
Monday, October 06, 2008

Sarah Palin, the trailer-trash beauty contestant

Braizilians get it---

"When cornered, Palin resorted to winks, smiles and other vulgar coquette gestures that must have led to some sort of fascination from the male public— the green line on CNN, which measured the reaction of male independent voters from Ohio, would go up. But the women, represented by the yellow line, were not as fooled."

Matt Taibbi breaks it down--

"And none of it matters, so long as you remember a few months before Election Day to offer them a two-bit caricature culled from some cutting-room-floor episode of Roseanne as part of your presidential ticket. And if she's a good enough likeness of a loudmouthed Middle American archetype, as Sarah Palin is, John Q. Public will drop his giant-size bag of Doritos in gratitude, wipe the Sizzlin' Picante dust from his lips and rush to the booth to vote for her. Not because it makes sense, or because it has a chance of improving his life or anyone else's, but simply because it appeals to the low-humming narcissism that substitutes for his personality, because the image on TV reminds him of the mean, brainless slob he sees in the mirror every morning."

Naomi Klein: Wall St. Crisis Should Be for Neoliberalism What Fall of Berlin Wall Was for Communism

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Way to change the Middle East, neocon idiots

Source: Saudi hosts Afghan peace talks with Taliban

Crime up in Afghanistan, as is nostalgia for Taliban

Israel tries to dissuade Russia from selling weapons system to Iran

US-Russia divide allows the Middle East arms race to flourish

Iran, Venezuela sign multi-billion-dollar deals
Sun, 05 Oct 2008 22:03:40 GMT

Chavez defies US by cozying up to Russia and China

America’s ambassadors have been expelled by Venezuela and Bolivia, a move that Brazil has supported. Brazil has also objected to the presence of American warships in the region, warning that his nation would put its own warships on alert in response. Argentina’s President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchener said recently with obvious satisfaction that the First World, which had been “painted as a place we should strive to reach, was popping like a bubble.”


October 2, 2008: Clusterf#@k to the Poor House - Bailout Bill Passes

It doesn't matter if you missed the debate, SNL wrapped it up just fine.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Bill Moyers

Good stuff Maynard.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Governor Failin' (debate analysis)
Palin 4 corrections
Biden 2 corrections

The Debate: Again, A Pundit/Viewer Divide

Ex-CIA Operative Discusses 'The Devil We Know'

Fresh Air from WHYY, October 2, 2008 · In his new book, The Devil We Know, former CIA operative Robert Baer argues that Iran is an up-and-coming — and often misunderstood — superpower, with strong influences throughout the Middle East.

"The sooner we understand the Iranian paradox — who they are, what they want, how they want to both humble us and work with us — the sooner we'll understand how to come to terms with the new Iranian superpower," writes Baer.

Baer's previous book, See No Evil, was the basis for the George Clooney film Syriana.

Typical weaseling out of cleaning up after themselves

Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2008
Top court will review who pays for Superfund site
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court has agreed to decide what share railroads and an oil company should bear of the cleanup of a contaminated industrial site in Arvin, Calif., near Bakersfield, that threatened drinking water supplies.
Shell Oil Co. and the railroads - the Burlington, Northern and Santa Fe Railway Co. and the Union Pacific Railroad Co. - say they are being unfairly tagged with an inordinate portion of the cost of cleaning up

The companies contend they merely transported and sold legal, useful products and were not involved in years of soil and groundwater contamination.
The site was once the home of a fertilizer and insecticides manufacturing facility.2008-10-01 14:16:29 GMT

My prediction? They'll just keep fighting in court, the mess won't get cleaned up, and people, and their groundwater will continue to suffer. It's how big corporations work. They protect profits, to hell with people.

Republicans will only win this election if they cheat

Which they are in the process of doing.
hat tip to Scoobie Davis

hat tip Danny

Oh. My. God. McCain supporters must be idiots. Who is John S. McCain?

The VP debate tonight?

