
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thank God for Bluegal and Driftglass

Just skip this week's Left, Right, & Center unless you are prepared with Pepto Bismol AND Excedrin.

Birthers and Bernanke; Petraeus and Panetta

Tony Blankley AND Mary Matalin?

Oh God, I just threw up a little in my mouth. I don't know if I'm going to get through the whole 28 minutes. Those 2 have spent waaaaaayyyy too much time inside the DC bubble to have reality intrude. I decided to read
Tom Englehardt's book first, so listening to Tony and Mary is especially difficult.

Go listen to the Professional Left podcast, with BlueGal and Driftglass.

Ep 71 An (almost) Birther-Free Podcast (42:15)


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