
Tuesday, January 08, 2008


You'd think that when I chose the name politickybitch for this blog that I would devote a majority of posts to politics. That's losing it's charm, & frankly the people on my blogroll cover politics
better than I do. I look at the sixteen candidates that the corporations and the corporate media are quickly whittling down to two that they can "do bidness wid" and I'm more determined than ever to give the finger to the corporate whores and vote for the candidate who makes sense to me.

Take this quiz to find your candidate

Or take this one

The corporate newz sucks, so I go elsewhere. The movie reviews suck, so I get my opinions on those elsewhere also:

Thank heavens, then, that Chalmers Johnson, whose magisterial book Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic (the final volume of his Blowback Trilogy) will be appearing in paperback this month, puts a little history back into Charlie Wilson's War in his own inimitable manner. Tom

Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, An Imperialist Comedy

(The Blowback trilogy is well worth reading.)

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