
Saturday, December 15, 2007

12-14-07: UPDATE on Iowa Caucus Procedures

Posted on Friday, December 14, 2007 - 3:09 pm:
By Bev Harris

Coming Jan. 3, 2007: The famous Iowa caucuses. Traditionally considered a critical sign of candidate viability, results in Iowa can make or break candidate funding and public image. What problems can affect caucuses?...

As I'm reading the above linked BBV update I've got a million things flying around in this little squirrel brain of mine.

I'm wondering how the hell a state which makes me think of corn and pigs got so much power to pick the presidential candidates? Really folks, wtf is frickin' Iowa known for except corn, pigs and the Iowa Caucuses? I'm not trying to offend Iowans, I've heard that they take this stuff really seriously. It's just that I take my city and my state to be of more importance because of the population and economy size.

Besides, I have to live here and

we have

real problems


Anyone who thinks that elections are clean and fair in San Diego is plumb crazy.

They'll try to steal 08 also.
And they just might have the peeps and machinery in place already.

San Diego's motto is "Ever Vigilant?"

Yeah, maybe to the Grover Norquist fans, and Jarvisites . I'd like to drown those fuckers in the bathtub. Not in the ocean, it's too damn polluted.

I understand vigilance also.

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