
Monday, January 07, 2008

Domestic violence

Seems to be today's topic. My humble little blog was visited by Ellen Sheeley, the author of
Reclaiming Honor in Jordan: A National Public Opinion Survey on "Honor" Killings . Thank you kindly Ms. Sheeley.I'm still reading Naomi Klein's the Shock Doctrine which is chock full of horrific stories of violence perpetrated on peoples in order to implement brutal economic systems.

There has been quite a lively discussion over at JP's Welcome to Pottersville . Someone left a long winded comment about women not being the perps in most cases of violence, including wars and genocide. There are exceptions. Memories of girls that I knew as a teenager and young adult came flooding back as I read "8 ball chicks" by Gini Sikes. The girls I knew were victims and perps. It goes like that. For reals.

I myself have been a victim of domestic violence AND a perp. My experience has been that being a perpetrator of domestic violence was much more frightening than being a victim of it. Breaking the cycle of domestic violence is difficult to say the least, but worth the work involved.

Try here, or contact the national domestic violence hotline

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