No Debate: How the Republican and Democratic Parties Secretly Control the Presidential Debates
The Obama and McCain campaigns jointly negotiated a detailed secret contract dictating the terms of all the 2008 debates. This includes who gets to participate, as well as the topics raised during the debates.

It's a game, and we're not invited to play.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Bush had no plan to catch Bin Laden

By Gareth Porter
Asia Times
Oct 1, 2008

WASHINGTON - New evidence from former United States officials reveals that Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaeda leaders were able to skip Afghanistan for Pakistan unimpeded in the first weeks after September 11, 2001, as the George W Bush administration failed to plan to block their retreat.

Top administration officials instead gave priority to planning for war with Iraq, leaving the United States with not nearly enough troops or strategic airlift capacity to close the large number of possible exit routes through the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area where Bin Laden escaped in late 2001.

Because it had not been directed to plan for that contingency, the US military was also forced to turn down an offer from then Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf in late November 2001 to send 60,000 troops to intercept the al-Qaeda leaders...

Home » Spin of the Day » Sep 30, 2008
New York Times Managing Editor Admits Pre-War Failings


And today I had some Southern Fried idiot McSame campaigning in my comments section.

F-U-C-K-I-N-G --- A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.

San Diego's RepugnanThuglicans

Hmmmm. Last night I watched a TV ad for the local right-wing hate spew radio station . There's plenty of brainwashed, hate-spew loving, RepugnanThuglican freeptards in this city, what's up with the ad?

This morning I flipped on NPR (I thought) and was instantly irritated by a whiny, nasally voice and doubly irritated that she was complaining about Gwen Ifill ("Who is black." she said, and I thought, wtf? who cares?) and a book and the debate. I realized with horror that I was listening to AM radio (which is only safe for liberals from 3-6 weekdays on 1700 when Stacy Taylor is on) and that whiny, nasally voice was Laura Ingraham. Laura spent time as a "white collar criminal defense attorney" Ewwwww, what a way to wake up. I was instantly reminded of this National Geographic special I watched last week on stress. The animals studied were baboons, and humans. Put some Dockers and chambray shirts on the tailed bullies in the National Geographic special and you've got a portrait of most AM radio listeners in this city.

Stress: Portrait of a Killer
A National Geographic Special

It was fascinating.

Sarah Palin needs to sit down, shut her speaking in tongues mouth and watch it.

I can't wait till Palin makes an a$$ of herself at the debate. I happen to adore Gwen Ifill. I think Ms. Ifill is beautiful.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

In the reading queue

Click on pics for more information.

After I finish this.

This essay by Richard Rodriguez is worth a listen. It's why I'm glad I never developed a taste for illegal drugs. Too many people die because of them. And yes, I do think it's stupid that marijuana is illegal, and even more stupid that alcohol and tobacco are legal.

Update 7:05 PM 10/1/2008 Tijuana body count 38 in the last 48 hours in the drug cartel war. Drug cartel violence killed more than 2,500 people last year


PBS Presidents

Last night was the second part of the show on Reagan. Ahhh, yes St. Ronnie the Raygun. Fucking deluded asshole totally fucked up my first attempt to go out and pay my own rent as a young adult. I was going to install solar powered domestic hot water heating systems. He cut the tax breaks for people choosing to invest in renewable energy 25 years ago.

Asshole never made it out of the 50's in his own mind. I wish his acolytes would just fucking croak already, or at the very least, wake up and see the reality of his legacy.

At one point I was watching all of these metallic balloons at a "no nukes" rally and I was reminded that moneyed interests control even those at the top of the government.
The metallic balloon manufacturers won the battle in California yesterday. Fuck safety and your electricity source, they're going to sell balloons.

Here's your congresswhores in action:

House members who voted ‘yes’ on bailout received 54 percent more from banks/securities firms.»

Monday, September 29, 2008

Corporate Crime Reporter stories

Professor Bowman Says It’s Either Regulation or Criminal Prosecution, Take Your Pick
22 Corporate Crime Reporter 36(12), September 22, 2008

Big business has been working for years to undermine civil regulation.

