
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

America's 10 Most Overpaid CEOs

America's 10 Most Overpaid CEOs

Josh Harkinson, Mother Jones
Wed, Apr. 20, 2011

"..Share in the pain by giving back a week's worth of pay. But he wouldn't return his 80 percent raise, which he'd earned while boosting profits through layoffs and wage cuts..."

You know what words come to mind when I actully think about this stuff and the sickness that pervades our society?

Conscienceless sociopaths. Yes, this country actually rewards the most vain (Hollyweird), selfish and reckless (Wall St. speculators and traders) and sociopathic (CEOs and RepugnanThuglicans) people in it.

It's all about the bottom line, right?
(Yeah, I know conscienceless sociopaths is redundant)

Progressives of the world take note: the US-Saudi counter-revolution against the Great 2011 Arab Revolt is now official.

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