's fair tax? my ass And Yeah, why are Republicans, especially the religious nutjob types, such fucking idiots?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ho Ho Ho's -- Buh Bye, Hammers slammed

California Town Rejects Blackwater, Fires Council Members Who Endorsed Them

Posted by Paddy , Cliff Schecter's Blog at 5:33 AM on December 12, 2007.

Update: Rick Jacobs explains why rare triumph of democracy IS a big deal, and yet, the Blackwater slime will continue to ooze into San Diego without vigilant battle from local residents.

I wonder also if this isn't a message to the greedy assholes who think that all government functions should be privatized.

Monday, December 10, 2007

NYT Monday Dec 10, 2007

December 10, 2007
Disability Cases Last Longer as Backlog Rises

December 10, 2007
Philharmonic Agrees to Play in North Korea

December 10, 2007
The Long Run
Crime Buster With Eye on the Future

December 10, 2007
Republican Candidates Firm on Immigration

December 10, 2007
Unlikely Ally Against Congo Republic Graft

December 10, 2007
Flying Humans, Hoping to Land With No Chute

December 10, 2007
South Korea Cleans Up Big Oil Spill

December 10, 2007
Opposition to Take Part in Pakistan Election

December 10, 2007
News Analysis
Screenwriters Dig In for an Extended Brawl

Saturday, December 08, 2007

EU-Africa summit begins

Muammar Gaddafi called for compensation from former colonial powers [AFP]

The second ever EU-Africa summit has started in Lisbon, the Portuguese capital, in the presence of 67 leaders from the two continents, including Robert Mugabe, the president of Zimbabwe.

Terry has a great post on local Blackwater shenanigans

Friday, December 07, 2007

Al Qaida uses girls to do their dirty work

Female suicide bomber attacks local anti-al-Qaida group, kills 15 outside Baghdad, police say
HAMID AHMED Associated Press Writer Friday, Dec. 7, 2007

(AP) - BAGHDAD-A female suicide bomber detonated an explosives belt Friday outside the offices of a local anti-al-Qaida group that has joined forces with the U.S., killing at least 15 people, police officials said. It was Iraq's second suicide attack involving a woman in less than two weeks.

The article doesn't say where these women come from. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.