
Saturday, May 07, 2011

have headache, sick of all binLaden all the time

Google search Sat May 7, 2011
About 51,600 results (0.11 seconds)

Custom range...
Mar 1, 2011–Apr 1, 2011
About 6,390 results (0.31 seconds)

Custom range...
Mar 1, 2005–Apr 1, 2005
About 2,150 results (0.29 seconds)

Tony Blankley is full of shit when he says that the Pakistani ISI cooperated with the US. The binLaden compound was built in 2005, and is not very far from "Pakistan's West Point."

Friday, May 06, 2011

Green Zone

So, I'm getting ready to watch Green Zone and I've got my sense of humor primed and ready because I've already read some of the reviews on Netflix. Soooooooo predictable. Looks like the people who voted R gave the movie bad reviews and went about smashing liberal Hollywood and telling Damon to keep is big mouth shut and just be an actor with no political views. I got news for those people - actors are human beings also and if they choose to use their star power to influence so be it.

I think Rob Lowe is a fine actor and I'll betcha ten bucks that I don't want to know what his politics are. Does that mean I hate movies he's been in?


Bruce Willis
may be another story, but I imagine that that is because I'm not a huge fan of action pictures, I get bored with action for the sake of action. Neither of these actors is in the movie, mm just sayin.

So, onto the movie, but first -

Remember W joking about there not being any WMD's in Iraq?
I always thought it showed what a cruel asshole he was.

The movie?

Meh, like I said I'm not much of an action movie fan, and that especially includes war movies. This one was marginally better than some. I think that was only because whoever wrote it got some of the major facts right about the Iraq war, even if all the names and some of the circumstances were changed in order to protect the guilty. There was one moment when I sort of had a flashback to 2003 and all that anger came back.

The anger back then was brought on by an e-mail argument with a right wing military blogger where I questioned the war in Iraq, and the asshole intimidated me into silence. Did I shut up? Yeah, my husband was floating around in the Gulf on a deployment of course I shut up. I was terrified by weird people and weird stuff showing up and weird "coincidences" happening. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before, and nothing since. I can't remember what line in the movie triggered those fun memories.

Speaking of fun, I dunno how Damon kept from laughing when he delivered this line to the character who wrote all the newspaper articles about the intelligence that led us to war in Iraq:

Miller: At least tell me how it happened. How does this happ... how does someone like you write something that's not true? Tell me.

I can tell I've been watching too many movies lately because I found myself thinking "Hey, those dudes are from the UK and their accents are slipping," rather than watching whatever was being blown up or shot at at the moment.

Kudos to the real Iraq vets in the movie.


Rethugs...more balls than brains

Senate Republicans Introduce Bill To Abolish The EPA

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Ken Burns' 2000 PBS Jazz Documentary

I've always felt resentful of some scholar or teacher or yeah, some damn expert telling me what is good music. This series isn't helping. I like what I like, I don't give a crap what some university professor, or even another musician tells me is "magic" or "genius," marvelous," "innovative" or what-the-fuck ever. I don't like listening to jazz musicians jam frantically and I don't like this Charlie Parker, and I have a feeling that Miles Davis jamming ain't my thing either. I don't care if I don't have an appreciation of how revolutionary they were, I don't want to watch sausage being made.

So sue me.

I'll leave audience space for those who love to watch musicians in their pissing contests.

I like rollercoasters and I like music, just not at the same time. I'm watching this lengthy documentary for the history, and audio/video of some of my favorites and I am enjoying it for the most part.


Wednesday, May 04, 2011

I expected the rightwing retards to try to say that torture works after the death of OBL

The death of Osama bin Laden has sparked a debate over whether torture of suspects held at places such as the U.S. military base at Guantánamo Bay helped track down and kill the al-Qaeda leader. Some claim the mission vindicated controversial Bush policies on harsh interrogation techniques. We speak with Matthew Alexander, a former senior military interrogator in Iraq. "The laying of the groundwork, if you will, of these [Bush-era] techniques, I believe wholeheartedly, slowed us down on the road towards Osama bin Laden and numerous other members of al-Qaeda," Alexander says. "I’m convinced we would have found him a lot earlier had we not resorted to torture and abuse."

I've known forever that torture doesn't work, 5 years ago is just the first time I stated that publicly.


