
Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Dixie Chicks - Shut Up and Sing

Wow. Those women went through hell. Such a shame for such talented women to have to go through that kind of ridiculousness, especially with pregnancies and small children. The strength that they showed during this time is wonderful to watch.

I'm not much of a country fan, but I did spend around 18 months drinking and buying country CDs, mostly greatest hits compilations. I never listen to any of the country I bought anymore.

Except the 4 Dixie Chicks CDs I own.

Just so you know, I always thought Toby Keith was an ass, and I was especially disgusted with
this song. I laughed when the manager talked about the war going so well (in 2003), and then I was angry. Damn stupid wars. I immediately teared up when I saw W give that speech on the deck of the carrier that was kept out to sea for an extra three months and then floated off the coast of MY city for an extra day or two so he could pull that stupid PR stunt that seems even more ludicrous 8 years later.

Not Ready to Make Nice

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