
Friday, December 28, 2007

Lousy haircut

My hair is hard to cut. It can't be too long, or too short and it needs to be easy to deal with. I'm not one of those women who wants to spend three hours primping. I don't use hairspray, sculpting gel, spiking gel, hair grease, curling irons or even blow dryers for that matter. I don't like crunchy, fried, dried out, or greasy hair, and a halfway decent haircut means I don't have that kind of hair. I can usually get one for less than $20, although I really miss the $75 ones. This one guy was great but he went to teach at some brand name hair school in San Francisco. Not your everyday beauty school, this place. Fucking awesome haircuts, he should be teaching.

Occasionally I get a haircut so bad that it requires some primping but this is fucking ridiculous. I need a hat, or to get my kid to take the buzz clipper to it. I hate hats, and I'm too old to get a buzz clip without looking like a bull dyke (not that I have a problem with them, I'm just not one, and I don't want to look like one). This cut sucks and I'm pissed.

This woman said she cut hair in Tehran for 6 years. Are you fucking kidding me? It's a damn good thing the women have to wear hijab there. Hey maybe it's safe to take them off now that this woman is out of the city. No, never mind, the religious police gotta love this woman.

"Hey guys, you can have her back, you won't see any hair peeping out after one of this woman's cuts, she should make your jobs really easy."

did this bitch get her license here? She had the balls to tell me when I tried to get her to fix it that it was perfect. I think she was bound and determined to leave a mess and she did.

There was something funny about her eyes and mannerisms too. I've seen that look before. That hard, numb, 'seen too much' look.

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