2 more Canandian actresses that I cannot stand

So OK, I've always been good at pegging where someone is from from their accent and mannerisms, but the actresses from other English speaking countries not so much. There is just that feeling I get...hmm what is it? Oh yeah, they irritate the living fuck right out of me and it's not the nauseatingly neurotic or overly aggressive characters that they play. I can't put my finger on it, they just bug the shit out of me, and 9 times out of 10 I find out that they are not American actresses, but the Canadian actresses make me want to give up on whatever it is that I am watching at the time.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Fish stench, bleh

It's 88 degrees outside, I have no breeze through my apartment so I cannot take the fan out of the window because when it's 88 outside it's 98 in here. My neighbors have been cooking what smells like fish heads and ass in garlic oil all fucking day. My stove has cloves simmering to try to cover it, but it's not working at the other end of the house and closer to their stench, where I am. I'm pretty sick of it. It is nauseating. I never thought I would want my rastafarian neighbor back, but I do. At least his stench had some benefits, lol.

The Santa Ana winds dried my clothes on the line quickly, but I hate them.

This is about the only thing that really made me smile today:

Well, and the BorowitzReport tweets.

CSR estimates of War on Terror

The government says this is what it has cost as of March 29, 2011.

Introduction: War Funding to Date
Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States has initiated three military operations:
• Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) covering primarily Afghanistan and other small Global War on Terror (GWOT) operations ranging from the Philippines to Djibouti that began immediately after the 9/11 attacks and continues;
• Operation Noble Eagle (ONE) providing enhanced security for U.S. military bases and other homeland security that was launched in response to the attacks and continues at a modest level; and
• Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) that began in the fall of 2002 with the buildup of troops for the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, continued with counter-insurgency and stability operations, and is slated to be renamed Operation New Dawn as U.S. troops focus on an advisory and assistance role.
In the tenth year of operations since the 9/11 attacks while troops are being withdrawn in Iraq and increased in Afghanistan, the cost of war continues to be a major issue including the total amount appropriated, the amount for each operation, average monthly spending rates, and the scope and duration of future costs. Information on costs is useful to Congress to assess the FY2010 Supplemental for war costs for the Department of Defense (DOD) and State/USAID, FY2011 war requests, conduct oversight of past war costs, and consider the longer-term costs implications of the buildup of troops in Afghanistan and potential problems in the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. This report analyzes war funding for the Defense Department and tracks funding for USAID and VA Medical funding.

Total War Funding by Operation

Assuming an annual level of the current Continuing Resolution (H.J.Res. 44/P.L. 112-4) and based on DOD, State Department/USAID, and Department of Veterans Administration budget submissions, the cumulative total appropriated from the 9/11 for those war operations, diplomatic operations, and medical care for Iraq and Afghan war veterans is $1.283 trillion including:

• $806 billion for Iraq; • $444 billion for Afghanistan; • $29 billion for enhanced security; and • $6 billion unallocated (see Table 1).1
Of this total, 63% is for Iraq, 35% for Afghanistan, 2% for enhanced security and 1/2% is unallocated. Almost all of the funding for Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) is for Afghanistan. This total includes funding provided in all appropriations act including the FY2010 Supplemental (H.R. 4899/P.L. 111-212) enacted July 29, 2010, and the 6th Continuing Resolution for FY2011
1 These totals cover funding provided for DOD, State/USAID and VA Medical through FY2011, assuming the current CR would continue throughout the year.
Congressional Research Service 1

The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11
(H.Res. 48/P.L. 111-6) enacted March 18, 2011 assuming that level continues through the rest of the fiscal year.2

Some 94% of this funding goes to the Department of Defense (DOD) to cover primarily incremental war-related costs, that is, costs that are in addition to DOD’s normal peacetime activities. These costs include: ...

Stiglitz three years ago:

EXCLUSIVE–The Three Trillion Dollar War: Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard Economist Linda Bilmes on the True Cost of the US Invasion and Occupation of Iraq

Does anybody know how much the black hole of the 17 intelligence agencies has cost?

The closest I could find comes from an investment research website.

Aerospace & Defense Overview - April 2011
By: Zacks Equity Research
April 26, 2011

Osama binLaden is dead

Big Fucking Deal.