Into the void has stepped the Department of Justice.

Now, big business is crying foul.

No more criminal prosecution, they say.

Well, you can’t have it both ways.

With regulation crippled, business wrongdoing is shooting up.

And criminal prosecutors are just doing their job.

So, get used to it.

That in a nutshell is the take of Frank Bowman, a Professor at the University of Missouri College of Law.

Times Reporter Morgenson Says Paulson, Bernanke Lied about Meltdown
22 Corporate Crime Reporter 36, September 24, 2008

First the Bailout, Then the Bailiff
22 Corporate Crime Reporter 37(12), September 29, 2008

When McCain started blathering at the debate about how Corporate taxes are too high in the US at 35% I was screaming at the TV "Do they PAY those taxes, asshole?!?!"

NO, they don't.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paulson sez we are angry on 60 minutes

Paulson: Economy Is In A Fragile Situation
Treasury Secretary Talks To Scott Pelley About The Controversial $700 Billion Bailout

No shit Paulson, how did it get that way, asshole?

No, No really, dickhead, what happened?

Man, I am so fucking sick of the foxes eating everything in the hen house, shitting in it and making us clean up after them. Are they gonna bring the chickens back? I don't fucking think so. I spotted this neat little gem in it:


Subsectiion (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection and inserting "$11,315,000,000,000"

Nice. My share of that just went to $37,717, and so did yours. Chalmers Johnson chimes in here. on how the recently passed a 612 billion dollar defense authorization bill for 2009 that didn't merit a blink.

Update 3:12 PM 9/29/2008

Afghanistan has seen 'spiral downwards': top US general

Unh huh, Johnson said yesterday

"In Afghanistan, our historically deaf generals and civilian strategists do not seem to understand that our defeat by the Afghan insurgents is inevitable. Since the time of Alexander the Great, no foreign intruder has ever prevailed over Afghan guerrillas defending their home turf. The first Anglo-Afghan War (1838-1842) marked a particularly humiliating defeat of British imperialism at the very height of English military power in the Victorian era. The Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989) resulted in a Russian defeat so demoralizing that it contributed significantly to the disintegration of the former Soviet Union in 1991. We are now on track to repeat virtually all the errors committed by previous invaders of Afghanistan over the centuries."

Well, isn't there some other dude running things over there now? What does he think?

Oh. Iraq is fucked too?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

EmTech 08: Audits, Open Source Needed With E-voting

EmTech 08: Audits, Open Source Needed With E-voting
Elizabeth Heichler, IDG News Service
Thursday, September 25, 2008 12:20 PM PDT

No shit. My dad's been saying this for years.

It might prevent stolen elections

Friday, September 26, 2008

Almost Saturday Squirrel Blogging

Are debates always this predictable? Have they always been so? Yeesh, what a snoozefest... Well, except for McInsane trying to change the things he's said and done.

Yeah, we will check your record and spend ten minutes on YouTube looking for clips of what you really said, old man.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Danny on the Real News

Tomgram: Snitow and Kaufman, Water Wars in America
posted September 25, 2008 1:04 pm
...administration officials are using the politics of fear and panic over the very financial mess they had a hand in creating to institutionalize a presidential power grab of startling magnitude. And then, of course, following the pattern of this administration, they will privatize that power, undoubtedly subcontracting the work of governmental buying and selling to the very financial characters involved in creating this mayhem....

Read the whole article to find out just how awful privatization of a water system in a US city can be.

Thirst. (documentary)

If you haven't read
Naomi Klein's the Shock Doctrine , you need to.

The unwritten laws of discussing wages, politics and religion being impolite

Fuck it. Too fucking bad. This election is too important to cower beneath that middle class unwritten law bullshit. Fuck polite. Middle Class Republicans need to be shaken from their slumber with the facts. They have been voting against their own best interests by voting for a party that DOES NOT GIVE A GOOD FLYING FUCK ABOUT THEM, and DOES NOT CARE TO PROTECT THEM.

