
Friday, January 11, 2008

Indonesia's abortion victims (click here for article)

I am not "pro-abortion" but I AM pro-choice. If you are female and you don't want an abortion Don't Have One. Have the kid and take care of it yourself, or take care of it with a man who also chooses to have a child with you. How simple is that?

If you're a man shut the fuck up, sit down and fucking listen. It's not your body. Got that? It's not your choice. With a booming global population and a not so booming global labor movement, it's a fabulous time for a rich capitalist to work you, your wife and your children right into an early grave. The fact that women are forced to squirt out ten kids because some men are selfish pigs who think they can demand sex any time THEY want it is reprehensible. Thirty seconds of pleasure can create lifetimes of misery. Men have no business telling women on this planet at this time that they must breed. The population has doubled in my lifetime.There are three times as many people on the planet now as is possible to live on the planet comfortably and sustainably. Great for the asinine economists who think that never ending growth is possible. Not so great for the poor and the disenfranchised.

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