How many other religious extremists will my government allow into positions of power here and blow all kinds of military money trying to kill in some backwater shithole country on the other side of the planet?

No really, are we getting out of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iraq, or closing ANY of the over 700 bases that garrison the planet?

Survey says?!

Not a chance Nunya, ya fuggin' dreamin'.


I'm watching the unwitting OBL raid tweet IT guy in Abbottabad Pakistan's twitter followers grow here. Dude is actually pretty funny.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thank God for Bluegal and Driftglass

Just skip this week's Left, Right, & Center unless you are prepared with Pepto Bismol AND Excedrin.

Birthers and Bernanke; Petraeus and Panetta

Tony Blankley AND Mary Matalin?

Oh God, I just threw up a little in my mouth. I don't know if I'm going to get through the whole 28 minutes. Those 2 have spent waaaaaayyyy too much time inside the DC bubble to have reality intrude. I decided to read
Tom Englehardt's book first, so listening to Tony and Mary is especially difficult.

Go listen to the Professional Left podcast, with BlueGal and Driftglass.

Ep 71 An (almost) Birther-Free Podcast (42:15)


new books for me to read

My local Borders is closing so I got $90 worth of books for $45. I don't know whether the store had more right wing bullshit books to start with (SD county is loaded with retired military, military contractors and retards who live in fear of the liberals under the bed and vote R, even if it's against their own best interest) or whether the liberal stuff flew off the shelves once the discounts got deeper, but there was alot of fearmongering/arrogance inc. righty crap left.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Afghan Military Pilot Guns Down 8 NATO Troops

VOA atricle.

Meanwhile, Afghan officials say troops have recaptured 71 of the 488 inmates who used a 300-meter-long tunnel to escape from a prison in southern Kandahar province on Sunday.


Navy Ship Attacked by Somali Pirates Returns to San Diego
Last Update: 8:03 am

Hmmm, I wonder how many dingbats in the bars will fall for the "I captured a pirate, 'cause I'm a SEAL story?"

Monday, April 25, 2011

I'm losing interest

Every day I get less and less interested in which RepugnantThuglican congresswhore is selling the most amount of American workers down the river.

Every day I get less and less interested in the reality tv shows (hmmm, is that possible?)

Every day I get less and less interested in which multi-national corporation based in the US that is cheating America by not paying taxes.

Every day I get less and less interested in the UK Royal marriage, wtf? We don't have royals, who gives a fuck? The masters of distraction, the corporate press, who's job it is to get you buy stupid shit that you don't need, that's who.

That is all, carry on.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Dixie Chicks - Shut Up and Sing

Wow. Those women went through hell. Such a shame for such talented women to have to go through that kind of ridiculousness, especially with pregnancies and small children. The strength that they showed during this time is wonderful to watch.

I'm not much of a country fan, but I did spend around 18 months drinking and buying country CDs, mostly greatest hits compilations. I never listen to any of the country I bought anymore.

Except the 4 Dixie Chicks CDs I own.

Just so you know, I always thought Toby Keith was an ass, and I was especially disgusted with
this song. I laughed when the manager talked about the war going so well (in 2003), and then I was angry. Damn stupid wars. I immediately teared up when I saw W give that speech on the deck of the carrier that was kept out to sea for an extra three months and then floated off the coast of MY city for an extra day or two so he could pull that stupid PR stunt that seems even more ludicrous 8 years later.

Not Ready to Make Nice

Michael Franks - One Bad Habit

He was born here in America's Finest City

I own a copy of everything he's released, except for the compilation CDs, 'cuz that would be redundant.

The only other musical artist that I love that much is Rickie Lee Jones.

BPW Approves $3.41M Settlement with Manufacturer Over Voting Machine Security Issues

“The problems with the Diebold machines were clearly evident during the 2006 election,” said Attorney General Gansler. “When I took office, I began to examine ways to hold the company accountable for its shortcomings. Today, I am proud that my office was able to reach this settlement and save the State of Maryland millions of dollars.”


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dear AOL Members: AOL is Censoring YOUR Email

I love the BradBlog .

Since I just had a run-in with an AOL email member, this comment made me laugh out loud:

"AOL is infested with petty little conservative trolls who are constantly sending TOS reports in to AOL trying to get non-conservatives booted from the AOL domain. It's just how they roll. Cowards, and chickenshits, the lot of them."