This is what I get whenever I leave information on my congressman's website regarding a vote when I want him to represent me:

Message from 50th Congressional District‏
Sent: Wed 9/24/08 5:36 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxxx

Thank you for taking the time to contact me. I appreciate hearing from you. If you are writing about an issue before the House of Representatives, please be assured that I will take your views into account before I cast my vote, and will make every effort to respond to your concerns. Additionally, if you are requesting help with a federal agency, a member of my staff will respond to you in the coming days. Again, thank you for contacting me. BRIAN BILBRAY Member of Congress P.S. - If you are planning to visit Washington D.C. in the near future, my staff can help arrange a number of tours for you, including the U.S. Capitol, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the Library of Congress. For assistance, please complete my tour request form.

Would you feel like your request for representation from your representative was getting through if every response from him came from "Unattended mailbox?"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The alternative press rocks

The Press and Phil Gramm
The alternative press leads on the policy roots of the credit crisis
By Elinore Longobardi Wed 24 Sep 2008 10:45 AM
The alternative press has led the way on the story of Phil Gramm and the policy roots of the financial crisis, beating the mainstream business and other media rather badly about the face and neck.

Another example of how the alterantive press pays attention and reports, in depth:

One Million Weapons to Iraq; Many Go Missing

Diebold for McCain?

Click on the picture for the story. Is this OK since the name on the voting machine part of the company is now Premier Election Solutions?

Still, the company
makes ATM machines and McCain is part of the attempted financial heist that is going on right now. Not the first time, Keating Five in 97 seconds anyone?

McCain: Keating 5 Anyone? The De-Regulator Champion wants to now Regulate Wall Street, WOW what a FLIP FLOP

Iran and Russia messing around in Latin America

(click to enlarge)

Bolivia: The Spies Who Spun Me

Update Thursday, September 25, 2008
22:43 Mecca time, 19:43 GMT
Putin and Chavez in nuclear talks

Stephen Zunes
Posted September 22, 2008 05:30 PM (EST)
U.S. Intervention in Bolivia

24 Sep 2008
The Monroe Doctrine: Circling the drain
President Bush has distanced himself farther from Latin America than any president in recent history, creating a dangerous vacuum.
By Southern Pulse Network Staff

Posted on Wed, Sep. 24, 2008
AIM DANIEL McGROARTY: It's (still) foreign policy, stupid (scroll down)

Ok, here's a little on the financial meltdown.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke just straight out lied about the subprime meltdown.

mp4 stream from Democracy Now-- Naomi Klein warns of the Shock Doctrine at work in the Wall Street bailout, this is only step one.

This is a must see, she tears into those thieving bastards like they so richly deserve! Major H/T to Ornery Bastard's buddy Joe over at Left Edge North!
Posted by Bustednuckles at 10:12 AM

Financial Fascism
...for what is proposed is not the nationalization of private corporations but rather a corporate takeover of government....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ahmadinejad and Bush at the UN, a couple of loudmouthed morons

The rhetoric retards battle it out.

I wonder who's asking

"Is Your Vote Safe?"
RFK Jr., Mike Papantonio:Monday 22 September 2008
by: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Ring of Fire

A Time to Fight by Jim Webb

At first I thought this was going to be a snoozefest. I'm pleasantly surprised.

For someone in the Senate to write "...our country has been increasingly calcifying along class lines, in a way we have not seen for more than a century and to an extent that maybe unprecedented in our entire history. This is no longer a simple queston of haves and have-nots. Every social and economic indicator shows that America now has an upper class that has swung exponentially away from the rest of society. To make matter worse, many of those at the very top now tend to view their inordinate success a s simply a function of their innate talent in a brave new world of socioeconomic Darwinism and have become openly consumed by self-justifying greed." -- is wonderful.

Somewhat related

Economists Warn Anti-Bush Merchandise Market Close To Collapse

The problem with this PBS poll

Do you think Sarah Palin is qualified to serve as Vice President of the United States?