Is the US Military America's Biggest Security Threat?

Rob Kall OpEd News April 21, 2011
"America's Military has become the biggest THREAT to US security.

...The US Military is a huge cancer on our budget. It weakens our economy, weakens our currency, saps our ability to maintain vital infrastructure. The 700 plus military bases spread throughout the world are supposed to make us more secure. Our wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya are supposed to make us more secure. Instead, the wars have raised the levels of hate for the US to unprecedented levels..."

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Greenspan Is Back to Lead the Charge Against Responsible Regulation

Alan Greenspan is someone only the banksters can love.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Interview with David Cay Johnston on our rotten tax system

AlterNet / By Terrence McNally

How You Can Have a Billion-Dollar Income in America and Pay No Taxes

Tax journalist David Cay Johnston explains what's so rotten about our taxation system and the distribution of wealth in this country.

"..TM: In the Wall Street Journal March 22nd: "IRS Targets Rich Taxpayers. The rich not only face calls for higher taxes, they also face more audits to make sure they pay." And the article ends with this question: "Do you think the new tax force is welcome tax justice or capricious wealth redistribution?"

DCJ: In the late 1980s if you were a high income tax payer, your odds of being audited were about one in 11. They have been as low in recent years as one in 400. They're currently a little over one in 100, probably about one in 75. If you're in the $10 million-up crowd your odds are much higher, they're more like one in six. But the audit rates are still very low.

From interviews with dozens of IRS agents all over the country who weren't supposed to talk to me, it's clear many of these audits are superficial. They're told not to pursue things...."

Just read it.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The scam behind the rise in oil, food prices

The scam behind the rise in oil, food prices

"...Danger met with silence

What Phil sees is a giant but intricate game of market manipulation and rigging by a cartel – not just an industry – that actually has loaded tankers criss-crossing the oceans but only landing when the price is right...."

America's 10 Most Overpaid CEOs

America's 10 Most Overpaid CEOs

Josh Harkinson, Mother Jones
Wed, Apr. 20, 2011

"..Share in the pain by giving back a week's worth of pay. But he wouldn't return his 80 percent raise, which he'd earned while boosting profits through layoffs and wage cuts..."

You know what words come to mind when I actully think about this stuff and the sickness that pervades our society?

Conscienceless sociopaths. Yes, this country actually rewards the most vain (Hollyweird), selfish and reckless (Wall St. speculators and traders) and sociopathic (CEOs and RepugnanThuglicans) people in it.

It's all about the bottom line, right?
(Yeah, I know conscienceless sociopaths is redundant)

Progressives of the world take note: the US-Saudi counter-revolution against the Great 2011 Arab Revolt is now official.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


If watching the surgery scenes don't make you happy to remain fat, wrinkled, and happy with the genitals you were born with you are an idiot. I never watched the show on cable because I never had cable, but it's been fun to watch on Netflix. So ok, maybe Julia and her mother are supposed to get on my last nerve?

They do.

Could any two be more valuable members of the clueless parent's club? Yeah, nevermind, every character on the show belongs to that club.

Vanessa Redgrave reminds me of one of those Joan Crawford types who's elitism may have been justified by the old studio system that enabled and protected them from their own ridiculousness Her daughter reminds me of a chihuahua, trembling and vibrating at the tiniest bit of emotion. and what's with that phony, obnoxious voice affectation? She also has really ugly and scary eyes. She belongs in horror flicks. Her character on the show is much harder to hate than the Christian character. I sincerely hope that he dies a painful, prolonged death before the series ends.

Bilbray cracks me up

Looks like his staff does things that he doesn't know about.

Kinda like his kids.


Tim Geithner Confident Congress Will Raise Debt Ceiling: Not Doing So Would Be 'Catastrophic' (VIDEO)

Metinks Geithner hasn't noticed that catastroph­e has already hit a large percentage of Americans.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Obama and the Budget Civil War

"We have to make agonizing choices."

Who's "we" buddy? Did "we" choose to spend trillions on wars?

Did "we" choose to hand over billions to health insurance companies?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

This is the guy we voted for

Obama to Boehner in Budget Talks: "You think we're stupid?"