Obviously the freeptards have discovered that you can vote multiple times. Go neutralize them, pleeaaaasssseeee.

Palin's Witch Hunting Pastor (Olbermann)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Who's the elitist candidate?

click to enlarge

hat tip to

E pluribus hokum or When the gamblers bail out the casino

Sep 23, 2008
By Spengler

Why should American taxpayers give US Treasury Secretary "Hank" Paulson a blank check to bail out the shareholders of busted banks?...

... Even better, why not let the Chinese, or the Saudis or other foreign investors take control of failed American banks? They've got the money, and they gladly would pay a premium for an inside seat at the American table.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

60 minutes

So far McCain is continuing to take lobbed softball questions from Pelley. Bleh. McCain answers by spewing bullshit talking points

Much harder on Obama

How much longer do we have to put up with this crap?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dam building

We're Paying the Price Today for Decades of Relentless Dam Building
Thursday 18 September 2008
by: Rachel Olivieri, AlterNet

...Aldo Leopold, the legendary and visionary U.S. Forest Service land manager of the 1920s, 30s, and 40s said dams make the land sick and provide only a temporary prosperity followed by tremendous vulnerability. This ecological reality is incontrovertible - all dams have an end date.
California leads the list with dams near self-cancellation. Within the next generation, 85 percent of all U.S. dams will have degenerated to the point of exhausting their operational lifespan of fifty years requiring decommissioning or massive repairs and upgrades. Now consider that every sweet spot in every geologically sane canyon that might reasonably hold a dam already has an aging dam, what then?...

Friday, September 19, 2008

McCain busted by PBS reporter Judy Woodruff hypocritically talking about Obama doing 1/10 of what he is doing

McCain cites contributions from Freddie and Fannie to Obama...blah blah blah, and yet, McCain has received "$169,000 from lobbyists", & blah blah blah. .. "more than ten times what Obama has received from them."

Listen for yourself to
the mp3 file

By Kaveh L Afrasiabi
Iran plays the mediator
Sep 20, 2008
...Palin should be aware of the importance of courting Iran at this critical hour, rather than strengthening the caricature of Iran painted by simplistic anti-Tehran voices in the US. The nation's recent diplomatic interventions between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Russia and Georgia, are an enlightening indication of Iran's capacity to act as a "main pillar of regional stability", to paraphrase Ahmadinejad in his latest interview...

Right. This stuff can be published and read with comprehension all around the world. Molly McMooseturd isn't reading it, she's reading whatever the neocon bastards are writing for her teleprompter.

Hiding out today

Screw the economy, well except for this, today I flop out on the bed and read. Inspirational, I hope, I paid twleve bucks for the damn thing. I don't remember ever buying a Sports Illustrated magazine. I'll resurface when I think the currency wars are under control....

3:54 PM 9/19/2008 Obviously I can't ignore all this and go read about MP except in fits and starts. Do you really think that the following articles have nothing to do with the financial shit-storm going on in the US? Think again.

If crowd control is necessary inside the US, the Army will do it.

Fucking Fabulous.hat tip Danny

Venezuela-Russia ties deepen despite US pressure
By IAN JAMES – 21 hours ago

Russia snubs US with arms sales Tony Halpin in Moscow and Alexi Mostrous in Washington September 19, 2008
Venezuela-Russia ties deepen despite US pressure
By IAN JAMES – 21 hours ago

Russia seeks oil control with OPEC move
Russia is seeking to work with OPEC in a move that will unnerve European countries worried that Moscow is seeking to raise the oil price and control energy supplies

Conyers Calls on McCain to Halt GOP Voter Suppression Efforts
By Kate Klonick - September 19, 2008, 2:56PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

OC Repugs won't get to drool over Molly McMooseturd

Nope, nope nope, she won't be there, you betcha , but here she is proving what a ballsy idiot she is

Whoa, lookee here, all the Palin factoids with sources linked in one post

Moving on.
Why the San Diego Union Tribune is commonly known as "the fiswrap", it's for sale, ya think it's in the CIA budget?